


John Ayer

John Ayer

Associate MERC Director

T. 705.675.1151 ext. 2249

pouran behnia portrait

Pouran Behnia

GIS Specialist, MERC / Metal Earth


Lynn Bulloch

Lynn Bulloch

Promotions and Communications Manager

Email: / Phone 705-675-1151 x2013 / Office 8th Floor WGMC, B8032

Ryan O'Donnell

Ryan O'Donnell

Research Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Advisor for the Office of Research Services and Metal Earth

705-675-1151 ext. 5100

Kirk Ross

Kirk Ross

Laboratory Manager

My interests include compositional and structural characterization of natural and synthetic phases and phase mixtures by XRF, XRD, SEM-EDS and EPMA-EDS/WDS methods. Office location: WGMC A8056

Tobias Roth

Tobias Roth

Geoscience Technologist, Harquail School of Earth Sciences

T: 705.675.1151 ext. 2273