Mostafa joined the Harquail School in September 2017 as Assistant Professor of Geophysics with specialization in Exploration Seismology, after having gained five years of industry experience in seismic data processing. His research focuses on seismic data processing method, inverse problems, computational geophysics, and seismic applications for mineral exploration.
He then joined the Metal Earth team as a Research Associate.
B.Sc. Mining Engineering (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran)
M.Sc. Geophysics (University of Tehran, Iran)
Ph.D. Geophysics (University of Alberta, Edmonton)
Professional Activities and Affiliations
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
- Professional Geoscientist (Sep 2014 – Present)
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- Member (Jan 2006 – Present)
- Assistant Editor of Geophysics Journal (June 2015 – Present)
- Technical Chair of SEG Annual Conference (Oct 2014 – Oct 2016)
- Copy Editor of Geophysics (Sep 2012 – June 2015)
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- Member (Sep 2005 – Present)
- Assistant Editor of Recorder Journal (Sep 2012 – Aug 2016)
Areas Of Expertise
Seismic Geophysics: Data Acquisition, Processing and Interpretation Methods
Current Research Projects
Seismic data processing method, inverse problems, computational geophysics, and seismic applications for mineral exploration.
Research Themes
Geophysics Ore Deposits and Mineral Exploration
Research Interests
- Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation
- Inverse Problems and Computational Geophysics
- Seismic Application for Mineral Exploration
PhD Students
Hossein Jodeiri, in progress (Naghizadeh, Smith, Yilmaz)
Multi-Focusing (MF) imaging of reflection seismic surveys in hardrock environments
Brian Villamizar, in progress (Pratt, Naghizadeh)
Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) of seismic records in hardrock environments
Christopher Mancuso, in progress (Naghizadeh, Smith)
Joint Inversion of geophysical data in hardrock environments
M.Sc. Students
Christopher Mancuso, 2018-2020
Generalized Cross Dip Moveout Correction of Crooked 2D Seismic Reflection Surveys
Elton Mpongo, 2018-2020
Integrated seismic interpretation of the Larder Lake area, Southern Abitibi greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada
Robert Rapolai, 2018-2020
Integrated interpretation of the Blake River group using geophysical data from metal earth’s Rouyn-Noranda transect, Quebec
- J. Clarence Karcher Award (SEG) 2011
- Andrew D. Baillie award (CSPG) 2009
- Best student geophysical oral presentation (CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention) 2009
- SEG best student poster award 2008
- Dr. Roy Dean Hibbs Memorial Graduate Scholarships 2008
- Best student geophysical paper award (CSPG CSEG Convention) 2007
- SEG scholarship 2007
- CSEG scholarship 2006
- Honorable mention for best student paper (CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention) 2006
- Canadian Association of petroleum producers graduate scholarship in geophysics 2005
[26] Cheraghi, S., Naghizadeh, M., Snyder, D., Haugaard, R., Rubingh, K., Gemmel, T., 2020. High-resolution seismic imaging of crooked 2D profiles in Greenstone Belts of the Canadian Shield: Preliminarily results from the Swayze and Larder Lake areas, Ontario, Canada. Geophysical Prospecting, 68, 62–81.
[25] Naghizadeh, M., D. Snyder, S. Cheraghi, S. Foster, S. Cilensek, E. Floreani, and J. Mackie (2019). Acquisition and Processing of Wider Bandwidth Seismic Data in Crystalline Crust: Progress with the Metal Earth Project; Minerals, 9, No.3, 145. (
[24] Naghizadeh, M (2019). The Metal Earth project: Crustal scale reflection seismic study of the Archean Superior Province of Canada. Recorder, 44, 4.
[23] Haghshenas Lari, H., M. Naghizadeh, M. Sacchi, and A. Gholami (2019). Adaptive singular spectrum analysis for seismic denoising and interpolation, Geophysics, 84 , No.2, V133-V142.
[22] Naghizadeh, M. And M. Sacchi (2018). Ground-roll Attenuation Using Curvelet Downscaling, Geophysics, 83 , No.3, V185-V195.
[21] Naghizadeh, M. (2015). Double-weave 3D seismic acquisition – Part 2: Seismic modeling and subsurface fold analyses, Geophysics, 80 , No. 6, WD163-WD173.
[20] Naghizadeh, M. (2015). Double-weave 3D seismic acquisition – Part 1: Sampling and sparse Fourier reconstruction, Geophysics, 80 , No. 6, WD143-WD162.
[19] Innanen, K., M. Naghizadeh and S.T. Kaplan (2014). Perturbation methods for two special cases of the time-lapse seismic inverse problem, Geophysical Prospecting, 62, No. 3, 453-474.
[18] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2013). Multidimensional de-aliased Cadzow reconstruction of seismic records, Geophysics, 78 , No. 1, A1-A9.
[17] Naghizadeh, M. and K. Innanen (2013). Two-dimensional fast generalized Fourier interpolation of seismic records, Geophysical Prospecting, 61, No. sup1, 62-76.
[16] Gao, J., A. Stanton, M. Naghizadeh, M.D. Sacchi and X. Chen (2013). Convergence improvement and noise attenuation considerations for beyond alias projection onto convex sets reconstruction, Geophysical Prospecting, 61, No. sup1, 138-152.
[15] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2013). Sparsity and band-limitation: Two sides of the same coin?, Recorder, 38 , No. 10, 28-31.
[14] Naghizadeh, M. (2012). Seismic data interpolation and de-noising in the frequency-wavenumber domain, Geophysics, 77 , No. 2, V71-V80.
[13] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2012). Multicomponent f-x seismic random noise attenuation via vector autoregressive operators, Geophysics, 77 , No. 2, V91-V99.
[12] Naghizadeh, M. and K. Innanen (2011). Seismic data interpolation using a fast generalized Fourier transform, Geophysics, 76 , No. 1, V1-V10.
[11] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2010). On sampling functions and Fourier reconstruction methods, Geophysics, 75 , No. 6, WB137-WB151.
[10] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2010). Beyond alias hierarchical scale curvelet interpolation of regularly and irregularly sampled seismic data, Geophysics, 75 , No. 6, WB189-WB202.
[9] Kaplan, S. T., M. Naghizadeh and M. Sacchi (2010). Data reconstruction with shot-profile least-squares migration, Geophysics, 75 , No. 6, WB121-WB136.
[8] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2010). Robust reconstruction of aliased data using autoregressive spectral estimates, Geophysical Prospecting, 58, No. 6, 1049-1062.
[7] Sacchi M., S. Kaplan and Naghizadeh, M. (2010). The old and new in noise removal, wave-field representation and data regularization, Recorder, 35 , No. 1, 5-9.
[6] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2010). Seismic data reconstruction using multidimensional prediction filters, Geophysical Prospecting, 58 , No. 2, 157-173.
[5] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2009). Multidimensional convolution via a 1D convolution algorithm, The Leading Edge, 28, No. 11, 1336-1337.
[4] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2009). f-x adaptive seismic-trace interpolation, Geophysics, 74, No. 1, V9-V16.
[3] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2007). Multistep autoregressive reconstruction of seismic records, Geophysics, 72 , No. 6, V111-V118.
[2] Naghizadeh, M. and N. H. Guya (2004). Geothermal investigation of Khoy area using the Magneto-Telluric method, J. Earth & Space Physics, Vol. 30, No. 2, University of Tehran.
[1] Naghizadeh, M. and A. Javaherian (2004). Yield estimation of seismic events using Rayleigh phase of seismograms, Journal of Science Faculty, University of Tehran.
[51] Naghizadeh, M., Integrated seismic imaging of crystalline crust in Canada’s Superior Archean province: Progress with the Metal Earth project, SEISMIX2020, Perth, Australia, March 2020.
[50] Naghizadeh, M., C. Mancuso (2020). Integrated Geophysical Imaging of the Western Superior Province, Canada. GeoConvention, Calgary. (Oral)
[49] Jodeiri Akbari Fam, H. and M. Naghizadeh (2020). 2.5D Multi-Focusing Imaging of Crooked-Line Seismic Surveys, EAGE Conference, Amsterdam. postponed to October 2020 (E-poster).
[48] Mancuso, C. and M. Naghizadeh (2020). Cross Dip Moveout Correction of Crooked 2D Seismic Surveys along the Curved Slalom Processing Lines. GeoConvention, Calgary. (Oral)
[47] Jodeiri Akbari Fam, H., M. Naghizadeh, and Shadmanaman, N. (2020). Optimum offset range and source-receiver orientations fordetecting the Sv-P converted waves in anisotropic media. GeoConvention, Calgary. (Oral)
[46] Mancuso, C., Naghizadeh, M. (2020). Seismic Refraction Tomography of the Western Superior Province. PDAC Conference, Toronto, March 2020 (Poster)
[45] Mpongo, E., Naghizadeh, M. (2020). Integrated Quantitative Seismic Interpretation of Metal Earth’s Larder Lake Transect. PDAC Conference, Toronto, March 2020 (Poster)
[44] Rapolai, R., Naghizadeh, M. (2020). Integrated interpretation of geophysical data for the Metal Earth’s Rouyn-Noranda transect. PDAC Conference, Toronto, March 2020 (Poster)
[43] Gemmell, T.P., Haugaard, R. Roots, E., Vayavur, R., Cheraghi, S. Naghizadeh, M. and Gibson, H. L. (2020). Evidence for a new architectural interpretation of the Swayze area, Abitibi greenstone belt. PDAC conference, Toronto, March 2020 (Poster).
[42] Naghizadeh, M. and Ferguson, I. (2020). Reviewer, organizer, and session chair for session: «Geophysical Constraints on Geological Structures and Processes». GeoConvention, Calgary. (Oral)
[41] Naghizadeh, M. and D. Snyder (2019). Metal Earth: Acquisition and Preliminary Processing of Seismic Data in the Archean Superior Province of Canada, EAGE Conference, London, UK.
[40] Naghizadeh, M., D. Snyder, and S. Cheraghi (2019). Seismic Imaging of crystalline crust in Canada’s Superior Archean province: Progress with the Metal Earth project, GAC-MAC-IAH / CNC Conference, Quebec City.
[39] Eshaghi, E., R. Smith, M. Naghizadeh, G. Hill , E. Root, A. Maleki, S. Cheraghi, and J. Ayer (2019). Metal Earth: role of multidisciplinary geophysical methods to improve knowledge of mineral deposition across Precambrian rocks, AEGS conference, Perth, Australia.
[38] Smith, R., E. Eshaghi, S. Cheraghi, M. Naghizadeh, E. Root, and G. Hill (2019) The role of geophysics in the Metal Earth project, GAC-MAC-IAH / CNC Conference, Quebec City.
[37] Maleki, A., E. Eshaghi, R. Smith, P. Altwegg, D. Snyder, L. Mathieu, and M. Naghizadeh (2019) Potential field data modelling along Metal Earth's Chibougamau transect using geophysical and geological constraints, GAC-MAC-IAH / CNC Conference, Quebec City.
[36]Cheraghi, S., Naghizadeh, M., Snyder, D.B., and Mathieu, L. (2018). Crustal‐scale seismic investigation in Chibougamau, Quebec, Canada. In Near Surface Geoscience 2018 (EAGE), Workshop: worldwide Mineral Exploration Challenges and Cost‐effective Geophysical Methods, Porto, Portugal. Abstract.
[35] Jodeiri Akbari Fam, H. and M. Naghizadeh (2019). Multi-Focusing stacking using the Very Fast Simulated Annealing global optimization algorithm, GeoConvention, Calgary.
[34] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2018). 3D groundroll attenuation using hybrid Fourier and de-aliased Cadzow, GeoConvention, Calgary.
[33] Naghizadeh, M. (2017). Spatial Sampling Dilemma in Seismic Acquisition: Regular (Deterministic) vs. Irregular (Random), GeoConvention, Calgary.
[32] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2012). Multidimensional de-aliased Cadzow reconstruction of seismic records, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 31, 1-5.
[31] Naghizadeh, M. and K. A. Innanen (2012). Two-dimensional fast generalized Fourier interpolation of seismic records, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 31, 1-6.
[30] Stanton, A., N. Kreimer, D. Boner, M. Naghizadeh, and M. Sacchi (2012). A comparison of 5D reconstruction methods, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 31, 1-5.
[29] Naghizadeh, M. and K. A. Innanen (2012). Differencing of time-lapse survey data using a projection onto convex sets algorithm, EAGE conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
[28] Hassanien A., S. A. Vorobyov, M. D. Saachi, and M. Naghizadeh (2012). A computationally efficient algorithm for high-quality separation of simultaneous sources in seismology, IEEE 37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP) conference, Kyoto, Japan.
[27] Naghizadeh, M. and K. A. Innanen (2011). Interpolation of nonstationary seismic records using a fast non-redundant S-transform, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 30, 3099-3103.
[26] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2011). Vector AR filters: Extending f-x random noise attenuation to the multicomponent case, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 30, 3617-3621.
[25] Innanen K. A., M. Naghizadeh, and S. T. Kaplan (2011). Direct inversion of differenced seismic reflection data for time-lapse structural changes, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 30, 2029-2033.
[24] Bird C., K. A. Innanen, L. R. Lines, and M. Naghizadeh (2011). On the calibration of a fast S-transform with application to AVF inversion of anelastic reflectivity, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 30, 2664-2668.
[23] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2011). Fast generalized Fourier interpolation of nonstationary Seismic Records, EAGE conference, Vienna, Austria.
[22] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2011). Ground-roll elimination by scale and direction guided curvelet transform, EAGE conference, Vienna, Austria.
[21] Naghizadeh, M. (2010). A unified method for interpolation and de-noising of seismic records in the f-k domain, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 29, 3579-3583.
[20] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2010). Hierarchical scale curvelet interpolation of aliased seismic data, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 29, 3656-3661.
[19] Kaplan, S., M. Naghizadeh, and M. D. Sacchi (2010). Two-dimensional shot-profile migration data reconstruction. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 29, 3645-3649.
[18] Naghizadeh, M., O.K. Leirfall, and M. D. Sacchi (2010). Four-dimensional f-k Interpolation of Wide Azimuth Towed Streamer Data, EAGE conference, Barcelona, Spain.
[17] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2010). Scale and Direction-guided Interpolation of Aliased Seismic Data in the Curvelet Domain, EAGE conference, Barcelona, Spain.
[16] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2010). Interpolation of aliased seismic data in the curvelet domain, GeoCanada Convention, Calgary.
[15] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2009). Multidimensional spectrum-guided reconstruction of aliased data. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 28, 3264-3268.
[14] Sacchi, M. D. and M. Naghizadeh (2009). Adaptive linear prediction filtering for random noise attenuation. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 28, 3347-3351.
[13] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2009). Sampling Considerations for Band-limited Fourier Reconstruction of Aliased Seismic Data, EAGE conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[12] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2009). Robust reconstruction of aliased data using autoregressive spectral estimates, EAGE conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[11] Sacchi M. D., S. Kaplan, and M. Naghizadeh (2009). fx Gabor seismic data reconstruction, EAGE conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[10] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2009). Making FX interpolation more robust by spectrum-guided reconstruction, CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention (awarded the best student geophysical oral presentation).
[9] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2008). Adaptive F-X interpolation of curved seismic events via exponentially weighted recursive least squares (EWRLS), SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 27, 2627-2631 (awarded the best student poster).
[8] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2008). Seismic data reconstruction using multidimensional prediction filters, EAGE conference, Rome, Italy.
[7] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2008). Sampling functions and sparse reconstruction methods, EAGE conference, Rome, Italy.
[6] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2008). Seismic trace interpolation using adaptive prediction filters, CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention.
[5] Naghizadeh, M. and M. Sacchi (2007). Reconstruction of irregularly sampled, aliased data with multistep autoregressive operators, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, 26, 2580-2584.
[4] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2007). Multi-step auto-regressive reconstruction of nonuniformly sampled, aliased seismic records, CSPG CSEG Convention (awarded the best student geophysical paper).
[3] Naghizadeh, M. and M. D. Sacchi (2006). FX and FK interpolation methods and further developments for irregularly spaced traces, CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention (awarded honorable mention for the best student paper).
[2] Guya N. H. and M. Naghizadeh (2003). Using the electromagnetic method to locate heat reservoir in N-W of Iran, IUGG Scientific Program, JAPAN.
[1] Javaherian A., A. Sadidkhooy, M. Haghighi, G. Rastegar, M. Naghizadeh (2003). Yield estimation of seismic events from seismograms of SRO station Mashhad, IUGG Scientific Program, JAPAN.
Mostafa Naghizadeh
Research Associate with Metal Earth
B.Sc. Mining Engineering (Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran)
M.Sc. Geophysics (University of Tehran, Iran)
Ph.D. Geophysics (University of Alberta, Edmonton)
- Seismic Data Processing and Interpretation
- Inverse Problems and Computational Geophysics
- Seismic Application for Mineral Exploration
- J. Clarence Karcher Award (SEG) 2011
- Andrew D. Baillie award (CSPG) 2009
- Best student geophysical oral presentation (CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention) 2009
- SEG best student poster award 2008
- Dr. Roy Dean Hibbs Memorial Graduate Scholarships 2008
- Best student geophysical paper award (CSPG CSEG Convention) 2007
- SEG scholarship 2007
- CSEG scholarship 2006
- Honorable mention for best student paper (CSPG CSEG CWLS Convention) 2006
- Canadian Association of petroleum producers graduate scholarship in geophysics 2005
Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA)
- Professional Geoscientist (Sep 2014 – Present)
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- Member (Jan 2006 – Present)
- Assistant Editor of Geophysics Journal (June 2015 – Present)
- Technical Chair of SEG Annual Conference (Oct 2014 – Oct 2016)
- Copy Editor of Geophysics (Sep 2012 – June 2015)
Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
- Member (Sep 2005 – Present)
- Assistant Editor of Recorder Journal (Sep 2012 – Aug 2016)
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