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Douglas K. Tinkham

Associate Professor of Metamorphic Petrology

Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2270; Email: DTinkham@laurentian.ca

Dr. Tinkham arrived at Laurentian in 2005. His research is in the broad field of metamorphic geology, where he specializes in the application of thermodynamic calculations to investigate metamorphic processes and the pressure-temperature-composition evolution of rocks during metamorphism. This work is applied to rocks to decipher zoning and modification of metamorphosed hydrothermal alteration zones associated with ore deposits, metal mobility during metamorphism, partial melting of high-grade metamorphic rocks, and orogenic processes.


B.Sc. (Rocky Mountain College), M.Sc. (Illinois), PhD (Alabama)


GEOL 2006 - Field Geology I
GEOL 3207 - Metamorphic Petrology
GEOL 4307 - Polyphase Metamorphism and Deformation
GEOL 5207 - Topics in Metamorphic Geology


Research Interests:

  • Application of metamorphic phase equilibria calculations and geochronology to understand the pressure-temperature-time evolution of metamorphic rocks (greenschist, amphibolite, granulite, and eclogite facies metamorphism)
  • The effects of metamorphism on hydrothermal alteration zones and economic mineralization in VMS systems
  • Partial melting of rocks during metamorphism and identification of hydrothermal alteration zones in migmatitic rocks
  • Lithogeochemistry of hydrothermally altered rocks in VMS systems
  • Programming: thermodynamic algorithms and quantitative X-ray mapping software


Areas Of Expertise

Metamorphic petrology, metamorphism of ore deposits


Available Research Projects

If you are interested in research projects that utilize field mapping, phase equilibrium analysis and P-T paths, geochronology, and mineral chemistry of metamorphic rocks, please contact me for further details. 


Research Themes

Mineralogy and Petrology Structure & Tectonics Ore Deposits and Mineral Exploration

Current PhD Students

Généreux, Carol-Anne
Title: Structural and metamorphic history in the South Range of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Controls on low-sulphide PGE Mineralization
Supervisors: Lafrance / Tinkham
Project support: Ontario Geological Survey


Current MSc Students

Bovingdon, Patrick
: Metamorphism and magmatism of SW Baffin Island, Canada
Supervisors: Tinkham / Ielpi / Mole
Project support: Canada Nunavut Geoscience Office

Estrada, Nicolas
Title: Tectonothermal evolution of the middle-lower Abitibi-Wawa crust and the role of melt mobility on metal transport, Kapuskasing uplift, Ontario
Supervisors: Tinkham / Jørgensen / Marsh
Project support: CFREF Metal Earth funding

Haataja, Anna
: Distribution and evolution of contact and regional metamorphism, Eastern Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario
Supervisors: Tinkham / Toth
Project support: CFREF Metal Earth funding

McRae, Mattea
: Lithostratigraphic, geochemical and geochronological controls on the Goliath gold project, Dryden, Ontario
Supervisors: Sherlock / Tinkham / Mercier-Langevin / Launay
Project support: CFREF Metal Earth funding

Malcolm, Kelly
Title: Gold mineralization in the 58N zone of the Archean Detour gold deposit area of northern Ontario
Supervisors: Kontak / Tinkham
Project support: Detour Gold Corp.


Former PhD Students

Dr. Taus Jørgensen
Title: Evolution of the Sudbury Igneous Complex southern metamorphic aureole and controls on anatexis
Project support: CEMI - NSERC
Supervisors: Tinkham / Lesher


Former MSc Students

Fitchett, Craig
: Metamorphic phase equilibria of hydrothermally altered rocks, Noranda district, Abitibi subprovince, Quebec
Supervisors: Tinkham / Gibson
Project support: NSERC DG

Huggins, Jacqueline
: Geophysical and geochemical property measurements in drill core, Victoria property, Sudbury, Ontario
Supervisors: Smith / Tinkham

Lam, Judy
: Metal mobility during metamorphism of the Lalor VMS deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba
Supervisors: Tinkham / Gibson
Project support: HudBay - NSERC CRD

Makang I, Luc
: Metamorphism of hydrothermally altered rocks in VMS deposits
Supervisors: Tinkham


Chapters in Books

Stowell, H.H., Bulman, G.R., Zuluaga, C.A., Tinkham, D.K., Miller, R.B., & Stein, E.L., 2007. Mid-crustal late Cretaceous metamorphism in the Nason Terrane, Cascades Crystalline Core, Washington, U.S.A.: Implications for tectonic models. In: Hatcher, Jr., Carlson, M.P., McBride, J.H. and Martínez Catalán, J.R. (editors), The 4D Framework of Continental Crust – Integrating Crustal Processes Through Time, Geological Society of America Memoir.

Tinkham, D.K. & Marshak, S., 2004. Precambrian dome-and-keel structure in the Penokean orogenic belt of northern Michigan, USA. In: Gneiss Domes in Orogeny (eds Whitney, D. L., Teyssier, C. & Siddoway, C. S.) Geological Society of America Special Paper 380, pp. 321-338.

Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2003. Integration of phase equilibria modelling and garnet Sm-Nd chronology for construction of P-T-t paths; examples from the Cordilleran Coast plutonic complex, USA. In: Geochronology; Linking the Isotopic Record with Petrology and Textures (eds Vance, D., Muller, W. & Villa, I. M.) Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 220, pp. 119-145.


Journal Articles

Jorgensen, TRC, Tinkham, DK, and Lesher, CM. 2019. Low-P and high-T metamorphism of basalts; insights from the Sudbury impact melt sheet aureole and thermodynamic modelling. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37(2), 271-313. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12460.

Jorgensen, TRC, Tinkham, DK, Lesher, CM, and Petrus, JA. 2018. Decoupling of Zr-Hf during contact metamorphic anatexis of metabasalts and timing of zircon growth, Sudbury, Canada. Geology, 46(2), 159-162. doi: 10.1130/G39590.1.

Mahmoodi, O., Smith, R.S., and Tinkham, D.K., 2016. Supervised classification of down-hole physical properties measurements using neural network to predict the lithology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 124, p. 17-26.

Raharimahefa, T., Lafrance, B., and Tinkham, D.K., 2014. New structural, metamorphic, and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the Blezardian Orogeny and Yavapai Orogeny in the Southern Province, Sudbury, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 750-774.

Mukwakwami, J., Lafrance, B., Lesher, C. M., Tinkham, D. K., Rayner, N. M. & Ames, D. E., 2014. Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury. Mineralium Deposita, 49, 175-198.

Cubley, J. F., Pattison, D. R. M., Tinkham, D. K. & Fanning, C. M., 2013. U-Pb geochronological constraints on the timing of episodic regional metamorphism and rapid high-T exhumation of the Grand Forks Complex, British Columbia. Lithos, 156-159, 241-267.

Coueslan, C. G., Pattison, D. R. M. & Tinkham, D. K., 2011. Regional low-pressure amphibolite-facies metamorphism at the Pipe II Mine, Thompson nickel belt, Manitoba, and comparison of metamorphic isograds in metapelites and meta-iron formations. The Canadian Mineralogist, 49(3), 721-747.

Stowell, H., Bulman, G., Tinkham, D., & Zuluaga, C., 2011. Garnet growth during crustal thickening, Cascades Crystalline Core, Washington, USA. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, online March 2011 (doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2011.00933.x).

Ulrich, T., Kamber, B. S., Jugo, P. & Tinkham, D., 2009. Imaging element-distribution patterns in minerals by laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 1001-1012. Doi:10.3749/canmin.47.5.10

Pattison, D.R.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2009. Interplay between equilibrium and kinetics in prograde metamorphism of pelites: an example from the Nelson aureole, British Columbia, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 249-279, doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00816.x.

Ghent, E., Tinkham, D.K. & Marr, R., 2009. Lawsonite eclogites from the Pinchi Lake area, British Columbia – new P-T estimates and interpretation. Lithos, 109, 248-253, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2008.06.018.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2005. Estimating P-T conditions of garnet growth with isochemical phase-diagram sections and the problem of effective bulk-composition. The Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 35-50.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2005. XRMapAnal; a program for analysis of quantitative X-ray maps. American Mineralogist, 90, 737-744.

Zuluaga, C.A., Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2005. The effect of zoned garnet on metapelite pseudosection topology and calculated metamorphic P-T paths. American Mineralogist, 90, 1619-1628.

Tinkham, D.K., Zuluaga, C.A. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. Metapelite phase equilibria modeling in MnNCKFMASH; the effect of variable Al2O3 and MgO/(MgO+FeO) on mineral stability. Geological Materials Research, 3 (1), 1-42.

Stowell, H.H., Taylor, D.L., Tinkham, D.K., Goldberg, S.A. & Ouderkirk, K.A., 2001. Contact metamorphic P-T-t paths from Sm-Nd garnet ages, phase equilibria modelling and thermobarometry; garnet ledge, south-eastern Alaska, USA. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19(6), 645-660.

Holm, D., Schneider, D., Lux, D., Marshak, S., Tinkham, D.K., Alkmim, F.F., Brueckner, H.K. & Bornhorst, T.J., 1998. Dome-and-keel provinces formed during Paleoproterozoic orogenic collapse; core complexes, diapirs, or neither? Examples from the Quadrilatero Ferrifero and the Penokean Orogen; discussion and reply. Geology, 26(5), 475-476.

Marshak, S., Tinkham, D.K., Alkmim, F., Brueckner, H. & Bornhorst, T.J., 1997. Dome-and-keel provinces formed during Paleoproterozoic orogenic collapse-core complexes, diapirs, or neither? Examples from the Quadrilatero Ferrifero and the Penokean Orogen. Geology, 25(5), 415-418.


Abstracts and Guide Books

Bovingdon, P, and Tinkham, D, 2019. Evaluation of iron formation and mafic-ultramafic intrusions for economic potential: Results from new regional bedrock mapping, Northwestern Baffin Island in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, Mar 05, 2019. 

Bovingdon, P, and Tinkham, DK, 2019. Evaluation of previously undocumented mafic-ultramafic intrusions on NW Baffin Island in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume of Abstracts, v.42. Quebec City. Geological Association of Canada. 

Estrada, N, Tinkham, DK, and Joergensen, T, 2019. Identification of partial melting relationships in the southern Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Ontario, Canada in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume of Abstracts, v.42. Quebec City. Geological Association of Canada. MERC-ME-2019-152

Estrada, NS, Tinkham, DK, and Jorgensen, TRC, 2019. Preliminary investigation of partial melting relationships to identify the behavior of metals during high-grade metamorphism, Kapuskasing structural zone, Ontario, Canada in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, Mar 05, 2019. MERC-ME-2019-151

Généreux, C-A, Tinkham, DK, and Lafrance, B, 2019. Breccias and anatexis in the footwall of the Sudbury impact structure in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume of Abstracts, v.42. Quebec City. Geological Association of Canada. 

Généreux, C-A, Lafrance, B, Gordon, CA, and Tinkham, DK, 2018. Polyphase deformation in the southwest Sudbury impact structure. in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Resources for Future Generations., Program with abstracts, paper 2343. Vancouver, Canada, June 19, 2018. 

Généreux, C-A, Lafrance, B, and Tinkham, DK, 2018. Quartz crystallographic fabrics and P-T constraints on the Creighton-Victoria mylonite zone, Southern Province. in Canadian Tectonics Group 38th Annual meeting, Program with abstracts, p. 13. Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, Québec, October 21-23, 2018. 

Jorgensen, TRC, Tinkham, DK, and Lesher, CM, 2018. The origins of inclusions in the contact sublayer of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada in Society of Economic Geology 2018: Metals, Minerals, and Society. Keystone, CO, Sep 22-25, 2018. MERC-ME-2018-044

Wehrle, EA, Tinkham, DK, and McDonald, AM, 2018. Mineral chemistry of gahnite from the Lalor metamorphosed VMS deposit, Snow Lake, MB in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Abstracts. Toronto, ON, 05 Mar. 

Genereux, C-A, Lafrance, B, and Tinkham, DK, 2017. Ductile deformation and shear zone development in the South Range of the Sudbury impact structure in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Abstract Volume (Geological Association of Canada), 40, p. 121. Kingston, ON, 14-18 May. 

Généreux, C-A, Tinkham, DK, and Lafrance, B, 2017. Brecciation and anatexis in the South Range of the Sudbury Igneous Complex in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Abstracts. Toronto, ON, Mar 06. 

Ghent, ED, Tinkham, DK, Klincker, A, and Marr, R, 2016. Pressure-temperature evolution of zoisite-hornblende eclogites from Faro area, Yukon in Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 48(7). Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States. 0016-7592

Tinkham, D.K., 2015. The state of phase equilibria modeling of metamorphosed hydrothermal alteration zones in the VMS environment. In: Southeastern Section 64th Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, March 19-20, 2015, Chattanooga, TN.

Jorgensen, T.R.C., Lesher, C.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2013. Major and trace element geochemistry of the Elsie Mountain Formation volcanic rocks, Southern Province, Canada: Implications for contact metamorphism along the southern margin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. In: Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, May 2013, Winnipeg.

Lam, J., Tinkham, D.K. & Gibson, H.L., 2013. Identification of metamorphic assemblages and textures associated with gold mineralization at the Lalor deposit, Snow Lake, MB. In: Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, May 2013, Winnipeg.

Tinkham, D.K., 2013. A model for metamorphic devolatilization in the Lalor deposit alteration system, Snow Lake, MB. In: Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, May 2013, Winnipeg.

Ghent, E. D. & Tinkham, D. K., 2012. Evaluation of Zr in rutile geothermometry for pelitic rocks from the Mica Creek area, British Columbia. In: Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, pp. 1752.

Jorgensen, T. R. C., Tinkham, D. K. & Lesher, C. M., 2011. Identification of pyroxene hornfels facies mafic rocks within the metamorphic aureole of the South Range of the Sudbury igneous complex, ON, Canada. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 91, Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States.

Cubley, J. F., Pattison, D. R. M. & Tinkham, D. K., 2011. Monazite petrogenesis in the Grand Forks Complex, B.C.; combining thermodynamic modeling and geochronology to examine core complex exhumation. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 150, Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States.

Tinkham, D.K., 2011. Distinguishing metamorphosed hydrothermally altered rocks from restite using phase equilibrium calculations, Sherridon Complex, Manitoba. In: Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Ottawa), May 2011.

Fitchett, C,I., Tinkham, D.K. & Gibson, H.L., 2011. Metamorphic phase equilibria for volcanogenic alteration systems, Amulet F Deposit, Noranda District, Abitibe Subprovince. In: Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Ottawa), May 2011.

Fitchett, C,I., Tinkham, D.K. & Gibson, H.L., 2010. Applied modeling of metamorphic phase equilibria for alteration vectors in volcanogenic massive sulfide systems. In: Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Calgary), May 2010.

Tinkham, D. K., 2009. Geochemistry, metamorphism, and partial melting of hydrothermally altered rocks in the Sherridon Complex, Trans Hudson Orogen, Manitoba. In: Joint American Geophysical Union and Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Toronto), May 2009, pp. V21A-06.

Ghent, E.D. & Tinkham, D.K., 2008. Zr in rutile geothermometry – Comparison of results from contrasting P-T regimes, southeaster Canadian Cordillera and New Caledonia. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting (Quebec City) May 2008.

Pattison, D.R.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2008. Interplay between equilibrium and kinetics in contact metamorphism of metapelites, Nelson aureole, SE BC. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Houston), Abstracts with Program (on CD).

Pattison, D.R.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2008. Equilibrium and kinetics in contact metamorphism of metapelites, Nelson aureole, SE BC. 18th Goldschmidt Conference (Vancouver , BC), July 13-18, 2008 (on CD).

Stowell, H.H., Tulloch, A., Tinkham, D.K., & Gatewood, M.P., 2008. Timing and duration of metamorphism and melting recorded in garnet: Fiordland, New Zealand. 18th Goldschmidt Conference (Vancouver , BC), July 13-18, 2008 (on CD).

Ghent, E., Tinkham, D., and Marr, R., 2007. Lawsonite eclogites from the Pinchi Lake area, British Columbia-new P-T estimates and interprtation: International Eclogite Field Symposium, Lochalsh, Scotland, 29 June-6 July 2007, Programme and Abstracts, p. 28.

Tinkham, D., Bulman, G.R., Stowell, H., and Zuluaga, C., 2007. Phase equilibria modeling, pseudomorphs, and crustal loading along the northeast margin of the Mount Stuart Batholith, North Cascades, WA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 4, A7-2.

Stowell, H., Tinkham, D., Zuluaga, C., and Bulman, G.R., 2007. Timing and P-T conditions for partial melting and intrusion in the Nason Ridge Migmatitic Gneiss: North Cascades, WA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 4, A7-3.

Bulman, G.R., Stowell, H., Tinkham, D., and Zuluaga, C., 2007. Garnets and zircons agree: Geochronologic constraints on late Cretaceous loading and metamorphism in the Cascades Core, WA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 4, A7-4.

Pattison, P. & Tinkham, D.K., 2005. Unreactivity of garnet in low-pressure metapelites. In: The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference Programme, Symposium S43.

Tinkham, D.K. & Pattison, P., 2005. Equilibrium and fractional crystallization in prograde metamorphism revisited. In: The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference Programme, Symposium S43.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2004. Estimating garnet growth P-T conditions with pseudosections and the problem of effective bulk composition. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America.

Tinkham, D.K., & Ghent, E.D., 2004. Modelling clinopyroxene-garnet amphibolite assemblages at Mica Creek, British Columbia: The role of the fluid phase. In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs , v.36, no.5, p. 454, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Tinkham, D.K., & Ghent, E.D., 2003. Estimating garnet growth P-T conditions with pseudosections and the problem of effective bulk composition. In: Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Society of Economic Geologists Joint Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., A389.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2003. P-T pseudosection modeling of mineral assemblage stability and compositions for a mineralogically simple pelite; the importance of finding the effective bulk composition. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 396-397.

Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2002. Integration of phase equilibria modelling and garnet Sm-Nd geochronology for construction of P-T-t paths; examples from the Cordilleran Coast plutonic complex, USA. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, pp. 746.

Stowell, H.H., Tinkham, D.K. & Zuluaga, C.A., 2001. Use of pseudosections for predicting metamorphic mineral assemblages in pelitic rocks; examples for an average pelite. In: Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 50th annual meetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A3, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. Tectonic implications of the variable pressure-temperature-time history across the South-Central Nason terrane, Cascades Core, WA. In: Geological Society of America 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs- Geological Society of America, pp. A76, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Tinkham, D.K., Zuluaga, C.A. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. An average Waterville Formation pseudosection; predicted phase compositions and comparison to garnet-biotite thermometry. In: Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 36th annual meetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A-76, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Zuluaga, C.A., Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. Bulk rock compositional dependence of metamorphic mineral assemblages: Examples from pelite pseudosections. In: Geological Society of America, Northeast Section, 2001 Annual MeetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A-76, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Zuluaga, C.A., Tinkham, D.K., Stowell, H.H., & Stein, E.L., 2001. Predicting partial melt temperatures for pelitic rocks in the banded gneiss, Cascades crystalline core, WA. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 382.

Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2000. Integration of Sm-Nd garnet chronology and pseudosections in metamorphic rocks to understanding orogenesis. In: 31st International Geological Congress Meeting, Abstracts Volume.

Tinkham, D.K., 2000 (invited keynote). Unravelling the relationships between heating and crustal loading using PT-pseudosections: state of the art and perspectives, 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro.

Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2000. Deciphering the temporal relationship between crustal loading and garnet growth: North American Cordillera. In: 31st International Geological Congress Meeting, Abstracts Volume.

Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2000. Lack of evidence for loading during garnet growth: Southern Nason terrane, Cascades Crystalline Core, Washington. In: Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 2000 Annual MeetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A-71, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Telephone: (705) 675-1151 ext 2270
Email: dtinkham@laurentian.ca


Research Interests

  • Application of metamorphic phase equilibria calculations and geochronology to understand the pressure-temperature-time evolution of metamorphic rocks (greenschist, amphibolite, granulite, and eclogite facies metamorphism)
  • The effects of metamorphism on hydrothermal alteration zones and economic mineralization in VMS systems
  • Partial melting of rocks during metamorphism and identification of hydrothermal alteration zones in migmatitic rocks
  • Lithogeochemistry of hydrothermally altered rocks in VMS systems
  • Programming: thermodynamic algorithms and quantitative X-ray mapping software


Available Research Projects

If you are interested in research projects that utilize field mapping, phase equilibrium analysis and P-T paths, geochronology, and mineral chemistry of metamorphic rocks, please contact me for further details. 


Current PhD Students

Généreux, Carol-Anne
Title: Structural and metamorphic history in the South Range of the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Controls on low-sulphide PGE Mineralization
Supervisors: Lafrance / Tinkham
Project support: Ontario Geological Survey


Current MSc Students

Bovingdon, Patrick
: Metamorphism and magmatism of SW Baffin Island, Canada
Supervisors: Tinkham / Ielpi / Mole
Project support: Canada Nunavut Geoscience Office

Estrada, Nicolas
Title: Tectonothermal evolution of the middle-lower Abitibi-Wawa crust and the role of melt mobility on metal transport, Kapuskasing uplift, Ontario
Supervisors: Tinkham / Jørgensen / Marsh
Project support: CFREF Metal Earth funding

Haataja, Anna
: Distribution and evolution of contact and regional metamorphism, Eastern Wabigoon Subprovince, Ontario
Supervisors: Tinkham / Toth
Project support: CFREF Metal Earth funding

McRae, Mattea
: Lithostratigraphic, geochemical and geochronological controls on the Goliath gold project, Dryden, Ontario
Supervisors: Sherlock / Tinkham / Mercier-Langevin / Launay
Project support: CFREF Metal Earth funding

Malcolm, Kelly
Title: Gold mineralization in the 58N zone of the Archean Detour gold deposit area of northern Ontario
Supervisors: Kontak / Tinkham
Project support: Detour Gold Corp.


Former PhD Students

Dr. Taus Jørgensen
Title: Evolution of the Sudbury Igneous Complex southern metamorphic aureole and controls on anatexis
Project support: CEMI - NSERC
Supervisors: Tinkham / Lesher


Former MSc Students

Fitchett, Craig
: Metamorphic phase equilibria of hydrothermally altered rocks, Noranda district, Abitibi subprovince, Quebec
Supervisors: Tinkham / Gibson
Project support: NSERC DG

Huggins, Jacqueline
: Geophysical and geochemical property measurements in drill core, Victoria property, Sudbury, Ontario
Supervisors: Smith / Tinkham

Lam, Judy
: Metal mobility during metamorphism of the Lalor VMS deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba
Supervisors: Tinkham / Gibson
Project support: HudBay - NSERC CRD

Makang I, Luc
: Metamorphism of hydrothermally altered rocks in VMS deposits
Supervisors: Tinkham




Chapters in Books

Stowell, H.H., Bulman, G.R., Zuluaga, C.A., Tinkham, D.K., Miller, R.B., & Stein, E.L., 2007. Mid-crustal late Cretaceous metamorphism in the Nason Terrane, Cascades Crystalline Core, Washington, U.S.A.: Implications for tectonic models. In: Hatcher, Jr., Carlson, M.P., McBride, J.H. and Martínez Catalán, J.R. (editors), The 4D Framework of Continental Crust – Integrating Crustal Processes Through Time, Geological Society of America Memoir.

Tinkham, D.K. & Marshak, S., 2004. Precambrian dome-and-keel structure in the Penokean orogenic belt of northern Michigan, USA. In: Gneiss Domes in Orogeny (eds Whitney, D. L., Teyssier, C. & Siddoway, C. S.) Geological Society of America Special Paper 380, pp. 321-338.

Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2003. Integration of phase equilibria modelling and garnet Sm-Nd chronology for construction of P-T-t paths; examples from the Cordilleran Coast plutonic complex, USA. In: Geochronology; Linking the Isotopic Record with Petrology and Textures (eds Vance, D., Muller, W. & Villa, I. M.) Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 220, pp. 119-145.


Journal Articles

Jorgensen, TRC, Tinkham, DK, and Lesher, CM. 2019. Low-P and high-T metamorphism of basalts; insights from the Sudbury impact melt sheet aureole and thermodynamic modelling. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 37(2), 271-313. doi: 10.1111/jmg.12460.

Jorgensen, TRC, Tinkham, DK, Lesher, CM, and Petrus, JA. 2018. Decoupling of Zr-Hf during contact metamorphic anatexis of metabasalts and timing of zircon growth, Sudbury, Canada. Geology, 46(2), 159-162. doi: 10.1130/G39590.1.

Mahmoodi, O., Smith, R.S., and Tinkham, D.K., 2016. Supervised classification of down-hole physical properties measurements using neural network to predict the lithology. Journal of Applied Geophysics, v. 124, p. 17-26.

Raharimahefa, T., Lafrance, B., and Tinkham, D.K., 2014. New structural, metamorphic, and U-Pb geochronological constraints on the Blezardian Orogeny and Yavapai Orogeny in the Southern Province, Sudbury, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 750-774.

Mukwakwami, J., Lafrance, B., Lesher, C. M., Tinkham, D. K., Rayner, N. M. & Ames, D. E., 2014. Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury. Mineralium Deposita, 49, 175-198.

Cubley, J. F., Pattison, D. R. M., Tinkham, D. K. & Fanning, C. M., 2013. U-Pb geochronological constraints on the timing of episodic regional metamorphism and rapid high-T exhumation of the Grand Forks Complex, British Columbia. Lithos, 156-159, 241-267.

Coueslan, C. G., Pattison, D. R. M. & Tinkham, D. K., 2011. Regional low-pressure amphibolite-facies metamorphism at the Pipe II Mine, Thompson nickel belt, Manitoba, and comparison of metamorphic isograds in metapelites and meta-iron formations. The Canadian Mineralogist, 49(3), 721-747.

Stowell, H., Bulman, G., Tinkham, D., & Zuluaga, C., 2011. Garnet growth during crustal thickening, Cascades Crystalline Core, Washington, USA. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, online March 2011 (doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2011.00933.x).

Ulrich, T., Kamber, B. S., Jugo, P. & Tinkham, D., 2009. Imaging element-distribution patterns in minerals by laser ablation - inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). The Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 1001-1012. Doi:10.3749/canmin.47.5.10

Pattison, D.R.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2009. Interplay between equilibrium and kinetics in prograde metamorphism of pelites: an example from the Nelson aureole, British Columbia, Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 27, 249-279, doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.2009.00816.x.

Ghent, E., Tinkham, D.K. & Marr, R., 2009. Lawsonite eclogites from the Pinchi Lake area, British Columbia – new P-T estimates and interpretation. Lithos, 109, 248-253, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2008.06.018.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2005. Estimating P-T conditions of garnet growth with isochemical phase-diagram sections and the problem of effective bulk-composition. The Canadian Mineralogist, 43, 35-50.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2005. XRMapAnal; a program for analysis of quantitative X-ray maps. American Mineralogist, 90, 737-744.

Zuluaga, C.A., Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2005. The effect of zoned garnet on metapelite pseudosection topology and calculated metamorphic P-T paths. American Mineralogist, 90, 1619-1628.

Tinkham, D.K., Zuluaga, C.A. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. Metapelite phase equilibria modeling in MnNCKFMASH; the effect of variable Al2O3 and MgO/(MgO+FeO) on mineral stability. Geological Materials Research, 3 (1), 1-42.

Stowell, H.H., Taylor, D.L., Tinkham, D.K., Goldberg, S.A. & Ouderkirk, K.A., 2001. Contact metamorphic P-T-t paths from Sm-Nd garnet ages, phase equilibria modelling and thermobarometry; garnet ledge, south-eastern Alaska, USA. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 19(6), 645-660.

Holm, D., Schneider, D., Lux, D., Marshak, S., Tinkham, D.K., Alkmim, F.F., Brueckner, H.K. & Bornhorst, T.J., 1998. Dome-and-keel provinces formed during Paleoproterozoic orogenic collapse; core complexes, diapirs, or neither? Examples from the Quadrilatero Ferrifero and the Penokean Orogen; discussion and reply. Geology, 26(5), 475-476.

Marshak, S., Tinkham, D.K., Alkmim, F., Brueckner, H. & Bornhorst, T.J., 1997. Dome-and-keel provinces formed during Paleoproterozoic orogenic collapse-core complexes, diapirs, or neither? Examples from the Quadrilatero Ferrifero and the Penokean Orogen. Geology, 25(5), 415-418.


Abstracts and Guide Books

Bovingdon, P, and Tinkham, D, 2019. Evaluation of iron formation and mafic-ultramafic intrusions for economic potential: Results from new regional bedrock mapping, Northwestern Baffin Island in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, Mar 05, 2019. 

Bovingdon, P, and Tinkham, DK, 2019. Evaluation of previously undocumented mafic-ultramafic intrusions on NW Baffin Island in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume of Abstracts, v.42. Quebec City. Geological Association of Canada. 

Estrada, N, Tinkham, DK, and Joergensen, T, 2019. Identification of partial melting relationships in the southern Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Ontario, Canada in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume of Abstracts, v.42. Quebec City. Geological Association of Canada. MERC-ME-2019-152

Estrada, NS, Tinkham, DK, and Jorgensen, TRC, 2019. Preliminary investigation of partial melting relationships to identify the behavior of metals during high-grade metamorphism, Kapuskasing structural zone, Ontario, Canada in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, Mar 05, 2019. MERC-ME-2019-151

Généreux, C-A, Tinkham, DK, and Lafrance, B, 2019. Breccias and anatexis in the footwall of the Sudbury impact structure in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume of Abstracts, v.42. Quebec City. Geological Association of Canada. 

Généreux, C-A, Lafrance, B, Gordon, CA, and Tinkham, DK, 2018. Polyphase deformation in the southwest Sudbury impact structure. in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Resources for Future Generations., Program with abstracts, paper 2343. Vancouver, Canada, June 19, 2018. 

Généreux, C-A, Lafrance, B, and Tinkham, DK, 2018. Quartz crystallographic fabrics and P-T constraints on the Creighton-Victoria mylonite zone, Southern Province. in Canadian Tectonics Group 38th Annual meeting, Program with abstracts, p. 13. Saints-Martyrs-Canadiens, Québec, October 21-23, 2018. 

Jorgensen, TRC, Tinkham, DK, and Lesher, CM, 2018. The origins of inclusions in the contact sublayer of the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada in Society of Economic Geology 2018: Metals, Minerals, and Society. Keystone, CO, Sep 22-25, 2018. MERC-ME-2018-044

Wehrle, EA, Tinkham, DK, and McDonald, AM, 2018. Mineral chemistry of gahnite from the Lalor metamorphosed VMS deposit, Snow Lake, MB in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Abstracts. Toronto, ON, 05 Mar. 

Genereux, C-A, Lafrance, B, and Tinkham, DK, 2017. Ductile deformation and shear zone development in the South Range of the Sudbury impact structure in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, Abstract Volume (Geological Association of Canada), 40, p. 121. Kingston, ON, 14-18 May. 

Généreux, C-A, Tinkham, DK, and Lafrance, B, 2017. Brecciation and anatexis in the South Range of the Sudbury Igneous Complex in PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium, Abstracts. Toronto, ON, Mar 06. 

Ghent, ED, Tinkham, DK, Klincker, A, and Marr, R, 2016. Pressure-temperature evolution of zoisite-hornblende eclogites from Faro area, Yukon in Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, 48(7). Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States. 0016-7592

Tinkham, D.K., 2015. The state of phase equilibria modeling of metamorphosed hydrothermal alteration zones in the VMS environment. In: Southeastern Section 64th Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, March 19-20, 2015, Chattanooga, TN.

Jorgensen, T.R.C., Lesher, C.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2013. Major and trace element geochemistry of the Elsie Mountain Formation volcanic rocks, Southern Province, Canada: Implications for contact metamorphism along the southern margin of the Sudbury Igneous Complex. In: Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, May 2013, Winnipeg.

Lam, J., Tinkham, D.K. & Gibson, H.L., 2013. Identification of metamorphic assemblages and textures associated with gold mineralization at the Lalor deposit, Snow Lake, MB. In: Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, May 2013, Winnipeg.

Tinkham, D.K., 2013. A model for metamorphic devolatilization in the Lalor deposit alteration system, Snow Lake, MB. In: Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, May 2013, Winnipeg.

Ghent, E. D. & Tinkham, D. K., 2012. Evaluation of Zr in rutile geothermometry for pelitic rocks from the Mica Creek area, British Columbia. In: Mineralogical Magazine, Goldschmidt Conference, pp. 1752.

Jorgensen, T. R. C., Tinkham, D. K. & Lesher, C. M., 2011. Identification of pyroxene hornfels facies mafic rocks within the metamorphic aureole of the South Range of the Sudbury igneous complex, ON, Canada. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 91, Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States.

Cubley, J. F., Pattison, D. R. M. & Tinkham, D. K., 2011. Monazite petrogenesis in the Grand Forks Complex, B.C.; combining thermodynamic modeling and geochronology to examine core complex exhumation. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 150, Geological Society of America (GSA), Boulder, CO, United States.

Tinkham, D.K., 2011. Distinguishing metamorphosed hydrothermally altered rocks from restite using phase equilibrium calculations, Sherridon Complex, Manitoba. In: Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Ottawa), May 2011.

Fitchett, C,I., Tinkham, D.K. & Gibson, H.L., 2011. Metamorphic phase equilibria for volcanogenic alteration systems, Amulet F Deposit, Noranda District, Abitibe Subprovince. In: Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Ottawa), May 2011.

Fitchett, C,I., Tinkham, D.K. & Gibson, H.L., 2010. Applied modeling of metamorphic phase equilibria for alteration vectors in volcanogenic massive sulfide systems. In: Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Calgary), May 2010.

Tinkham, D. K., 2009. Geochemistry, metamorphism, and partial melting of hydrothermally altered rocks in the Sherridon Complex, Trans Hudson Orogen, Manitoba. In: Joint American Geophysical Union and Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting (Toronto), May 2009, pp. V21A-06.

Ghent, E.D. & Tinkham, D.K., 2008. Zr in rutile geothermometry – Comparison of results from contrasting P-T regimes, southeaster Canadian Cordillera and New Caledonia. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Annual Meeting (Quebec City) May 2008.

Pattison, D.R.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2008. Interplay between equilibrium and kinetics in contact metamorphism of metapelites, Nelson aureole, SE BC. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (Houston), Abstracts with Program (on CD).

Pattison, D.R.M. & Tinkham, D.K., 2008. Equilibrium and kinetics in contact metamorphism of metapelites, Nelson aureole, SE BC. 18th Goldschmidt Conference (Vancouver , BC), July 13-18, 2008 (on CD).

Stowell, H.H., Tulloch, A., Tinkham, D.K., & Gatewood, M.P., 2008. Timing and duration of metamorphism and melting recorded in garnet: Fiordland, New Zealand. 18th Goldschmidt Conference (Vancouver , BC), July 13-18, 2008 (on CD).

Ghent, E., Tinkham, D., and Marr, R., 2007. Lawsonite eclogites from the Pinchi Lake area, British Columbia-new P-T estimates and interprtation: International Eclogite Field Symposium, Lochalsh, Scotland, 29 June-6 July 2007, Programme and Abstracts, p. 28.

Tinkham, D., Bulman, G.R., Stowell, H., and Zuluaga, C., 2007. Phase equilibria modeling, pseudomorphs, and crustal loading along the northeast margin of the Mount Stuart Batholith, North Cascades, WA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 4, A7-2.

Stowell, H., Tinkham, D., Zuluaga, C., and Bulman, G.R., 2007. Timing and P-T conditions for partial melting and intrusion in the Nason Ridge Migmatitic Gneiss: North Cascades, WA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 4, A7-3.

Bulman, G.R., Stowell, H., Tinkham, D., and Zuluaga, C., 2007. Garnets and zircons agree: Geochronologic constraints on late Cretaceous loading and metamorphism in the Cascades Core, WA. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, no. 4, A7-4.

Pattison, P. & Tinkham, D.K., 2005. Unreactivity of garnet in low-pressure metapelites. In: The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference Programme, Symposium S43.

Tinkham, D.K. & Pattison, P., 2005. Equilibrium and fractional crystallization in prograde metamorphism revisited. In: The 15th Annual Goldschmidt Conference Programme, Symposium S43.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2004. Estimating garnet growth P-T conditions with pseudosections and the problem of effective bulk composition. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America.

Tinkham, D.K., & Ghent, E.D., 2004. Modelling clinopyroxene-garnet amphibolite assemblages at Mica Creek, British Columbia: The role of the fluid phase. In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs , v.36, no.5, p. 454, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Tinkham, D.K., & Ghent, E.D., 2003. Estimating garnet growth P-T conditions with pseudosections and the problem of effective bulk composition. In: Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Society of Economic Geologists Joint Annual Meeting, Vancouver, B.C., A389.

Tinkham, D.K. & Ghent, E.D., 2003. P-T pseudosection modeling of mineral assemblage stability and compositions for a mineralogically simple pelite; the importance of finding the effective bulk composition. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 396-397.

Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2002. Integration of phase equilibria modelling and garnet Sm-Nd geochronology for construction of P-T-t paths; examples from the Cordilleran Coast plutonic complex, USA. In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, pp. 746.

Stowell, H.H., Tinkham, D.K. & Zuluaga, C.A., 2001. Use of pseudosections for predicting metamorphic mineral assemblages in pelitic rocks; examples for an average pelite. In: Geological Society of America, Southeastern Section, 50th annual meetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A3, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. Tectonic implications of the variable pressure-temperature-time history across the South-Central Nason terrane, Cascades Core, WA. In: Geological Society of America 2001 Annual Meeting Abstracts with Programs- Geological Society of America, pp. A76, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Tinkham, D.K., Zuluaga, C.A. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. An average Waterville Formation pseudosection; predicted phase compositions and comparison to garnet-biotite thermometry. In: Geological Society of America, Northeastern Section, 36th annual meetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A-76, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Zuluaga, C.A., Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2001. Bulk rock compositional dependence of metamorphic mineral assemblages: Examples from pelite pseudosections. In: Geological Society of America, Northeast Section, 2001 Annual MeetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A-76, Geological Society of America (GSA).

Zuluaga, C.A., Tinkham, D.K., Stowell, H.H., & Stein, E.L., 2001. Predicting partial melt temperatures for pelitic rocks in the banded gneiss, Cascades crystalline core, WA. In: Abstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. 382.

Stowell, H.H. & Tinkham, D.K., 2000. Integration of Sm-Nd garnet chronology and pseudosections in metamorphic rocks to understanding orogenesis. In: 31st International Geological Congress Meeting, Abstracts Volume.

Tinkham, D.K., 2000 (invited keynote). Unravelling the relationships between heating and crustal loading using PT-pseudosections: state of the art and perspectives, 31st International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro.

Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2000. Deciphering the temporal relationship between crustal loading and garnet growth: North American Cordillera. In: 31st International Geological Congress Meeting, Abstracts Volume.

Tinkham, D.K. & Stowell, H.H., 2000. Lack of evidence for loading during garnet growth: Southern Nason terrane, Cascades Crystalline Core, Washington. In: Geological Society of America, Cordilleran Section, 2000 Annual MeetingAbstracts with Programs - Geological Society of America, pp. A-71, Geological Society of America (GSA).



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