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Daniel J. Kontak

Daniel J. Kontak

Professor of Ore Deposit Geology, Applied MSc Program Coordinator (2024-25)

Telephone: 705-675-1151 ext 2352; Email: DKontak@laurentian.ca

Dan's research program aims to fully characterize a variety of magmatic and hydrothermal ore systems using both traditional and novel approaches. This work incorporates field studies supported by a large range of follow-up geochronologic (Re-Os, Ar-Ar, TIMS and LA U-Pb), petrologic and mineral-fluid chemical work that utilizes state-of-the-art analytical facilities at Laurentian and collaborating institutions. The work is financed through a wide variety of granting agencies that include the Federal Government (NSERC DG and CRD grants), Geological Survey of Canada, provincial surveys and many exploration and mining companies.


GEOL 2237 - Sedimentary, Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
GEOL 3607 - Ore Deposits & Their Geological Environments
GEOL 4607 - Ore-Forming Processes

Areas Of Expertise

Economic Geology, Fluid Inclusions, Au Deposits, Rare-Metal Pegmatites


Current Research Projects

My research program aims to fully characterize a variety of magmatic and hydrothermal ore systems using both traditional and novel approaches. This work incorporates field studies supported by a large range of follow-up geochronologic (Re-Os, Ar-Ar, TIMS and LA U-Pb), petrologic and mineral-fluid chemical work.


Research Themes

Mineralogy and Petrology Ore Deposits and Mineral Exploration

Current Ph.D. Students

Kerr, Mitch (2015-) Characterization of the volatile chemistry of Au and Sn hydrothermal ore systems with applications to deposit models and potential exploration vectoring; co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

Mathieu, Jordan (2015-) Fluid history of three Canadian metallotects; co-supervised with Dr. E. Turner.

Hastie, Evan (2014-) Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt, Abitibi Subprovince. co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.


Current M.Sc. Students

Choquette, Brandon (2017) Geochemical studies of the Archean Windfalls Lake intrusion associated Au deposit setting, Quebec.

Pfister, Jeremie (2016-) Mineralogical and stable isotopic studis of an LCT pegmatite sytem, N.W.T., Canada.

Enright, Jeff (2016-) Petrology of the container rocks to footwall mineralization at the Victor deposit, Sudbury, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald and Peter Lightfoot.

Sedge, Catherine (2015-) Mechanism of PGE transport and precipitation in the Afton Cu-Pd-Au porphyry deposit, Kamloops, BC: co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

Kelly, Chris (2015-) Alteration related to gold ore systems at the Black Fox mine and Grey Fox zone, Matheson, Abitibi; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Chappell, Ian (2015-) Structural controls and chronology of gold mineralization at the Black Fox mine and Grey Fox zone, Matheson, Abitibi; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Létourneau, M. (2015-) Controls on gold mineralization in the Bug Lake and La Martinière trends of northern Quebec; co-supervised with Dr. M. Leybourne.

Malcolm, Kelly (2014-) Gold mineralization in the 58N zone of the Archean Detour gold deposit area of northern Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. D. Tinkham.

Tokaryk, Scott (2013-) Characterization of gold mineralization associated with the Archean Vickers Bay intrusion, Pistol Bay Trend, Nunavut.

Chen, Lin (2012-2015) Further Re-Os dating of the Meguma gold deposits: Evidence for a protracted evolution; co-supervised with Dr. R. Creaser at University of Alberta.

Tweedale, Fergus (2012-) A fluid chemical study of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions in the mineralized South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: A possible vectoring tool; co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

MacInnis, Linette (2012-) Characterization of sharp-wall type footwall Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization at the Podolsky deposit, Sudbury, Ontario.


M.Sc. students (past)

Daniel, Jessica (2015-2018; MINEX) Setting of the Midas epithermal gold deposit, Nevada, USA.

Waller, Zachary (2016-2018) Applied M.Sc. in Mineral Exploration: Fluid Inclusion Analysis of the Timmins West Deposits, Timmins, Ontario

Martin Huber (-2017) Applied M.Sc. in Mineral Exploration: Exploration for LCT Type Pegmatites on the Troilus Property in Frotet-Evans Greenstone Belt, QC, Canada

Michelle Joyette (-2017) Applied M.Sc. in Mineral Exploration: Using Spectral Analysis to Track Alteration at the 2740 Ma Côté Au(-Cu) Deposit, ON, Canada

Ian Newman (2015-2017) Applied M.Sc. in Mineral Exploration: Chemical Analysis of Fluid Inclusion Evaporate Mounds Across the Abitibi Greenstone Belt, ON & QC, Canada

Daley, Justin (2015-2016, MINEX) Using vein textures and fluid inclusions to constrain the nature and origin of mineralization at the Heart Peaks low-sulfidization Au-Ag epithermal system, northwestern B.C., Canada.

Burns, Michael (2011-2016) Role of fluids in the evolution of the LNPG LCT-type pegmatites, NWT.

McDivitt, Jordan (2014-2016) Origin of gold mineralizationat the Archean Renabie Gold Mine, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Poulin, Remy (2012-2016) A crystal chemical study of scheelite and potential as an indicator mineral; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald

Slater, Evan (2013-2016) Nature and origin of the epithermal Sn-Zn-Ag deposits of Minas Pirquitas, northern Argentina; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald.

Smith, Jocelyn (2013-2016) Structural controls and origin of Auriferous Sheeted Veins at the Côté Gold Deposit, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Chen, Lin (2012-2015) Further Re-Os dating of the Meguma gold deposits: Evidence for a protracted evolution; co-supervised with Dr. R. Creaser at University of Alberta.Franchuk, Anatoliy (2012-2014) High Tenor Ni-PGE sulfide mineralization in the South Manasan Ultramafic Intrusion, Paleoproterozoic Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada; co-supervised with Dr. P. Lightfoot.

Watts, Kathleen (2012-2014) A melt inclusion study of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (Ontario, Canada): Evidence for two-liquid immiscibility and constraints on trace-element distribution; co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

Mathieu, Jordan (2011-2014) Characteristic of diagenetic fluids affecting two major carbonate units on Victoria Island, NWT; co-supervised with Dr. E. Turner.

Fisher, Beth (2008-2012) Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb mineralization in the Early Cambrian Sekwi Formation, Mackenzie Mountains, NWT: Stratigraphic, structural, and lithologic controls, and constraints on ore fluid characteristics; co-supervised with Dr. E. Turner.


Ph.D. students (past)

Stewart, Craig (2011-2017) Characterization of the nature and origin of different alteration types in the Sudbury Structure, Sudbury, Ontario.

Katz, Laura (2012-2016) Geological and geochemical characterization of the Archean intrusion-related Cote Gold deposit, Abitibi Subprovince.

Gourcerol, Blandine (2012-2016) Geochemistry of chert in Archean and Paleoproterozoic BIF-hosted gold systems; co-supervised with Dr. P. Thurston.

Alimohammadi, Massi (2012-2015) Geological, geochronological and geochemical characterization of porphyry systems in Iran.; co-supervised with Dr. S. Alirezaei, University of Tehran.

Pandur, Kristina (2012-2015) Geological and geochemical characterization of the Hoidas Laek REE deposit, Northern Saskatchewan: A possible carbonatite association; co-supervised with Dr. K. Ansdell, University of Saskatchewan.



Duncan Ramsay Derry Medal, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada


Julian Boldy Award, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada


Gesner Medal, Atlantic Geological Society

Peacock Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada


James Edwin Hawley Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada, for the paper “A Petrological, Geochemical, Isotopic and Fluid-Inclusion Study of 370 Ma Peraluminous Pegmatite-Aplite sheets, Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada”


Julian Boldy Award, Geological Association of Canada


Distinguished Lecturer, Atlantic Provinces Council on Sciences


Howard Street Robinson Lecturer, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

CF Davidson Memorial Lecturer, St. Andrews University, Scotland


James Edwin Hawley Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada, for the paper “The East Kemptville Topaz-Muscovite Leucogranite. I. Geological Setting and Whole-Rock Geochemistry”

Journal Articles

Papers accepted with revisions:

Kontak, D.J., Ulrich. T. and Kyser, T.K.: Mixing of magmatic and wall-rock derived fluids in a 380 Ma reduced intrusion gold setting, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence from LA ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita.

Somers, C.M.J., Gibson, H.L., Kontak, D.J., and Burk, R.: Diverse mineralization and alteration styles at the Pitarilla silver-zinc-lead deposit, Sierra Madres Occidental, Mexico: An example of a vertically zoned magmatic-hydrothermal ore system. Economic Geology.

Burns, M., Kontak, D.J. and Groat, L.A.: A fluid inclusion study of the Little Nahanni LCT-type Pegmatite Group, NWT, Canada: Implications for nature and origin of fluids in LCT-type pegmatites and pegmatite evolution. Geofluids.

McDivitt, J., Kontak, D.J., Lafrance, B., Fayek, M., and Petrus, J.: Trace Metal and Stable Isotope (D, O, S) Characteristics of Hybridized Gold Orebodies in the Missanabie-Renabie District of the Wawa Subprovince. Mineralium Deposita.

Tuba, G., Kontak, D.J., Zajacz, Z., and Petrus, J.A.: Bulk microanalysis of fluid inclusions by LA-ICP-MS: Theory, methodology and application to orogenic gold systems. Chemical Geology. 

Alimohammadi, M., Kontak, D.J., Alirezaei, S., and Archibald, D. A.: Petrological and geochronological studies of the Daraloo and Sarmeshk porphyry copper deposits, south Iran. Journal SE Asian Earth Sciences.


In press:

Poulin, R., Kontak, D.J., McDonald, A., and McClenaghan, M.B. (2018, in press): Trace element chemistry of scheelite and its applications as an ore deposit discriminator. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 56.

Slater, E., McDonald, A., and Kontak, D.J. (2018, in press): Ore Textures and Sulfide-Mineral Chemistry of the Cortaderas Zone, Pirquitas Mine, NW Argentina: An Example of Miocene-Age Epithermal Mineralization in the Andean Tin Belt.  Canadian Mineralogist.

Slater, E., Kontak, D.J., and McDonald, A. (2019, in press): Origin of Multi-staged Miocene Epithermal Ag-Zn-Pb-Sn Mineralization in the Cortaderas Zone, Pirquitas Mine, NW Argentina. Mineralium Deposita.


Published papers:


Gourcerol, B., Kontak, D.J., Petrus, J., Lach, P. (2019): Assessing multi-stage ore forming processes using LA-ICP-MS sulphide analysis in orogenic gold deposits and applications to exploration. Conference Paper: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02277351/

Gourcerol, B., Kontak, D.J., Thurston, P., Petrus, J. (2019): Deciphering multi-stage ore-forming processes in metasedimentary-rock-hosted orogenic gold deposit settings using LA ICP-MS sulphide analysis. Conference Paper: https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-02086616/

Pfister, J.D., Kontak, D.J., Groat, L., Fayek, M. (2019): Textural and Isotopic Studies of the Cretaceous Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group (nwt, Canada) Suggests Mixed Fluid Reservoirs During Its Evolution. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 57(5): 771-773.

Slater, E., Kontak, D.J., and McDonald, A. (2019): Resolving primary and retrograde sulfosalt textures in the epithermal  Ag-Zn-Pb-Sn-rich Cortaderas Zone, Pirquitas Mine, Argentina. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 57 (1): 117-143



Kerr, M.J., Hanley, J.J., Kontak, D.J., Morrison, G.G., Petrus, J., Sharpe, T., and Fayek, M. (2018): Evidence of upgrading of gold tenor in an auriferous orogenic quartz-carbonate vein system by late magmatic-hydrothermal fluids at the Madrid deposit, Hope Bay Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.

Hahn, K. Turner, E.C., Kontak, D.J., and Fayek, M. (2018): A billion years of fluid-flow history through porous carbonate mounds in Mesoproterozoic basin (Borden Basin; Nanisivik District), Nunavut. Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 223, 493-519.

Gourcerol, B., Kontak, D.J., Thurston, P. and Petrus, J. (2018): Application of LA-ICP-MS sulphide analysis and methodology to deciphering elemental paragenesis and associations in addition to multi-stage processes in metamorphic gold settings. Canadian Mineralogist. vol. 56, 1-18.

McDivitt, J., Kontak, D.J., Lafrance, B., and Robichaud, L. (2018): Contrasting fluid chemistries, alteration characteristics, and metamorphic timing relationships recorded in hybridized ore bodies of the Missanabie-Renabie gold district, Archean Wawa subprovince, Ontario, Canada. Economic Geology, vol. 113, 397-420.

Gourcerol, B., Kontak, D.J., Thurston, P. and Petrus, J. (2018): Results of LA-ICP-MS sulfide mapping from Algoma-type BIF gold systems with implications for the nature of mineralizing fluids, metal sources, and deposit models. Mineralium Deposita, vol. 53, 871-894.

Mathieu, J., Turner, E., Kontak, D.J., Fayek, M., and Mathur, R. (2018): Atypical Cu mineralization in the Cornwallis carbonate-hosted Zn district: Storm copper deposit in the Cornwallis, Arctic Canada. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 99, 86-115.

​McDivitt, J., Lafrance, B., Kontak, D.J., and Robichaud, L. (2017): The structural evolution of the Missanabie-Renabie Gold District: Pre-orogenic veins in an orogenic gold setting and their influence on the formation of hybrid deposits. Economic Geology, vol. 112, 1959-1975.



Lake, D.J., Groat, L.A., Falck, H., Mulja, T., Cempirek, J., Kontak, D.J., Marxhall, D., and Fayek, M. (2017: Genesis of emerald-bearing quartz veins associated with the Lened W-skarn mineralization, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 55 ,561-593.

White, C., Kontak, D.J., Demont, G., and Archibald, D.A. (2017): Remnants of Early Mesozoic basalt of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal Earth Sciences, vol. 54, 345-358.

Neyedley, K. Hanley, J.J., Fayek, M., and Kontak, D.J. (2017): Textural, Fluid Inclusion, and Stable Oxygen Isotope Constraints on Vein Formation and Gold Precipitation at the 007 Deposit, Rice Lake Greenstone Belt, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada. Economic Geology vol. 112, 629-660.

​Katz, L., Kontak, D.J., Dubé, B., and McNicoll, V. (2017): The geology, petrology, and geochronology of the Archean Côté Gold large-tonnage, low-grade intrusion-related Au(-Cu) deposit, Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 54, 173-202.



Gourcerol, B., Kontak, D.J., Thurston, P.C., and Duparc, Q. (2016) Do magnetite layers in Algoma-type BIF preserve their primary geochemical signature: Evidence from a LA ICP-MS study of magnetite from BIF-hosted gold deposit settings. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, 605-624.

Poulin, R.S., McDonald, A., Kontak, D.J. and McClenaghan, M.B. (2016): On the relationship between cathodoluminescence and the chemical composition of scheelite from geologically diverse ore-deposit environments. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, 1147-1173.

Hnatyshin, D., JKontak, Creaser, R., Kontak, D.J., Turner, E.C., Stern, R., and Morden, R..C. (2016): Geochronologic (Re-Os) and fluid-chemical constraints on the formation of the Mesoproterozoic-hosted Nanisivik Zn–Pb deposit, Nunavut, Canada: Evidence for early diagenetic, low-temperature conditions of formation. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 79, 189-217

Alimohammadi, M., Alirezaei, S., and Kontak, D.J., and Ghaderi, M. (2016): The geology, petrogenesis and geological setting of the volcanic and plutonic rocks from Daraloo and Sarmeshk porphyry copper deposits, South Kerman Copper Belt, Iran. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran. Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., and Kontak, D., 2016. Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation, Precambrian Research, in press.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D., and Duparc, Q., 2016. Do magnetite layers in Algoma-type BIF preserve their primary geochemical signature: A case study of samples from three Archean BIF-hosted gold deposits? Canadian Mineralogist, accepted.

Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R.A., Kontak, D.J., Turner, E.C., Stern, R.A., and Morden R., 2016. Geochronologic (Re-Os), stable isotope (δ34S), and fluid-chemical constraints on the formation of the Mesoproterozoic-hosted Nanisivik Zn-Pb deposit, Nunavut, Canada: Evidence for early diagenetic, low-temperature conditions of formation. Ore Geology Reviews doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.05.017



Pandur, K., Ansdell, K.M., Kontak, D.J., Halpin, K.M., and Creighton, S. (in press): Textural and mineral chemical characteristics of the Hoidas Lake vein-type REE deposit, northern Saskatchewan, Canada: Constraints on the origin of distal magmatic-hydrothermal REE mineralization. Economic Geology.

Alimohammadi, M., Alirezaei, S., and Kontak, D.J., and Ghaderi, M. (2015): The geology, petrogenesis and geological setting of the volcanic and plutonic rocks from Daraloo and Sarmeshk porphyry copper deposits, South Kerman Copper Belt, Iran. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran.

Poulin, R.S., McDonald, A., Kontak, D.J. and McClenaghan, M.B. (2015): Crystal-chemical influences on the cathodoluminescence of scheelite. The Canadian Mineralogist 79, 295-307.

Mathieu, J., Kontak, D.J., Turner, E.C., Fayek, M. and Layne, G. (2015): In situ SIMS (O, S) and LA ICP-MS (trace elements) micro-analysis of multiple cement phases reveal a complex diagenetic fluid history: A case study of Phanerozoic cements on Victoria Island, NWT. Chemical Geology, 415, 47-69.

Franchuk, A., Lightfoot, P., and Kontak, D.J. (2015): High Tenor Ni-PGE Sulfide Mineralization in the South Manasan Ultramafic Intrusion, Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 434-458.

Alimohammadi, M., Alirezaei, S., and Kontak, D.J. (2015): Application of ASTER data for exploration of porphyry copper deposits: A case study of Daraloo- Sarmeshk area, southern part of the Kerman copper belt, Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 70, 290-304.

Pandur, K., Ansdell, K., and Kontak, D.J., (2015) Graphic-like melt inclusion textures in apatite: Evidence for pegmatitic processes in a REE-enriched carbonatites? Geology, 43, no. 6, 547-550.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P., Kontak, D.J. and Côté-Mantha, O. (2015): Interpretations and implications of LA ICP-MS analysis of chert for the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Meadowbank gold deposit, Western Churchill Province, Nunavut. Chemical Geology, 410, 89-107.

Dostal, J., Kontak, D.J., Gerel, O., Shellnut, G., and and Fayek, M. (2015): Origin of Cretaceous ongonites (topaz-bearing albite-rich micro-leucogranites) from Ongon Khairkhan, Central Mongolia. Lithos, 236-237, 173-189.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D.J., and Coté-Mantha, O. (2015) The geochemistry of chert from the Banded Iron Formation-type Musselwhite and Meadowbank gold deposits: Distinguishing primary and mineralization-related signatures of chert. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2015-1, 24 p.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., and Kontak, D.J. (2015): Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation from the Meadowbank, Meliadine and Musselwhite gold deposits: In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Lode Gold Project Synthesis, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 55-67.

Katz, L.R., Kontak, D.J., Dubé, B., and McNicoll, V. (2015):. The Archean Côté Gold intrusion-related Au(-Cu) deposit, Ontario: A large tonnage, low-grade deposit centred on a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 139-155.

Kontak, D.J., MacInnis, L.M., Ames, D.E., Rayner, N., and Joyce, N. (2015): A geological, petrological, and geochronological study of the Grey Gabbro unit of the Podolsky Cu-(Ni)-PGE deposit, Sudbury, Ontario, with a focus on the alteration related to the formation of sharp-walled chalcopyrite veins, In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Canadian Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements-Chromium Ore Systems — Fertility, Pathfinders, New and Revised Models, (eds) D.E. Ames and M.G. Houle; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File XXXX.

Gao, J.-F., Jackson, S.E., Dube, B., Kontak, D.J., and DeSouza, S. (2015): Genesis of the Canadian Malartic, Côté Gold, and Musselwhite gold deposits: Insights from LA-ICP-MS element mapping of pyrite. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 157-177.

Dubé, B. and others including Kontak, D.J. (2015): Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 1-24.

Tweedale, F., Hanley, J.J., Kontak, D.J., and Rogers, N. (2015): Petrographic observations and evaporate mound analysis of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions hosted by granitoid samples from the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: An exploration tool for vectoring towards mineralized areas in intrusive rocks: In TGI 4 – Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project: New Vectors to Buried Porphyry-Style Mineralisation, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7843, p. 79-99.

McClenaghan, M.B., Parkhill, M.A, Pronk, A.G. Seaman, A.A., McCurdy M.W., Poulin, R.S.,
McDonald, A.M., Kontak, D.J., and Leybourne, M.I. (2015): Till, stream sediment, and stream water geochemical signatures of intrusion-hosted Sn-W deposits: examples from the Sisson W-Mo and Mount Pleasant Sn-W-Mo-Bi-In deposits, New Brunswick. In TGI 4 – Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project: New Vectors to Buried Porphyry-Style Mineralisation, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7843, p. 39-57.



Merle, R., Marzoli, A., Reisberg, L., Bertrand, H., Nemchin, A., Chiaradia, M., Jourdan, F., Bellieni, G., Kontak, D., Puffer, J. and McHone, G. (2014): Sr, Nd, Pb and Os isotopice systematics of CAMP tholeiites from Eastern North America (ENA): Evidence of a subduction-enriched mantle source. Journal of Petrology, 55, 133-180.

Dostal, J., Kontak, D.J. and Karl, S.M. (2014): Early Jurassic Bokan Mountain peralkaline granitic complex (southeastern Alaska): geochemistry, petrogenesis and rare-metal mineralization. Lithos, 202-203, 395-412.

Pandur, K., Kontak, D.J. and Ansdell, K. (2014): Hydrothermal evolution in the Hoidas Lake vein-type REE deposit, Saskatchewan, Canada: Constraints from fluid inclusion microthermometry and evaporate mound analysis. Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 717–744.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D.J., and Coté-Mantha, O. (2014): Interpretations and implications of preliminary LA ICP-MS analysis of chert for the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron formations from the Meadowbank gold deposit, Western Churchill Province, Nunavut. In Geological Survey of Canada, Current research 2014-1, 26 p.doi:10.4095/293129.

Watts, K.M., Hanley, J.J., Ames, D.E., Kontak, D.J., and Petrus, J.A. (2014) Chemical databases for apatite and melt inclusions from a study of the 1850 Ma Sudbury Igneous Complex (Ontario, Canada). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7710.

MacInnis, L., Kontak, D.J., Ames, D.E., and Joyce, N. L. (2014): Alteration proximal to the 
sharp-walled walled Cu-(Ni)-PGE vein footwall mineralization of the Podolsky deposit, 
Sudbury; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7666, doi:10.4095.



Dostal, J., Karl, S.M., Keppie, J.D, Kontak, D.J. and Shellnut, G. (2013): Bokan Mountain peralkaline granite complex, Alexander Terrane (Prince of Wales Island, southestern Alaska): Initial rifting following Lower Jurassic accretion with North America. Canadian Journal Earth Sciences, vol. 50, 678-691.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., Creaser, R.A., Petrus, J. and Archibald, D. (2013): A petrological and geochronological study of a 360 Ma metallogenic event in Maritime Canada with implications for lithophile-metal mineralization in the Canadian Appalachians. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 50, 1147-1163.

Mathieu, J., Kontak, D.J. and Turner, E.C. (2013): A fluid inclusion study of diagenetic fluids in Proterozoic and Paleozoic carbonate rocks, Victoria Island, NWT. Geofluids, vol. 13, 559-578.

Rogers, J.R., Beilhartz, D., Kontak, D.J., Katz, L. Dubé, B., and McNicoll, V. (2013): The Côté Gold deposit: discovery of a new generation low-grade, multi-million ounce gold resource in the Archean Superior Province of Canada. In Program Volume, NewGenGold 2013, Perth, Australia, p. 159-174.

McClenaghan, M.B., Parkhill, M.A., Seaman, A.A., Pronk, A.G., McCurdy, M., and Kontak, D.J. (2013): Overview of tungsten indicator minerals scheelite and wolframite with examples from Sisson W-Mo deposit. In Application of Indicator Mineral Methods to Mineral Exploration, Short Course SC07, Proceedings of the 26th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, New Zealand, SC Volume pp. 59-67.



London, D. and Kontak, D.J. (2012): Granitic pegmatites: Scientific wonders and economic bonanzas. Elements 8 (4), 257-262.

Cao, Y., Li, S., Kontak, D.J., Zhang, H., Li, Z., and Liu, Z. (2012): LA ICP-MS geochronology and trace element geochemistry of zircon from the Shihu gold deposit, western Hebei Province, North China Craton: Timing of mineralization and tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica, vol. 86, 801-840.

Kontak, D.J., Creaser, R.A., and Hamilton, M. (2012): Geological and Geochemical Studies of the Côté Lake Au(-Cu) Deposit Area, Chester Township, Northern Ontario. Discover Abitibi, OGS OFR.

Barrett, T.J., Wilson, G.C, Hamilton, M.A, Kontak, D.J., Burns, M., Ayer, J.A., Stott, G.M, Beaudoin, G., and J.-F. Hélie, J.-F. (2012, in press): The Montclerg Gold Deposit, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, East Timmins Region, Ontario: Stratigraphy, Lithogeochemistry, Mineralization and Nature of Vein Fluids. Discover Abitibi, OGS OFR.

Ames, D.E., Dare, S.A., Hanley, J.J., Hollings, P., Jackson, S.J., Jugo, P.J., Kontak,. D.K., Linnen, R., and Samson, I.M. (2012): Update on Research Activities in the Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 Magmatic-Hydrothermal Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements Ore System subproject: System Fertility and Ore Vectors. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2012, Ontario geological Survey, OFR xxx, 41-1 to 41-11.

Turner, E.C., Kamber, B.S., Kontak, D.J., Long, D.G.F., Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R., Morden, R., and Hahn, K. (2012): Economic potential of the Mesoproterozoic Borden Basin Zn district, northern Baffin Island, NU: Thematic studies 2011-2012; in Activity Report 2012, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office.



Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2011): Fingerprinting multiple fluid reservoirs in a 380 Ma Intrusion-Related Gold (IRG) setting, Nova Scotia, Canada: Implications for the nature and origin of IRG deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 46, 337-363.

Murphy, J.B, Waldron, J., Kontak, D.J., Pe-Piper, G.A. and Piper, D. (2011): Minas Fault Zone: Late Paleozoic history of an intra-continental orogenic transform fault in the Canadian Appalachians. Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 312-328.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J. and Kyser, K. (2011): A stable isotope (δ18O) study of two saddle-reef vein systems, Meguma gold fields, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence for similar isotopic signatures for different age deposits and regional implications. Mineralium Deposita, 46, 289-304.

Dostal, J., Kontak. D.J., Hanley, J. and Owen, V. 2011. Geological investigation of rare earth 
element and uranium deposits of the Bokan Mountain complex, Prince of Wales Island, 
southeastern Alaska. Technical Report, U.S. Geological Survey - grant GO9PA00039, 122 p.



Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2010): Late-stage crystallization history of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: II. Nature and origin of segregation pipes. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 1533-1568.

Kontak, D.J. and Horne, R.J. (2010): A multi-stage origin for the Meguma lode gold deposits, Nova Scotia, Canada: A possible global model for slate belt-hosted gold mineralization. In Gold Metallogeny: India and Beyond, Deb, M. and Goldfarb, R.J., eds., Alpha Science International Ltd., Oxford, U.K., p. 58-82.



Jourdan, F., Marzoli, A., Bertrand, H., Cirilli, S, Tanner, L., Kontak, D.J., McHone, G., Renne, P.R. and Bellieni, G. (2009): 40Ar/39Ar ages of CAMP in North America: Implications for the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and the 40K decay constant bias. Lithos, 110, 167-180.

Dostal, J. and Kontak, D.J. (2009): Trace element geochemistry of hydrothermal scheelite and associated rutile from turbidite-hosted gold deposits, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Genetic Implications. Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 97, p. 95-109.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, K. (2009): Nature and origin of an LCT-suite pegmatite with late-stage sodium enrichment, Brazil Lake, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia: II. Implications of stable isotopes (δ18O, δD) for magma source, internal crystallization and nature of sodic metasomatism. Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 745-764.

80. Cirilli, S., Marzoli, A., Tanner, L., Bertrand, H., Buratti, N., Jourdan, F., Bellieni, G., Kontak, D.J. and Renne, R.P. (2009): Does the onset of CAMP predate or post-date Tr-J boundary? Stratigraphic constraints from the Fundy Basin (Nova Scotia). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 286, p. 514-525.



Kontak, D.J., Archibald, D.A., Creaser, R.A. and Heaman, L. (2008): Dating (Re-Os, Ar-Ar, U-Pb) hydrothermal alteration Attending IOCG mineralization along a terrane-bounding fault zone: The Copper Lake deposit, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geology, 44, 46-166.

Kontak, D.J. (2008): On the edge of CAMP: Geology and volcanology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia. Lithos, 101, 74-101.

Kontak, D.J., Dubé, B., and Benham, W. (2008): The Upper Beaver Project, Kirkland Lake Area: Investigation of a Syenite-Associated Copper-Gold Deposit with Magnetite-Epidote-Feldspar Alteration; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6226, p. 112-1 to 12-12.



Kontak, D.J., Kyser, K., Gize, A. and Marshall, D. (2006): Structurally controlled vein barite mineralization, Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: geological setting, stable isotopes and fluid inclusions. Economic Geology, 101, 407-430.

Kontak, D.J. (2006): Nature and origin of an LCT-type pegmatite with late-stage sodium enrichment, Brazil Lake, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia: I. Geological setting and petrology. Canadian Mineralogist, 44,563-598.

Kontak, D.J. (2006): Geological map of the North Mountain Basalt from Cape Split to Brier Island, with comments on its resource potential. In Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 2005. Edited by D.R. MacDonald. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2006-1, pp. 39-66.

Kontak, D.J. (2006): Nature of iron oxide-copper gold mineralization along the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault System: An update on studies at Mount Thom ad Copper Lake. In Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 2005. Edited by D.R. MacDonald. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2006-1, p. 67-98.

Horne, R.J., King, M.S. Kontak, D.J., O’Reilly, G.A., and Black, D. (2006): The Kemptville shear zone: Regional shear related to emplacement and mineralization. In Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 2005. Edited by D.R. MacDonald. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2006-1, p. 19-37.

Kontak, D.J. (2006) (in press): Nature and origin of an LCT-type pegmatite with late-stage sodium enrichment, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia: I. Geological setting and petrology. Canadian Mineralogist, Special Issue on Rare-Element Mineralization.

Kontak, D.J., Kyser, K., Gize, A., and Marshall, D. (2006 (in press): Structurally controlled vein barite mineralization, Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: geological setting, stable isotopes and fluid inclusions. Economic Geology.

Kontak, D.J. (2006) (under review): On the edge of CAMP: Geology and volcanology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia . Speical Issue on Rift-related Magmatism and Mineralization. Lithos.

Morelli, R.M., Creaser, R., Selby, D., Kontak, D.J., and Horne, R.J. (2005): Rhenium-Osmium geochronology of arsenopyrite in Meguma Group gold deposits, MegumaTerrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence for multiple gold-mineralizing events. Economic Geology, vol. 100, p. 1229-1242.

Kontak, D.J., Creaser, R., Heaman, L., and Archibald, D.A. (2005): U-Pb tantalite, Re-Os moybendite, and 40Ar/ 39Ar muscovite dating of the Brazil Lake pegmatite, Nova Scotia: A possible shear-zone related origin for an LCT-type pegmatite. Atlantic Geology, vol. 41, p. 17-30.

Kontak, D.J. (2004): Analysis of decrepitate mounds as a complement to fluid inclusion thermometric data: Case studies from granitic environments in Nova Scotia and Peru. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 42, p. 1315-1330.

Dostal, J., Chatterjee, A.K. and Kontak, D.J. (2004): Chemical and isotopic (Pb, Sr) zonation in a peraluminous granite pluton: role of fluid fractionation. Contributions Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 147, p. 74-90.

Carruzzo, S., Kontak, D.J., and Clarke, D.B. (2004): Stable isotope study of mineralization in the New Ross area, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: evidence for multiple source reservoirs. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 42, p. 1425-1442.

Clark, A.H. and Kontak, D.J. (2004): Fe-Ti-P oxide melts generated through magma mixing in the Antauta Subvolcanic Center, Peru: Implications for the origin of Nelsonite and iron oxide-dominated hydrothermal deposits. Economic Geology, vol. 99, p. 377-395.

Kontak, D.J., Ham. L.J., and Dunning, G. (2004): U/Pb dating of the Musquodoboit Batholith, southern Nova Scotia: evidence for a protracted magmatic-hydrothermal event in a Devonian intrusion. Atlantic Geology, vol. 40, p. 207-216.

Clarke, D.B. and many others (including Kontak, D.J.) (2004): Occurrence and origin of andalusite in peraluminous felsic igneous rocks. Journal of Petrology, vol. 46, p. 441-472.

Kontak, D.J. and Archibald, D.A. (2003): 40Ar/ 39Ar age dating of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, southern Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geology, vol 39, p. 47-54.

Kontak, D.J., Dostal, J., Kyser, K., and Archibald, D.A. (2002): A petrological, geochemical, isotopic and fluid inclusion study of 370 Ma Pegmatite-Aplite Sheets, Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, vol, 40, p. 1249-1286.

Kontak, D.J.,and Archibald, D.A. (2002): 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of hydrothermal biotite from high-grade gold mineralization, Tangier gold deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada: Further evidence ca. 370 Ma gold metallogeny in the Meguma Terrane. Economic Geology, vol., 97, p. 619-628.

Kontak, D.J. and Clark, A.H. (2002): Genesis of the giant, bonanza San Rafael lode tin deposit, Peru: origin and significance of pervasive alteration:. Economic Geology, vol. 97, p. 1741-1777.

Kontak, D.J., DeWolfe, M., and Dostal, J. (2002): Late-stage crystallization history of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: I. Evidence for pervasive silicate-liquid immiscibility. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 40, p. 1287-1311.




Kontak, D.J. (2005): The East Kemptville tin-base metal deposit, Nova Scotia: Documentation of the magmatic to hydrothermal transition in a highly-fractionated, F-rich environment. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, St. John, New Brunswick, Program and Abstracts.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2005): Meguma gold deposits Nova Scotia: Complexities of mesothermal, sediment-hosted gold mineralization revealed. Newfoundland Section Geological Association of Canada, Spring Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2005): Overview of Gold Mineralization, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Multiple Generation of Mesothermal Systems During Terrane Stabilization. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J.D. (2005): Volcanology and Petrology of the 201 Ma North Mountain Basalt, Southern Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. (2005): Jurassic Park of Southern Nova Scotia: Volcanology and Petrology of the 201 Ma North Mountain Basalt. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, CD/ ROM.

Kontak, D.J. (2005): The North Mountain Basalt: A walk through a 201 million volcanological paradise in the Jurassic Park of southern Nova Scotia. Mining Matters 2005, Minerals Resource Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2005-2.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., Morelli, R., and Creaser, R. (2004): Re/Os analysis of arsenopyrite from Meguma lode gold deposits: implications for timing of gold metallogeny and age of Acadian deformation in the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, Moncton, New Brunswick, Program and Abstracts.

Baldwin, C., Kontak, D.J., and Dostal, J. (2004): Petrological studies of mafic pegmatites in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: a record of extreme fractionation in the late-stage evolution of continental tholeiites. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, Moncton, New Brunswick, Program and Abstracts.

Barnes, E.M., Groat, L.A., Kontak, D.J., Marshall, D., and Falck, H. (2004): Thee Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group - Deciphering the Evidence. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2004): The Brazil Lake Pegmatite, southwestern Nova Scotia: Role of sodium metasomatism in an LCT-type pegmatite of magmatic parentage. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., MacDonald, M.A., O’Reilly, G.A., Horne, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2004): Gold in the Meguma Terrane, southern Nova Scotia: Is there a continuum between mesothermal lode gold and intrusion-related gold systems? Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. (2004): From kitty litter to make up: geological setting and potential of some industrial mineral commodities in southwestern Nova Scotia. Mining Matters 2004, Minerals Resource Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2004-2, p. 14.

Kontak, D.J. (2004): A celebration of the 25 th Anniversary of the discovery of North America’s only primary producer of tin - An overview of exploration, discovery and geological studies of the East Kemptville Sn-Zn-Cu-Ag deposit, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. Mining Matters 2004, Minerals Resource Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2004-2, p. 13.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2003): Nature, distribution and paragenesis of zeolites in the Jurassic (201 Ma) North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: from magma degassing to basin dewatering. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 28, p. 63.

Kontak, D.J. and Gize, A. (2003): Association of gas-rich (N2-CO2+CH4) and high-salinity aqueous fluid inclusions in a vein barite deposit, Brookfield, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 28 CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2003): A view of CAMP from the edge: Geology and petrology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 28 - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2003): Overview of the geology and petrology of the Jurassic (2001 Ma) North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Kontak, D.J., Dunning, G., and Creaser, R. (2003): U/Pb and Re/Os dating of the South Mountain and Musquodoboit batholiths, Nova Scotia: evidence for protracted magmatic-hydrothermal events. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Horne, R.J., Kontak, D.J., and Smith, P.K. (2003): Meguma lode gold deposits: post-metamorphic, late syn-folding vein arrays. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Shellnut, G., Dostal, J., and Kontak, D.J. (2003): Early Jurassic magmatism of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province: Regional variations in chemical composition. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Layman, A.J., Kontak, D.J., and Jamieson, R.A. (2003): Fluid inclusions in garnet, migmatitic paragenesis, Algonquin Domain, Grenville Province, Ontario. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Morelli, R., Creaser, R., Selby, D., Kontak, D.J., and Horne, R.J. (2003): Re-Os arsenopyrite geochronology of quartz veining and Au mineralization, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Society America, Program with Abstracts, vol. 35, October 2003.

Kontak, D.J., and Kyser, T.K. (2003): Nature, distribution and paragenesis of zeolites in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: From magma degassing to basin dewatering. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., and Dostal, J. (2003): A view of CAMP from the edge: Geology and petrology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., Gize, A.P., Kyser, T.K., and Marshall, D. (2003): Association of gas-rich (N 2-CO 2 " CH 4) and high-salinity aqueous fluid inclusions in a vein barite deposit, Brookfield, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., Groat, L.A., and Barnes, E.M. (2003): Comparison of the Brazil Lake, Nova Scotia, and Little Nahanni, N.W.T., LCT Pegmatite suites. In Mining Matters for Nova Scotia 2003, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Report 2003-02, Program with Abstracts, p. 8.

Barnes, E.M., Groat, L.A., Kontak, D.J., Marshall, D., and Falck, H., (2003): The Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group – what can it tell us? 31 st Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, Program with Abstracts, Yellowknife, N.W.T.

Carruzzo S., Kontak, D.J., Reynolds, P.H., Clarke, D.B., Dunning, G., Selby, D., and Creaser, R.A., (2003): Geochronology (U/Pb, Re/Os, Ar/Ar) of the late-orogenic South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada. Goldschmidt Meeting, Japan, Program with Abstracts.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2002): Segregation vesicles in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalts, Nova Scotia: Implications for anorogenic magmatism. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 27, p. 63.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2002): Nature and origin of Cornwall-type clay mineralization in southwest Nova Scotia, Canada: The Black Bull Resources Inc. Yarmouth silica-kaolinite deposit. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 27, p. 63.

Kontak, D.J. (2002): The Jurassic North Mountain Basalts, Nova Scotia: more that just simple flood basalts. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Program and Abstracts, p. 23.

Kontak, D.J. (2002): Analysis of decrepitate mounds as a complement to fluid inclusion thermometric data: Case studies from granitic environments in Nova Scotia and Peru. PACROFI VIII Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21-25, Program with Abstracts, p. 40-42.

Kontak, D.J. (2002): Fluid inclusion decrepitate textures in metamorphic vein-gold deposits and granitic pegmatites of the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Overlooked phenomenon or local anomaly. Canadian Mineralogist. PACROFI VIII Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21-25, Program with Abstracts, p. 43-45.

Carruzzo, S., Kontak, D.J., Clark, D.B., and Kyser, K. (2002): Characterization of fluids from granite-hosted mineral deposits of the New Ross area, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia using fluid inclusion thermometry, decrepitate analysis, and stable isotope (D, 18O) geochemistry. PACROFI VIII Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21-25, 2002, Program with Abstracts, p. 18.

Telephone: (705) 675-1151 ext. 2352
Email: dkontak@laurentian.ca



2016 Duncan Ramsay Derry Medal, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

2015 Julian Boldy Award, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

2011 Gesner Medal, Atlantic Geological Society

2011 Peacock Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada

2002 James Edwin Hawley Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada, for the paper “A Petrological, Geochemical, Isotopic and Fluid-Inclusion Study of 370 Ma Peraluminous Pegmatite-Aplite sheets, Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada”

2001 Julian Boldy Award, Geological Association of Canada

1997 Distinguished Lecturer, Atlantic Provinces Council on Sciences

1996 Howard Street Robinson Lecturer, Mineral Deposits Division, Geological Association of Canada

1996 CF Davidson Memorial Lecturer, St. Andrews University, Scotland

1990 James Edwin Hawley Medal, Mineralogical Association of Canada, for the paper “The East Kemptville Topaz-Muscovite Leucogranite. I. Geological Setting and Whole-Rock Geochemistry”


Research Interests

My research program aims to fully characterize a variety of magmatic and hydrothermal ore systems using both traditional and novel approaches. This work incorporates field studies supported by a large range of follow-up geochronologic (Re-Os, Ar-Ar, TIMS and LA U-Pb), petrologic and mineral-fluid chemical work that utilizes state-of-the-art analytical facilities at Laurentian and collaborating institutions. The work is financed through a wide variety of granting agencies that include the Federal Government (NSERC DG and CRD grants), Geological Survey of Canada, provincial surveys and many exploration and mining companies.

In recent years, I have become particularly interested in focusing at smaller scales to solve problems by using both mineral and fluid (i.e., fluid inclusions) chemistry to trace the evolution of ore systems at different scales.


Available Research Projects

If you are interested in a M.Sc. or Ph.D. research project, please contact me or see our current research projects and geology graduate program information.


Current Graduate Students


Ph.D. Students (active)

Kerr, Mitch (2015-): Characterization of the volatile chemistry of Au and Sn hydrothermal ore systems with applications to deposit models and potential exploration vectoring; co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

Mathieu, Jordan (2015-): Fluid history of three Canadian metallotects; co-supervised with Dr. E. Turner.

Hastie, Evan (2014-): Gold Metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenstone Belt, Abitibi Subprovince. co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.


M.Sc. Students (active)

Choquette, Brandon (2017): Geochemical studies of the Archean Windfalls Lake intrusion associated Au deposit setting, Quebec.

Pfister, Jeremie (2016-): Mineralogical and stable isotopic studis of an LCT pegmatite sytem, N.W.T., Canada.

Daniels, Jessica (2015-; MINES program): Setting of the Midas epithermal gold deposit, Nevada, USA.

Enright, Jeff (2016-): Petrology of the container rocks to footwall mineralization at the Victor deposit, Sudbury, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald and Peter Lightfoot.

Sedge, Catherine (2015-): Mechanism of PGE transport and precipitation in the Afton Cu-Pd-Au porphyry deposit, Kamloops, BC: co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

Kelly, Chris (2015-) Alteration related to gold ore systems at the Black Fox mine and Grey Fox zone, Matheson, Abitibi; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Chappell, Ian (2015-): Structural controls and chronology of gold mineralization at the Black Fox mine and Grey Fox zone, Matheson, Abitibi; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Létourneau, M. (2015-): Controls on gold mineralization in the Bug Lake and La Martinière trends of northern Quebec; co-supervised with Dr. M. Leybourne.

Malcolm, Kelly (2014-): Gold mineralization in the 58N zone of the Archean Detour gold deposit area of northern Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. D. Tinkham.

Tokaryk, Scott (2013-): Characterization of gold mineralization associated with the Archean Vickers Bay intrusion, Pistol Bay Trend, Nunavut.

Chen, Lin (2012-2015): Further Re-Os dating of the Meguma gold deposits: Evidence for a protracted evolution; co-supervised with Dr. R. Creaser at University of Alberta.

Tweedale, Fergus (2012-): A fluid chemical study of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions in the mineralized South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: A possible vectoring tool; co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

MacInnis, Linette (2012-): Characterization of sharp-wall type footwall Cu-Ni-PGE mineralization at the Podolsky deposit, Sudbury, Ontario.


M.Sc. students (past)

Daley, Justin (2015-2016, MINEX): using vein textures and fluid inclusions to constrain the nature and origin of mineralization at the Heart Peaks low-sulfidization Au-Ag epithermal system, northwestern B.C., Canada.

Burns, Michael (2011-2-06): Role of fluids in the evolution of the LNPG LCT-type pegmatites, NWT.

McDivitt, Jordan (2014-2016): Origin of gold mineralizationat the Archean Renabie Gold Mine, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance. .

Poulin, Remy (2012-2016) A crystal chemical study of scheelite and potential as an indicator mineral; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald

Slater, Evan (2013-2016): Nature and origin of the epithermal Sn-Zn-Ag deposits of Minas Pirquitas, northern Argentina; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald.

Smith, Jocelyn (2013-2016) Structural controls and origin of Auriferous Sheeted Veins at the Côté Gold Deposit, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

McDivitt, Jordan (2014-2016): Gold Mineralisation at the Renabie Gold Mine, Wawa, Ontario; co-supervised with Dr. B. Lafrance.

Poulin, Remy (2012-2016): A crystal chemical study of scheelite and potential as an indicator mineral; co-supervised with Dr. A. McDonald.

Burns, Michael (2011-2015): Role of fluids in the evolution of the LNPG LCT-type pegmatites, NWT.

Franchuk, Anatoliy (2012-2014): High Tenor Ni-PGE sulfide mineralization in the South Manasan Ultramafic Intrusion, Paleoproterozoic Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada; co-supervised with Dr. P. Lightfoot.

Watt, Kathleen (2012-2014): A melt inclusion study of the Sudbury Igneous Complex (Ontario, Canada): Evidence for two-liquid immiscibility and constraints on trace-element distribution; co-supervised with Dr. J. Hanley, St. Mary' University.

Mathieu, Jordan (2011-2014): Characteristic of diagenetic fluids affecting two major carbonate units on Victoria Island, NWT; co-supervised with Dr. E. Turner.

Fisher, Beth (2008-2012): Carbonate-hosted Zn-Pb mineralization in the Early Cambrian
Sekwi Formation, Mackenzie Mountains, NWT: Stratigraphic, structural, and lithologic controls, and constraints on ore fluid characteristics; co-supervised with Dr. E. Turner.


Ph.D. students (past)

Stewart, Craig (2011-2017): Characterization of the nature and origin of different alteration types in the Sudbury Structure, Sudbury, Ontario.

Katz, Laura (2012-2016): Geological and geochemical characterization of the Archean intrusion-related Cote Gold deposit, Abitibi Subprovince.

Gourcerol, Blandine (2012-2016): Geochemistry of chert in Archean and Paleoproterozoic BIF-hosted gold systems; co-supervised with Dr. P. Thurston.

Alimohammadi, Massi (2012-2015): Geological, geochronological and geochemical characterization of porphyry systems in Iran.; co-supervised with Dr. S. Alirezaei, University of Tehran.

Pandur, Kristina (2012-2015): Geological and geochemical characterization of the Hoidas Laek REE deposit, Northern Saskatchewan: A possible carbonatite association; co-supervised with Dr. K. Ansdell, University of Saskatchewan.


Recent publications (2006-present)


Journal Articles

Papers accepted with revisions:

Kontak, D.J., Ulrich. T. and Kyser, T.K.: Mixing of magmatic and wall-rock derived fluids in a 380 Ma reduced intrusion gold setting, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence from LA ICP-MS analysis of fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Mineralium Deposita.

Somers, C.M.J., Gibson, H.L., Kontak, D.J., and Burk, R.: Diverse mineralization and alteration styles at the Pitarilla silver-zinc-lead deposit, Sierra Madres Occidental, Mexico: An example of a vertically zoned magmatic-hydrothermal ore system. Economic Geology.

Burns, M., Kontak, D.J. and Groat, L.A.: A fluid inclusion study of the Little Nahanni LCT-type Pegmatite Group, NWT, Canada: Implications for nature and origin of fluids in LCT-type pegmatites and pegmatite evolution. Geofluids.

Papers under review:

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P., Kontak, D.J., Cote-Matha, O., Biczok, J., and Fayek, M.: Depositional setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation hosted gold deposits as constrained from LA ICP-MS trace and REE chemistry and in situ (SIMS) oxygen isotopic data. Precambrian Research.

Nedeley, K., Hanley, K., Fayek, M., and Kontak, D.J.: A mineralogical, stable Isotope, and fluid inclusion study of the 007 Gold Deposit, Bissett, Manitoba. Economic Geology.

Published papers:


Lake, D.J., Groat, L.A., Falck, H., Mulja, T., Cempirek, J., Kontak, D.J., Marxhall, D., and Fayek, M. (2017: Genesis of emerald-bearing quartz veins associated with the Lened W-skarn mineralization, Northwest Territories, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 55 ,561-593.

White, C., Kontak, D.J., Demont, G., and Archibald, D.A. (2017): Remnants of Early Mesozoic basalt of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal Earth Sciences, vol. 54, 345-358.

Neyedley, K. Hanley, J.J., Fayek, M., and Kontak, D.J. (2017): Textural, Fluid Inclusion, and Stable Oxygen Isotope Constraints on Vein Formation and Gold Precipitation at the 007 Deposit, Rice Lake Greenstone Belt, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada. Economic Geology vol. 112, 629-660.

​Katz, L., Kontak, D.J., Dubé, B., and McNicoll, V. (2017): The geology, petrology, and geochronology of the Archean Côté Gold large-tonnage, low-grade intrusion-related Au(-Cu) deposit, Swayze greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 54, 173-202.


Gourcerol, B., Kontak, D.J., Thurston, P.C., and Duparc, Q. (2016) Do magnetite layers in Algoma-type BIF preserve their primary geochemical signature: Evidence from a LA ICP-MS study of magnetite from BIF-hosted gold deposit settings. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, 605-624.

Poulin, R.S., McDonald, A., Kontak, D.J. and McClenaghan, M.B. (2016): On the relationship between cathodoluminescence and the chemical composition of scheelite from geologically diverse ore-deposit environments. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 54, 1147-1173.

Hnatyshin, D., JKontak, Creaser, R., Kontak, D.J., Turner, E.C., Stern, R., and Morden, R..C. (2016): Geochronologic (Re-Os) and fluid-chemical constraints on the formation of the Mesoproterozoic-hosted Nanisivik Zn–Pb deposit, Nunavut, Canada: Evidence for early diagenetic, low-temperature conditions of formation. Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 79, 189-217

Alimohammadi, M., Alirezaei, S., and Kontak, D.J., and Ghaderi, M. (2016): The geology, petrogenesis and geological setting of the volcanic and plutonic rocks from Daraloo and Sarmeshk porphyry copper deposits, South Kerman Copper Belt, Iran. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran. Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., and Kontak, D., 2016. Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation, Precambrian Research, in press.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D., and Duparc, Q., 2016. Do magnetite layers in Algoma-type BIF preserve their primary geochemical signature: A case study of samples from three Archean BIF-hosted gold deposits? Canadian Mineralogist, accepted.

Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R.A., Kontak, D.J., Turner, E.C., Stern, R.A., and Morden R., 2016. Geochronologic (Re-Os), stable isotope (δ34S), and fluid-chemical constraints on the formation of the Mesoproterozoic-hosted Nanisivik Zn-Pb deposit, Nunavut, Canada: Evidence for early diagenetic, low-temperature conditions of formation. Ore Geology Reviews doi: 10.1016/j.oregeorev.2016.05.017


Pandur, K., Ansdell, K.M., Kontak, D.J., Halpin, K.M., and Creighton, S. (in press): Textural and mineral chemical characteristics of the Hoidas Lake vein-type REE deposit, northern Saskatchewan, Canada: Constraints on the origin of distal magmatic-hydrothermal REE mineralization. Economic Geology.

Alimohammadi, M., Alirezaei, S., and Kontak, D.J., and Ghaderi, M. (2015): The geology, petrogenesis and geological setting of the volcanic and plutonic rocks from Daraloo and Sarmeshk porphyry copper deposits, South Kerman Copper Belt, Iran. Scientific Quarterly Journal of Geosciences, Geological Survey of Iran.

Poulin, R.S., McDonald, A., Kontak, D.J. and McClenaghan, M.B. (2015): Crystal-chemical influences on the cathodoluminescence of scheelite. The Canadian Mineralogist 79, 295-307.

Mathieu, J., Kontak, D.J., Turner, E.C., Fayek, M. and Layne, G. (2015): In situ SIMS (O, S) and LA ICP-MS (trace elements) micro-analysis of multiple cement phases reveal a complex diagenetic fluid history: A case study of Phanerozoic cements on Victoria Island, NWT. Chemical Geology, 415, 47-69.

Franchuk, A., Lightfoot, P., and Kontak, D.J. (2015): High Tenor Ni-PGE Sulfide Mineralization in the South Manasan Ultramafic Intrusion, Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba. Ore Geology Reviews, 72, 434-458.

Alimohammadi, M., Alirezaei, S., and Kontak, D.J. (2015): Application of ASTER data for exploration of porphyry copper deposits: A case study of Daraloo- Sarmeshk area, southern part of the Kerman copper belt, Iran. Ore Geology Reviews, 70, 290-304.

Pandur, K., Ansdell, K., and Kontak, D.J., (2015) Graphic-like melt inclusion textures in apatite: Evidence for pegmatitic processes in a REE-enriched carbonatites? Geology, 43, no. 6, 547-550.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P., Kontak, D.J. and Côté-Mantha, O. (2015): Interpretations and implications of LA ICP-MS analysis of chert for the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron formations (BIFs) from the Meadowbank gold deposit, Western Churchill Province, Nunavut. Chemical Geology, 410, 89-107.

Dostal, J., Kontak, D.J., Gerel, O., Shellnut, G., and and Fayek, M. (2015): Origin of Cretaceous ongonites (topaz-bearing albite-rich micro-leucogranites) from Ongon Khairkhan, Central Mongolia. Lithos, 236-237, 173-189.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D.J., and Coté-Mantha, O. (2015) The geochemistry of chert from the Banded Iron Formation-type Musselwhite and Meadowbank gold deposits: Distinguishing primary and mineralization-related signatures of chert. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2015-1, 24 p.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., and Kontak, D.J. (2015): Depositional Setting of Algoma-type Banded Iron Formation from the Meadowbank, Meliadine and Musselwhite gold deposits: In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Lode Gold Project Synthesis, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 55-67.

Katz, L.R., Kontak, D.J., Dubé, B., and McNicoll, V. (2015):. The Archean Côté Gold intrusion-related Au(-Cu) deposit, Ontario: A large tonnage, low-grade deposit centred on a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 139-155.

Kontak, D.J., MacInnis, L.M., Ames, D.E., Rayner, N., and Joyce, N. (2015): A geological, petrological, and geochronological study of the Grey Gabbro unit of the Podolsky Cu-(Ni)-PGE deposit, Sudbury, Ontario, with a focus on the alteration related to the formation of sharp-walled chalcopyrite veins, In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Canadian Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements-Chromium Ore Systems — Fertility, Pathfinders, New and Revised Models, (eds) D.E. Ames and M.G. Houle; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File XXXX.

Gao, J.-F., Jackson, S.E., Dube, B., Kontak, D.J., and DeSouza, S. (2015): Genesis of the Canadian Malartic, Côté Gold, and Musselwhite gold deposits: Insights from LA-ICP-MS element mapping of pyrite. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 157-177.

Dubé, B. and others including Kontak, D.J. (2015): Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration. In: Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, (eds) B. Dubé and P. Mercier-Langevin; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7852, p. 1-24.

Tweedale, F., Hanley, J.J., Kontak, D.J., and Rogers, N. (2015): Petrographic observations and evaporate mound analysis of quartz-hosted fluid inclusions hosted by granitoid samples from the South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: An exploration tool for vectoring towards mineralized areas in intrusive rocks: In TGI 4 – Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project: New Vectors to Buried Porphyry-Style Mineralisation, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7843, p. 79-99.

McClenaghan, M.B., Parkhill, M.A, Pronk, A.G. Seaman, A.A., McCurdy M.W., Poulin, R.S.,
McDonald, A.M., Kontak, D.J., and Leybourne, M.I. (2015): Till, stream sediment, and stream water geochemical signatures of intrusion-hosted Sn-W deposits: examples from the Sisson W-Mo and Mount Pleasant Sn-W-Mo-Bi-In deposits, New Brunswick. In TGI 4 – Intrusion Related Mineralisation Project: New Vectors to Buried Porphyry-Style Mineralisation, (ed.) N. Rogers; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 7843, p. 39-57.


Merle, R., Marzoli, A., Reisberg, L., Bertrand, H., Nemchin, A., Chiaradia, M., Jourdan, F., Bellieni, G., Kontak, D., Puffer, J. and McHone, G. (2014): Sr, Nd, Pb and Os isotopice systematics of CAMP tholeiites from Eastern North America (ENA): Evidence of a subduction-enriched mantle source. Journal of Petrology, 55, 133-180.

Dostal, J., Kontak, D.J. and Karl, S.M. (2014): Early Jurassic Bokan Mountain peralkaline granitic complex (southeastern Alaska): geochemistry, petrogenesis and rare-metal mineralization. Lithos, 202-203, 395-412.

Pandur, K., Kontak, D.J. and Ansdell, K. (2014): Hydrothermal evolution in the Hoidas Lake vein-type REE deposit, Saskatchewan, Canada: Constraints from fluid inclusion microthermometry and evaporate mound analysis. Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 717–744.

Gourcerol, B., Thurston, P.C., Kontak, D.J., and Coté-Mantha, O. (2014): Interpretations and implications of preliminary LA ICP-MS analysis of chert for the origin of geochemical signatures in banded iron formations from the Meadowbank gold deposit, Western Churchill Province, Nunavut. In Geological Survey of Canada, Current research 2014-1, 26 p.doi:10.4095/293129.

Watts, K.M., Hanley, J.J., Ames, D.E., Kontak, D.J., and Petrus, J.A. (2014) Chemical databases for apatite and melt inclusions from a study of the 1850 Ma Sudbury Igneous Complex (Ontario, Canada). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7710.

MacInnis, L., Kontak, D.J., Ames, D.E., and Joyce, N. L. (2014): Alteration proximal to the 
sharp-walled walled Cu-(Ni)-PGE vein footwall mineralization of the Podolsky deposit, 
Sudbury; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 7666, doi:10.4095.


Dostal, J., Karl, S.M., Keppie, J.D, Kontak, D.J. and Shellnut, G. (2013): Bokan Mountain peralkaline granite complex, Alexander Terrane (Prince of Wales Island, southestern Alaska): Initial rifting following Lower Jurassic accretion with North America. Canadian Journal Earth Sciences, vol. 50, 678-691.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., Creaser, R.A., Petrus, J. and Archibald, D. (2013): A petrological and geochronological study of a 360 Ma metallogenic event in Maritime Canada with implications for lithophile-metal mineralization in the Canadian Appalachians. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 50, 1147-1163.

Mathieu, J., Kontak, D.J. and Turner, E.C. (2013): A fluid inclusion study of diagenetic fluids in Proterozoic and Paleozoic carbonate rocks, Victoria Island, NWT. Geofluids, vol. 13, 559-578.

Rogers, J.R., Beilhartz, D., Kontak, D.J., Katz, L. Dubé, B., and McNicoll, V. (2013): The Côté Gold deposit: discovery of a new generation low-grade, multi-million ounce gold resource in the Archean Superior Province of Canada. In Program Volume, NewGenGold 2013, Perth, Australia, p. 159-174.

McClenaghan, M.B., Parkhill, M.A., Seaman, A.A., Pronk, A.G., McCurdy, M., and Kontak, D.J. (2013): Overview of tungsten indicator minerals scheelite and wolframite with examples from Sisson W-Mo deposit. In Application of Indicator Mineral Methods to Mineral Exploration, Short Course SC07, Proceedings of the 26th International Applied Geochemistry Symposium, New Zealand, SC Volume pp. 59-67.


London, D. and Kontak, D.J. (2012): Granitic pegmatites: Scientific wonders and economic bonanzas. Elements 8 (4), 257-262.

Cao, Y., Li, S., Kontak, D.J., Zhang, H., Li, Z., and Liu, Z. (2012): LA ICP-MS geochronology and trace element geochemistry of zircon from the Shihu gold deposit, western Hebei Province, North China Craton: Timing of mineralization and tectonic implications. Acta Geologica Sinica, vol. 86, 801-840.

Kontak, D.J., Creaser, R.A., and Hamilton, M. (2012): Geological and Geochemical Studies of the Côté Lake Au(-Cu) Deposit Area, Chester Township, Northern Ontario. Discover Abitibi, OGS OFR.

Barrett, T.J., Wilson, G.C, Hamilton, M.A, Kontak, D.J., Burns, M., Ayer, J.A., Stott, G.M, Beaudoin, G., and J.-F. Hélie, J.-F. (2012, in press): The Montclerg Gold Deposit, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, East Timmins Region, Ontario: Stratigraphy, Lithogeochemistry, Mineralization and Nature of Vein Fluids. Discover Abitibi, OGS OFR.

Ames, D.E., Dare, S.A., Hanley, J.J., Hollings, P., Jackson, S.J., Jugo, P.J., Kontak,. D.K., Linnen, R., and Samson, I.M. (2012): Update on Research Activities in the Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4 Magmatic-Hydrothermal Nickel-Copper-Platinum Group Elements Ore System subproject: System Fertility and Ore Vectors. Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2012, Ontario geological Survey, OFR xxx, 41-1 to 41-11.

Turner, E.C., Kamber, B.S., Kontak, D.J., Long, D.G.F., Hnatyshin, D., Creaser, R., Morden, R., and Hahn, K. (2012): Economic potential of the Mesoproterozoic Borden Basin Zn district, northern Baffin Island, NU: Thematic studies 2011-2012; in Activity Report 2012, Canada-Nunavut Geoscience Office.


Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2011): Fingerprinting multiple fluid reservoirs in a 380 Ma Intrusion-Related Gold (IRG) setting, Nova Scotia, Canada: Implications for the nature and origin of IRG deposits. Mineralium Deposita, 46, 337-363.

Murphy, J.B, Waldron, J., Kontak, D.J., Pe-Piper, G.A. and Piper, D. (2011): Minas Fault Zone: Late Paleozoic history of an intra-continental orogenic transform fault in the Canadian Appalachians. Journal of Structural Geology, 33, 312-328.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J. and Kyser, K. (2011): A stable isotope (δ18O) study of two saddle-reef vein systems, Meguma gold fields, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence for similar isotopic signatures for different age deposits and regional implications. Mineralium Deposita, 46, 289-304.

Dostal, J., Kontak. D.J., Hanley, J. and Owen, V. 2011. Geological investigation of rare earth 
element and uranium deposits of the Bokan Mountain complex, Prince of Wales Island, 
southeastern Alaska. Technical Report, U.S. Geological Survey - grant GO9PA00039, 122 p.


Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2010): Late-stage crystallization history of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: II. Nature and origin of segregation pipes. Canadian Mineralogist, 48, 1533-1568.

Kontak, D.J. and Horne, R.J. (2010): A multi-stage origin for the Meguma lode gold deposits, Nova Scotia, Canada: A possible global model for slate belt-hosted gold mineralization. In Gold Metallogeny: India and Beyond, Deb, M. and Goldfarb, R.J., eds., Alpha Science International Ltd., Oxford, U.K., p. 58-82.


Jourdan, F., Marzoli, A., Bertrand, H., Cirilli, S, Tanner, L., Kontak, D.J., McHone, G., Renne, P.R. and Bellieni, G. (2009): 40Ar/39Ar ages of CAMP in North America: Implications for the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and the 40K decay constant bias. Lithos, 110, 167-180.

Dostal, J. and Kontak, D.J. (2009): Trace element geochemistry of hydrothermal scheelite and associated rutile from turbidite-hosted gold deposits, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Genetic Implications. Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 97, p. 95-109.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, K. (2009): Nature and origin of an LCT-suite pegmatite with late-stage sodium enrichment, Brazil Lake, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia: II. Implications of stable isotopes (δ18O, δD) for magma source, internal crystallization and nature of sodic metasomatism. Canadian Mineralogist, 47, 745-764.

80. Cirilli, S., Marzoli, A., Tanner, L., Bertrand, H., Buratti, N., Jourdan, F., Bellieni, G., Kontak, D.J. and Renne, R.P. (2009): Does the onset of CAMP predate or post-date Tr-J boundary? Stratigraphic constraints from the Fundy Basin (Nova Scotia). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, vol. 286, p. 514-525.


Kontak, D.J., Archibald, D.A., Creaser, R.A. and Heaman, L. (2008): Dating (Re-Os, Ar-Ar, U-Pb) hydrothermal alteration Attending IOCG mineralization along a terrane-bounding fault zone: The Copper Lake deposit, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geology, 44, 46-166.

Kontak, D.J. (2008): On the edge of CAMP: Geology and volcanology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia. Lithos, 101, 74-101.

Kontak, D.J., Dubé, B., and Benham, W. (2008): The Upper Beaver Project, Kirkland Lake Area: Investigation of a Syenite-Associated Copper-Gold Deposit with Magnetite-Epidote-Feldspar Alteration; Ontario Geological Survey, Open File Report 6226, p. 112-1 to 12-12.


Kontak, D.J., Kyser, K., Gize, A. and Marshall, D. (2006): Structurally controlled vein barite mineralization, Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: geological setting, stable isotopes and fluid inclusions. Economic Geology, 101, 407-430.

Kontak, D.J. (2006): Nature and origin of an LCT-type pegmatite with late-stage sodium enrichment, Brazil Lake, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia: I. Geological setting and petrology. Canadian Mineralogist, 44,563-598.

Kontak, D.J. (2006): Geological map of the North Mountain Basalt from Cape Split to Brier Island, with comments on its resource potential. In Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 2005. Edited by D.R. MacDonald. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2006-1, pp. 39-66.

Kontak, D.J. (2006): Nature of iron oxide-copper gold mineralization along the Cobequid-Chedabucto Fault System: An update on studies at Mount Thom ad Copper Lake. In Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 2005. Edited by D.R. MacDonald. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2006-1, p. 67-98.

Horne, R.J., King, M.S. Kontak, D.J., O’Reilly, G.A., and Black, D. (2006): The Kemptville shear zone: Regional shear related to emplacement and mineralization. In Mines and Minerals Branch Report of Activities 2005. Edited by D.R. MacDonald. Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2006-1, p. 19-37.

Kontak, D.J. (2006) (in press): Nature and origin of an LCT-type pegmatite with late-stage sodium enrichment, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia: I. Geological setting and petrology. Canadian Mineralogist, Special Issue on Rare-Element Mineralization.

Kontak, D.J., Kyser, K., Gize, A., and Marshall, D. (2006 (in press): Structurally controlled vein barite mineralization, Maritimes Basin of Eastern Canada: geological setting, stable isotopes and fluid inclusions. Economic Geology.

Kontak, D.J. (2006) (under review): On the edge of CAMP: Geology and volcanology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia . Speical Issue on Rift-related Magmatism and Mineralization. Lithos.

Morelli, R.M., Creaser, R., Selby, D., Kontak, D.J., and Horne, R.J. (2005): Rhenium-Osmium geochronology of arsenopyrite in Meguma Group gold deposits, MegumaTerrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Evidence for multiple gold-mineralizing events. Economic Geology, vol. 100, p. 1229-1242.

Kontak, D.J., Creaser, R., Heaman, L., and Archibald, D.A. (2005): U-Pb tantalite, Re-Os moybendite, and 40Ar/ 39Ar muscovite dating of the Brazil Lake pegmatite, Nova Scotia: A possible shear-zone related origin for an LCT-type pegmatite. Atlantic Geology, vol. 41, p. 17-30.

Kontak, D.J. (2004): Analysis of decrepitate mounds as a complement to fluid inclusion thermometric data: Case studies from granitic environments in Nova Scotia and Peru. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 42, p. 1315-1330.

Dostal, J., Chatterjee, A.K. and Kontak, D.J. (2004): Chemical and isotopic (Pb, Sr) zonation in a peraluminous granite pluton: role of fluid fractionation. Contributions Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 147, p. 74-90.

Carruzzo, S., Kontak, D.J., and Clarke, D.B. (2004): Stable isotope study of mineralization in the New Ross area, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia: evidence for multiple source reservoirs. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 42, p. 1425-1442.

Clark, A.H. and Kontak, D.J. (2004): Fe-Ti-P oxide melts generated through magma mixing in the Antauta Subvolcanic Center, Peru: Implications for the origin of Nelsonite and iron oxide-dominated hydrothermal deposits. Economic Geology, vol. 99, p. 377-395.

Kontak, D.J., Ham. L.J., and Dunning, G. (2004): U/Pb dating of the Musquodoboit Batholith, southern Nova Scotia: evidence for a protracted magmatic-hydrothermal event in a Devonian intrusion. Atlantic Geology, vol. 40, p. 207-216.

Clarke, D.B. and many others (including Kontak, D.J.) (2004): Occurrence and origin of andalusite in peraluminous felsic igneous rocks. Journal of Petrology, vol. 46, p. 441-472.

Kontak, D.J. and Archibald, D.A. (2003): 40Ar/ 39Ar age dating of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, southern Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geology, vol 39, p. 47-54.

Kontak, D.J., Dostal, J., Kyser, K., and Archibald, D.A. (2002): A petrological, geochemical, isotopic and fluid inclusion study of 370 Ma Pegmatite-Aplite Sheets, Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Mineralogist, vol, 40, p. 1249-1286.

Kontak, D.J.,and Archibald, D.A. (2002): 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of hydrothermal biotite from high-grade gold mineralization, Tangier gold deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada: Further evidence ca. 370 Ma gold metallogeny in the Meguma Terrane. Economic Geology, vol., 97, p. 619-628.

Kontak, D.J. and Clark, A.H. (2002): Genesis of the giant, bonanza San Rafael lode tin deposit, Peru: origin and significance of pervasive alteration:. Economic Geology, vol. 97, p. 1741-1777.

Kontak, D.J., DeWolfe, M., and Dostal, J. (2002): Late-stage crystallization history of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: I. Evidence for pervasive silicate-liquid immiscibility. Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 40, p. 1287-1311.



Kontak, D.J. (2005): The East Kemptville tin-base metal deposit, Nova Scotia: Documentation of the magmatic to hydrothermal transition in a highly-fractionated, F-rich environment. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, St. John, New Brunswick, Program and Abstracts.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2005): Meguma gold deposits Nova Scotia: Complexities of mesothermal, sediment-hosted gold mineralization revealed. Newfoundland Section Geological Association of Canada, Spring Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2005): Overview of Gold Mineralization, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Multiple Generation of Mesothermal Systems During Terrane Stabilization. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J.D. (2005): Volcanology and Petrology of the 201 Ma North Mountain Basalt, Southern Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. (2005): Jurassic Park of Southern Nova Scotia: Volcanology and Petrology of the 201 Ma North Mountain Basalt. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Abstracts with Program, CD/ ROM.

Kontak, D.J. (2005): The North Mountain Basalt: A walk through a 201 million volcanological paradise in the Jurassic Park of southern Nova Scotia. Mining Matters 2005, Minerals Resource Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2005-2.

Kontak, D.J., Horne, R.J., Morelli, R., and Creaser, R. (2004): Re/Os analysis of arsenopyrite from Meguma lode gold deposits: implications for timing of gold metallogeny and age of Acadian deformation in the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, Moncton, New Brunswick, Program and Abstracts.

Baldwin, C., Kontak, D.J., and Dostal, J. (2004): Petrological studies of mafic pegmatites in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: a record of extreme fractionation in the late-stage evolution of continental tholeiites. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, Moncton, New Brunswick, Program and Abstracts.

Barnes, E.M., Groat, L.A., Kontak, D.J., Marshall, D., and Falck, H. (2004): Thee Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group - Deciphering the Evidence. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2004): The Brazil Lake Pegmatite, southwestern Nova Scotia: Role of sodium metasomatism in an LCT-type pegmatite of magmatic parentage. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., MacDonald, M.A., O’Reilly, G.A., Horne, R.J., and Smith, P.K. (2004): Gold in the Meguma Terrane, southern Nova Scotia: Is there a continuum between mesothermal lode gold and intrusion-related gold systems? Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. (2004): From kitty litter to make up: geological setting and potential of some industrial mineral commodities in southwestern Nova Scotia. Mining Matters 2004, Minerals Resource Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2004-2, p. 14.

Kontak, D.J. (2004): A celebration of the 25 th Anniversary of the discovery of North America’s only primary producer of tin - An overview of exploration, discovery and geological studies of the East Kemptville Sn-Zn-Cu-Ag deposit, Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia. Mining Matters 2004, Minerals Resource Branch, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, Report 2004-2, p. 13.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2003): Nature, distribution and paragenesis of zeolites in the Jurassic (201 Ma) North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: from magma degassing to basin dewatering. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 28, p. 63.

Kontak, D.J. and Gize, A. (2003): Association of gas-rich (N2-CO2+CH4) and high-salinity aqueous fluid inclusions in a vein barite deposit, Brookfield, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 28 CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2003): A view of CAMP from the edge: Geology and petrology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 28 - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2003): Overview of the geology and petrology of the Jurassic (2001 Ma) North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Kontak, D.J., Dunning, G., and Creaser, R. (2003): U/Pb and Re/Os dating of the South Mountain and Musquodoboit batholiths, Nova Scotia: evidence for protracted magmatic-hydrothermal events. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Horne, R.J., Kontak, D.J., and Smith, P.K. (2003): Meguma lode gold deposits: post-metamorphic, late syn-folding vein arrays. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Shellnut, G., Dostal, J., and Kontak, D.J. (2003): Early Jurassic magmatism of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province: Regional variations in chemical composition. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Layman, A.J., Kontak, D.J., and Jamieson, R.A. (2003): Fluid inclusions in garnet, migmatitic paragenesis, Algonquin Domain, Grenville Province, Ontario. Joint Meeting Northeastern Section Geological Society of America-Atlantic Geoscience Society, Program with Abstracts.

Morelli, R., Creaser, R., Selby, D., Kontak, D.J., and Horne, R.J. (2003): Re-Os arsenopyrite geochronology of quartz veining and Au mineralization, Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada. Geological Society America, Program with Abstracts, vol. 35, October 2003.

Kontak, D.J., and Kyser, T.K. (2003): Nature, distribution and paragenesis of zeolites in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia: From magma degassing to basin dewatering. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., and Dostal, J. (2003): A view of CAMP from the edge: Geology and petrology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., Gize, A.P., Kyser, T.K., and Marshall, D. (2003): Association of gas-rich (N 2-CO 2 " CH 4) and high-salinity aqueous fluid inclusions in a vein barite deposit, Brookfield, southern Nova Scotia. Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts - CD/ROM.

Kontak, D.J., Groat, L.A., and Barnes, E.M. (2003): Comparison of the Brazil Lake, Nova Scotia, and Little Nahanni, N.W.T., LCT Pegmatite suites. In Mining Matters for Nova Scotia 2003, Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources Report 2003-02, Program with Abstracts, p. 8.

Barnes, E.M., Groat, L.A., Kontak, D.J., Marshall, D., and Falck, H., (2003): The Little Nahanni Pegmatite Group – what can it tell us? 31 st Yellowknife Geoscience Forum, Program with Abstracts, Yellowknife, N.W.T.

Carruzzo S., Kontak, D.J., Reynolds, P.H., Clarke, D.B., Dunning, G., Selby, D., and Creaser, R.A., (2003): Geochronology (U/Pb, Re/Os, Ar/Ar) of the late-orogenic South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada. Goldschmidt Meeting, Japan, Program with Abstracts.

Kontak, D.J. and Dostal, J. (2002): Segregation vesicles in the Jurassic North Mountain Basalts, Nova Scotia: Implications for anorogenic magmatism. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 27, p. 63.

Kontak, D.J. and Kyser, T.K. (2002): Nature and origin of Cornwall-type clay mineralization in southwest Nova Scotia, Canada: The Black Bull Resources Inc. Yarmouth silica-kaolinite deposit. Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada, Program with Abstracts, vol. 27, p. 63.

Kontak, D.J. (2002): The Jurassic North Mountain Basalts, Nova Scotia: more that just simple flood basalts. Atlantic Geoscience Society Annual Meeting, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Program and Abstracts, p. 23.

Kontak, D.J. (2002): Analysis of decrepitate mounds as a complement to fluid inclusion thermometric data: Case studies from granitic environments in Nova Scotia and Peru. PACROFI VIII Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21-25, Program with Abstracts, p. 40-42.

Kontak, D.J. (2002): Fluid inclusion decrepitate textures in metamorphic vein-gold deposits and granitic pegmatites of the Meguma Terrane, Nova Scotia, Canada: Overlooked phenomenon or local anomaly. Canadian Mineralogist. PACROFI VIII Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21-25, Program with Abstracts, p. 43-45.

Carruzzo, S., Kontak, D.J., Clark, D.B., and Kyser, K. (2002): Characterization of fluids from granite-hosted mineral deposits of the New Ross area, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia using fluid inclusion thermometry, decrepitate analysis, and stable isotope (D, 18O) geochemistry. PACROFI VIII Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, July 21-25, 2002, Program with Abstracts, p. 18.



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