PDAC - SEG Student Minerals Colloquium Award Recipients

2025 Award Winners

View Abstracts Online


1st: Rowan Perrott, Laurentian University; A study of the nature and distribution of precious-metal minerals in the Norman West Deposit, Sudbury, Ontario: Implications to geoformational processes and precious-metal deportment

2nd: Owen Davis, Laurentian University; Structures, alteration, and mineralization along a newly exposed segment of the Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone, southern Abitibi subprovince, Ontario, Canada

3rd: Ella Curtis, University of Toronto; Analyzing the Alteration Halos of Young-Davidson Orogenic Gold Deposit Using Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR)


1st: Jack Halloran, University of Ottawa; Patchy Alteration Carapace and High-Grade Mineralization above the Valeriano Cu-Au Porphyry Deposit, Chile

2nd: Margaret Laverge, Laurentian University; Structural Controls on Gold Mineralization at the Great Bear Property, Red Lake, ON

3rd: Kelsie Ojaste, University of Ottawa; Volatile signatures in the Sudbury Igneous Complex magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits: Implications for sulfide melt differentiation and precious metal mineralisation


1st: Sofia Mantilla Salas, Stanford University; Automated Identification of Exploration Targets with Geophysical Patterns Matching Known Economic Deposits

2nd: Nelson Román, University of Toronto; Gold alloy trace element composition at the Klondike gold district, Yukon

3rd: Kevin Ng, McGill University; Fluid Inclusion Evidence of Structural Modification of Epithermal Bonanza-Grade Gold Veins in the Brucejack Au-Ag Deposit, British Columbia, Canada


Award Winners



1st - Kaylee Tymo, University of Regina; Petrographic, Geochemical, and Structural Analysis of Pegmatite-Hosted REE Mineralization in the Forget Lake Area, Northern Saskatchewan

2nd - Jack Halloran, University of Ottawa; High Sulphidation Overprint Associated with High Cu-Au Grades of the Filo del Sol Porphyry Cu-Au deposit, Argentina-Chile

3rd - Sarah Mills, University of Western Ontario; Characterizing mafic metavolcanic rocks and the nature and timing associated hydrothermal alteration rocks on Parker Island, Wollaston Lake, Saskatchewan



1st - Camila Aliaga-Morales, University of Western Ontario; The characterization of breccias at the Iska Iska silver-tin polymetallic Project, Bolivia

2nd - Nathan Carter, Laurentian University; Mineralogical, textural, and geochemical parameters of nickel mineralization at the Crawford Ni-Co-Cu-(PGE) Deposit, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Superior Province, Ontario, Canada

3rd - Margaret Laverge, Laurentian University; Structural Evolution of the Gold-Bearing LP Fault Zone on the Great Bear Property, Red Lake, ON



1st - Juan Bello-Rodriguez, University of Toronto; Germanium enrichment constraints in Zn-Pb sediment/carbonate-hosted mineral deposits

2nd - Adrian Rehm, Laurentian University; P-T-fluid evolution of the Quetico basin: a metamorphic origin for Archean gold?

3rd - Nelson Roman, University of Toronto; Geochemical fingerprints of mineralization at the gold deposits in the Klondike gold district, Yukon 



Award Winners



1st - Natalia Goszczynski, University of Western Ontario; Distribution and Textural Characterization of Tin in the Iska Iska Polymetallic Project, Bolivia

2nd - Rhian Dentelbeck, University of Ottawa; Intraplate volcanism and implications for crustal growth and metal endowment in back-arc basins: Evidence from the Niuafo’ou Volcanic Complex in the Northern Lau Basin

3rd - Kingslei Medina, University of Saskatchewan; Pyrite in the Golden Marmot target, Brucejack Au-Ag deposit, British Columbia: Variations in texture, relationship to Au, and comparisons with the Valley of the Kings



1st - Ben Eaton, University of British Columbia; Rapid Cu-porphyry indicator mineral characterization by μXRFF: a case study investigating μXRF corescanners as a prospective automated indicator mineral analytical tool on HMC till samples from central British Columbian Cu-porphyry exploration properties

2nd - Tavis Enno, University of Western Ontario; Characteristics of ore fluids and mineralization at the Troilus Gold Project, Quebec: Implications for ore transport and exploration

3rd - Julian Melo-Gomez; Laurentian University; Using gold to explore for gold: Trace element content of native gold across Ontario



1st - Duncan McLeish, McGill University; The electrochemical flocculation of colloidal gold by semiconductive p-type pyrite at the high-grade Brucejack epithermal Au-Ag deposit, NW British Columbia: a solution to the bonanza gold ore paradox?

2nd - Tyler Hall, Stanford University; Sequential decision-support for optimal exploration data acquisition

3rd - Catriona Breasley, University of British Columbia; Mining and processing of micro spodumene-quartz intergrowths at the Tanco pegmatite, Manitoba






Award BSc MSc PhD
1st Andres Canales, Queen's University Yann Mpaka WakuStellenbosch University Marc Lorin Fassbender, University of Ottawa
2nd None Shelby Brandt, University of Regina (Tie for 2nd place) Livia Leskone Majoros & Csilla Balassa, both at University of Miskolc
3rd None Steve Chingwaru, Stellenbosch University Rita ChiricoUniversity of Naples Federico II 

Although there was only one BSc competitor this year, Andres Canales achieved a near-perfect score on his poster. 

The 2022 SMC Online Competition winning posters are available only to those who are registered for the PDAC Online Convention. They may be posted here at a later time, pending PDAC permission. In-person SMC winning poster winners and the associated digital files are below.



Click on the winner's name to view their SMC 2022 in-person poster.

Award BSc MSc PhD
1st Martina Boddy, University of Ottawa Connor Caglioti, Lakehead University Collette Pilsworth, Queen's University
2nd Tavis Enno, Western University Michael Ryan, University of Ottawa Tom Buckle, Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter
3rd Caelen Burand, University of Arizona Char Erb, University of Toronto Taylor Tracey Kyryliuk, University of Ottawa










Honourable mentions: MSc level participants Tercio Nunes and Joy Carter


2021 PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium Winners Podium

Award BSc MSc PhD
1st Daniel Thomson Nessrine Mohamed Priyal Daya
2nd Sofia Panasiuk Quinton Willms Nini Tatiana Pertuz
3rd Kallie Stone Jessie Kehew Marie Kieffer





BSc Student Winners
1st Place - Daniel ThomsonUniversity of Saskatchewan     
Field observations and structural relationships of auriferous quartz veins, Finlay-McKinlay Outcrop, southern Lynn Lake Greenstone Belt, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Manitoba
2nd Place - Sofia PanasiukUniversity of Toronto 
Volcanism and hydrothermal venting on a hot-spot influenced slow-spreading Mid-Ocean Ridge
3rd Place - Kallie StoneMemorial University of Newfoundland 
Black Smoker Fluid Fluxes at the Niua South Seafloor Hydrothermal Vent Field, Tofua-Kermadec Arc
MSc Student Winners
1st Place - Nessrine MohamedUniversité Laval 
Mineralogical mapping of ore samples and the implementation of Pd and Pt measurements using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and µ-XRF
2nd Place - Quinton WillmsUniversity of British Columbia 
Structural Evaluation of the Tom Deposit, Selwyn Basin, Yukon
3rd Place - Jessie KehewUniversity of Ottawa 
Intrabasinal sediments and tectonostratigraphy of the Lau Basin: Assessing linear vs diachronous models for the opening of the Lau back-arc
PhD Student Winners
1st Place - Priyal DayaSaint Mary’s University 
Melt inclusions associated with Archean volcanogenic massive sulphide deposits: constraints on the pre-eruptive metal and volatile content of magmas
2nd Place - Nini Tatiana PertuzUppsala University
E-vib as an innovative seismic source in hard rock mineral exploration in Ludvika Mines (Sweden)
3rd Place - Marie KiefferUniversité du Québec à Chicoutimi 
Trace elements in apatite in layered intrusions: insights into magmatic processes and application to mineral exploration

2021 Abstracts 


2020 PDAC-SEG SMC Winners
Award BSc MSc PhD
1 Lauren Norenberg, Queen's

Adrian Rehm,  Laurentian

Well-Shen Lee,                 Laurentian
2 Liam Maw,  uOttawa James Alexander, Western Alexandra Pearce, New Mexico Tech
3 Catherine Gavaris, Queen's Selcuk Cevik, Queen's Francisca Maepa,    Laurentian
1 Lauren Norenberg, Structural setting and kinematic history related to vein emplacement and shear localization at the Van Horne prospect in Dryden, Ontario
2 Liam Maw, Regional Tectonics of the Fiji Platform: Use of Offshore Geophysical Data to Target Mineral Resources on Land
3 Catherine Gavaris, Petrogenesis and mode of emplacement of the Neoarchean Round Lake Batholith, Kirkland Lake, Ontario
1 Adrian Rehm, Origin of mafic-ultramafic volcanic rocks in the northern Pontiac subprovince, Quebec, Canada
2 James Alexander, Gold Mineralization at the Vertigo Target White Gold District, West-Central Yukon, Canada
3 Selcuk Cevik, A combined multivariate approach analyzing the geochemical data for knowledge discovery: The Vazante – Paracatu Zinc District, Minas Gerais, Brazil
1 Well-Shen Lee, Zone Refining in an Epithermal Setting: A Mechanism of Ag-Au liberation at the Klaza Epithermal Deposit, Yukon.
2 Alexandra Pearce, Major Ore Mineraloids of the Grants Uranium Distict, New Mexico, USA
3 Francisca Maepa, Predictive analysis of gold mineral prospectivity using Deep Neural Networks (DNN)

2020 Abstracts


Award BSc MSc PhD

Andrew Bradley,

Laurentian University

Jeff Hrncir,

University of New Mexico

Dennis Sanchez-Mora,

Memorial University of Newfoundland


Logan Foucault, 

Laurentian University

Christophe Simbo,

University of Arkansas

Camilo Uribe,

New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology


Katharina Holt,

Queen’s University

Arin Kitchen,

University of Regina

Jackie Wrage,

University of Michigan



Download 2019 Program Guide

2019 Event Highlights

2019 Abstracts


Award BSc MSc PhD

K Cunningham,

University of Regina

Erin Keltie,

Dalhousie University

DF McLeish,

University of McGill


J Squire,

University of Regina

Martin Viala,

University of Ottawa

Marina Schofield,

Laurentian University



Jianjuang Chen,

Memorial University



Award BSc MSc PhD

Robert Meek,

Laurentian University

Dillon Johnstone,

University of Regina

Jessica Stromberg,

Western University


Katelynn Brown,

University of Saskatchewan

Jessica Pickett,

Queen's University

Charles Bérubé, 

Polytechnique Montréal



Rachel Chouinard,

University of British Columbia



Award BSc MSc PhD

Ryan Bachynski,

University of Regina

Raja Yarra,

University of British Columbia

Nicolas Gaillard,

McGill University


Mikell Bilodeau,

University of Ottawa

Craig Richardson, 

University of British Columbia

Raymond Caron, 

Carleton University


Shawn Scott,

University of Waterloo


Award BSc MSc PhD

Mélanie Bouchard,

Laurentian University

Mo Asmail,

Western University

Volker Möller,

McGill University


Thasan Kandasamy,

Western University 

Justin Hoyle,

University of Windsor

Charles Bérubé, 

Polytechnique Montréal



Maria Stefanescu,

University of Ottawa


Award BSc MSc PhD

Marie-Eve Lajoie,

University of Ottawa

Édouard  Côté-Lavoie,


Katie Hahn,

Laurentian University


Justin Emberley,

University of Ottawa

Shannon Gill,

Memorial University

Erin Adlakha,

University of Ottawa


Lindsay Upiter,

Carleton University