Faculty, Students and Staff
Faculty Adjunct Faculty Emeritus Faculty Research Scientists PhD Students MSc Students Staff
Robert Kojo Amissah
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedImpacts of metamorphism and deformation on the Proterozoic Haile Epithermal Deposit in South Carolina, US | Email ramissah@laurentian.ca
Joleen Belanger
MSc StudentTracking metamorphic fluid evolution and variability of metamorphism across Kinross Gold's Great Bear Deposit
Anthony E. Beswick
Professor Emeritus Igneous PetrologyIgneous Petrology, Professor Emeritus, BSc PhD DIC (London)
Wieland Boehme
PhD Student - Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyCharacterization of mineralogy, geochemistry, and gold remobilization processes at the Great Bear deposit, Red Lake, ON | wieland.boeh@googlemail.com
Lynn Bulloch
Promotions and Communications ManagerEmail: le_bulloch@laurentian.ca / Phone 705-675-1151 x2013 / Office 8th Floor WGMC, B8032
Nathan Carter
MSc Geology (Thesis)Understanding the nature and controls on Ni, Co, and PGE mineralization by focusing on the petrography, geochemistry, and mineralogy of the Crawford intrusive complex.
Christian Daniel Choez Mero
MSc Geology - Applied Mineral ExplorationEmail: cchoez_mero@laurentian.ca
Paul Copper
Professor Emeritus PaleobiologyPaleobiology, Professor Emeritus, BA MA Saskatchewan, PhD DIC London
David Downie
MSc Geology StudentIntrusion-related gold systems in the western Wabigoon subprovince; Investigations of the Lost Lake area, ON
Nia Gauthier
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedStructural evolution of the Winnipeg River gneisses and overlying supracrustal sequences, distribution of metal-bearing pegmatites
Thomas Gemmell
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyHarold L. Gibson
Professor Emeritus of Volcanology and Ore DepositsTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2371; Email: HGibson@laurentian.ca
Anna Haataja
MSc Geology StudentThe timing and type of metamorphism of the Wabigoon Subprovince near Geraldton, Ontario
Evan Hall
MSc Geology StudentStructural and Stratigraphic Controls on Gold Mineralization, Ulu Project, High Lake Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada
Jeff Harris
Metal Earth Data Analytics LeadRichard S. James
Professor Emeritus Metamorphic PetrologyMetamorphic Petrology, Professor Emeritus, BSc MSc McMaster, PhD Manchester
Tramaine James
PhD StudentGold Metallogeny of the Rhyacian Mazaruni greenstone belt, Guyana, South America
Pedro J. Jugo
Professor of Igneous Petrology; BSc Earth Sciences and Applied Mineral Exploration MSc Program Coordinator; Director of the Harquail School of Earth SciencesTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2106; Email: PJugo@laurentian.ca
Reid R. Keays
Professor Emeritus Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, Professor Emeritus, BSc (Geol Eng) Queen's, PhD McMaster
Daniel J. Kontak
Professor of Ore Deposit Geology, Applied MSc Program Coordinator (2024-25)Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2352; Email: DKontak@laurentian.ca
Irina Korsakova
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedCharacterizing the lithogeochemistry and alteration of the intrusion-related Bidgood deposit, ON, Canada | ikorsakova@laurentian.ca
Klaus Kuster
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits Precambrian Geology, Metal EarthPetrogenesis and Metallogenesis of Polymetallic Cr-Ni-Cu-PGE Systems in the Superior Province, Canada
Bruno Lafrance
Professor of Structural Geology, Metal Earth Associate DirectorTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2264; Email: BLafrance@laurentian.ca
Maggie Laverge
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedStructural controls on gold mineralization along the LP Fault, Great Bear project, Red Lake.
Derek Leung
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyAll that glitters is gold? The spectroscopy, trace-element chemistry, genesis, and exploration implications of green micas associated with gold deposits
Théo Lombard
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyMineral exploration footprints of crustal-scale deformation zones in Neoarchean greenstone belts, Canada
Darrel G.F. Long
Professor Emeritus SedimentologyProfessor, BSc Hons Leicester, MSc PhD Western; Sedimentology
Andrew M. McDonald
Professor of Mineralogy, Director of the Microanalytical CentreTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2266; Email: AMcdonald@laurentian.ca
Dylan McKevitt
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyLocalization of Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineralization in an early Proterozoic trans-crustal dike-sill-lava channel system, Cape Smith Belt, Nunavik
Taylor Mugford
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedStructural Investigation of the Kirkland Lake Gold Camp, Ontario | Email: tmugford@laurentian.ca
Sean Mundreon, P.Geo.
Refining Alteration Footprints of the Hammond Reef Gold Deposit using Hyperspectral Imaging
Kristine Nymoen
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyOrigin, petrogenesis and architecture of the southern Superior crust in space and time: Implications for large-scale mineral endowment.
Ryan O'Donnell
Research Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Advisor for the Office of Research Services and Metal Earth705-675-1151 ext. 5100
Stéphane Perrouty
Associate Professor of Precambrian GeologyTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2212; Email: SPerrouty@laurentian.ca
Adrian Rehm
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyProject: Metamorphic evolution, fluid production, and evaluation of synmetamorphic gold mobility in the Quetico metasedimentary belt, ON
Eric Roots
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyInterpretation of Metal Earth magnetotelluric data
Kirk Ross
Laboratory DirectorMy interests include compositional and structural characterization of natural and synthetic phases and phase mixtures by XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS and EPMA-EDS/WDS methods. Office location: WGMC A8056 Email:kross@laurentian.ca
Colin Ross
MSc candidate GeologyTectonomagmatic history and ore-forming triggers at the Titiribi and La Mina porphyry-epithermal deposits, Colombia
Don H. Rousell
Professor Emeritus Structural GeologyStructural Geology; Professor Emeritus; BSc Manitoba, MSc British Columbia, PhD Manitoba
Ross Sherlock
Chair in Exploration Targeting; Director of MERC and Metal EarthTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2379; Email: RSherlock@laurentian.ca
Jack Simmons
Post-doctoral FellowEmail jsimmons@laurentian.ca Phone 705-675-1151 x2374 / Office 6th Floor WGMC, B6030
Richard Smith
Professor of Geophysics; Industrial Research Chair in Exploration GeophysicsTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2364; Email: RSSmith@laurentian.ca
Jacob Strong
Research Associate, Metal EarthEmail: jstrong@laurentian.ca | 8th floor of the Willet Green Miller Centre, Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
Keaton Strongman
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyMetallogeny of the Onaman-Tashota Greenstone Belt, Eastern Wabigoon Domain, Northern Ontario
Jonathan Sutton
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyVMS deposits and their spatiotemporal relationships with a synvolcanic intrusion in the Duprat-Montbray formation, lower Blake River group, Abitibi Greenstone belt, ON
Mehdi Tavakoli
PhD StudentStructural and stratigraphic evolution across the Quetico-Marmion Boundary, Atikokan area, NW Ontario
Michael Tedeschi
Post-doctoral Fellow / Research AssociateSamuel Edem Kodzo Tetteh
MSc Geology, Thesis-basedControls on volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits in the Kamiskotia Volcanic Complex, Ontario | stetteh@laurentian.ca
Phil C. Thurston
Professor of Precambrian Geology (Adjunct, in residence)Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2372; Email: PThurston@laurentian.ca
Douglas K. Tinkham
Associate Professor of Metamorphic PetrologyTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2270; Email: DTinkham@laurentian.ca
Mihir Trivedi
MSc Computational Science (Bharti School of Engineering)Analytical comparison between semi-barren Swayze greenstone belt and the fertile Larder Lake belt with semi-supervised and supervised machine learning algorithms
Elizabeth C. Turner
Professor of Carbonate Sedimentology and Invertebrate PaleontologyTelephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2267; Email: ETurner@laurentian.ca
Lianna Vice
PhD StudentDefining the supracrustal stratigraphy and structural evolution of the northeastern Michipicoten greenstone belt
Robert E. Whitehead
Professor Emeritus Exploration GeochemistryExploration Geochemistry, Professor Emeritus; BSc Mount Allison, PhD New Brunswick