Eric Roots
PhD candidate Mineral Deposits and Precambrian GeologyInterpretation of Metal Earth magnetotelluric data
I completed my B.Sc at the University of Ottawa with a specialization in physics-mathematics, during which time I worked with the Geological Survey of Canada on inversion of magnetotelluric data collected in the Slave, Rae, and Superior cratons. I completed my M.Sc. at Simon Fraser University where my thesis involved reflection imaging of a VMS deposit using ambient seismic data. My current research aims to combine the ability of inversion to resolve physical property distributions with available structural information to build more geologically meaningful models. I am studying magnetotelluric (MT) data and inversion with Dr. Richard Smith. I am interested in developing new methodologies which allow MT data to be inverted and interpreted alongside with co-located geological and geophysical data.
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7 May 2025Field Trip - Geology of the Sudbury Impact Structure
Wednesday, May 7th
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