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M. G. Houlé and Lesher, C. M., Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineralization in the Abitibi greensone belt, Ontario, in Magmatic Ni-Cu and PGE Deposits: Geology, Geochemistry, and Genesis, vol. Reviews in Economic Geology 17, C. Li and Ripley, E. M., Eds. Society of Economic Geologists, 2011, pp. 89-121.
D. Layton-Matthews and Lesher, C. M., Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Genesis of Komatiite-Associated Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralization in the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, in Magmatic Ni-Cu and PGE Deposits: Geology, Geochemistry, and Genesis, vol. Reviews in Economic Geology 17, C. Li and Ripley, E. M., Eds. Society of Economic Geologists, 2011, pp. 123-143.
W. D. Maier, Barnes, S. J., Bandyayera, D., Livesey, T., Li, C., and Ripley, E., Early Kibaran rift-related mafic-ultramafic magmatism in western Tanzania and Burundi; petrogenesis and ore potential of the Kapalagulu and Musongati layered intrusions, in Rift-related magmatism, vol. 101, J. Dostal, Greenough, J. D., and Kontak, D. J., Eds. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008, pp. 24-53.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-076190Kabanga-Musongati BeltKapalagulu IntrusionMusongati Intrusionwestern Tanzania