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“Physical Volcanology of Komatiites and Ni-Cu-(PGE) Deposits of the Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt”, in Archean Base and Precious Metal Deposits, Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, vol. 19, Society of Economic Geologists, 2018, pp. 103-132.
, “Orogenic Greenstone-Hosted Quartz-Carbonate Gold Deposits of the Timmins-Porcupine Camp”, in Archean Base and Precious Metal Deposits, Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, vol. 19, Society of Economic Geologists, 2017, pp. 51-80.
, “Orogenic Greenstone-Hosted Quartz-Carbonate Gold Deposits of the Timmins-Porcupine Camp”, in Archean Base and Precious Metal Deposits, Southern Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada, vol. 19, Society of Economic Geologists, 2017, pp. 51-80.
, “The Archean Côté Gold intrusion-related Au(-Cu) deposit, Ontario: a large-tonnage, low-grade deposit centred on a magmatic-hydrothermal breccia”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 139-155.
, “Banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, northwestern Ontario: Structural setting, mineralogical characteristics and geochronology”, in Precambrian lode gold deposits - a summary of TGI-4 contributions to the understanding of lode gold deposits, with an emphasis on implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 85–97.
, “Banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, northwestern Ontario: Structural setting, mineralogical characteristics and geochronology”, in Precambrian lode gold deposits - a summary of TGI-4 contributions to the understanding of lode gold deposits, with an emphasis on implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 85–97.
, “Depositional setting of Algoma-type banded iron formation from the Meadowbank, Meliadine, and Musselwhite gold deposits”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the Understanding of Precambrian Lode Gold Deposits and Implications for Exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 55–68.
, “Genesis of the Canadian Malartic, Côté Gold, and Musselwhite gold deposits: insights from LA-ICP-MS element mapping of pyrite”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 157-175.
, “Precambrian lode gold deposits - a summary of TGI-4 contributions to the understanding of lode gold deposits, with an emphasis on implications for exploration”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 1-24.
, “Precambrian lode gold deposits - a summary of TGI-4 contributions to the understanding of lode gold deposits, with an emphasis on implications for exploration”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4: Contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, vol. Open File 7852, Geological Survey of Canada, 2015, pp. 1-24.
, , “Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode gold deposits in ancient deformed and metamorphosed terranes: Relative chronology between hydrothermal activity, gold mineralization and deformation events in the Geraldton area, northwestern Ontario”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2014, vol. Open File Report 6300, Ontaro Geological Survey, 2014, pp. 40-1 to 40-10.
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“A Special Issue on Archean Magmatism, Volcanism, and Ore Deposits: Part 2. Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits Preface”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 1-9, 2013.
, “Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Geological Mapping and Structural Re-Appraisal of the Banded Iron Formation–Hosted Gold Mineralization in the Geraldton Area, Ontario”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2013, vol. Open File Report 6290, Ontario Geological Survey, 2013, pp. 58-1 to 58-14.
, “U-Pb Geochronology of the Blake River Group, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec, and Implications for Base Metal Exploration”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 27-59, 2013.
, “A Special Issue on Archean Magmatism, Volcanism, and Ore Deposits: Part 2. Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits Preface”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 1-9, 2012.
, “A Special Issue on Archean Magmatism, Volcanism, and Ore Deposits: Part 1. Komatiite-Associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) Sulfide and Greenstone-Hosted Au Deposits: Preface(,)”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 107, pp. 745-753, 2012.
, “Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; Lode gold deposits in ancient deformed and metamorphosed terranes; geological setting of banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, northern Ontario”, in Summary of field work and other activities 2012, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2012, pp. 48.1-48.10.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-030178Geraldton Ontario
“Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4. Lode Gold Deposits in Ancient Deformed and Metamorphosed Terranes: Geological Setting of Banded Iron Formation–Hosted Gold Mineralization in the Geraldton Area, Northern Ontario”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2012, vol. Open File Report 6280, Ontario Geological Survey, 2012, pp. 48-1 to 48-10.
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The Blake River Group of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt and its Unique VMS and Gold-rich VMS endowment. , vol. GAC-MAC-SEG-SGA Field trip Guidebook, Excursion 2B. 2011.
, “Variations and contrasts in magmatic-centred hydrothermal systems, Blake River Group, Quebec and Ontario, and their relationship to mineral deposits; regional oxygen isotope zoning patterns and database”, in Navigating past & future change;, vol. 34, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2011, p. 215.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-053079
“Project Unit 08-022. Preliminary Results of the Alteration and Mineralization Study of the Potter Mine, Munro Township, Abitibi Greenstone Belt”, in Summary of Field Work and Other Activities 2008, vol. Open File Report 6226, Ontario Geological Survey, 2008, pp. 9-1 to 9-5.
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