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S. Préfontaine, The definition, distribution and origin of hydrothermal alteration assemblages associated with the Potter volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, Laurentian U niversity, 2013.
Y. M. DeWolfe and Gibson, H. L., The facies architecture of a paleoproterozoic basaltic andesite synvolcanic intrusion, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, Bulletin of VolcanologyBulletin of Volcanology, vol. 75, 2013.
R. - L. Simard, MacLachlan, K., Gibson, H. L., DeWolfe, Y. M., Devine, C. A., Kremer, P. D., Lafrance, B., Ames, D., Syme, E. C., Bailes, A. H., Bailey, K., Price, D., Pehrsson, S., Lewis, E. M., Lewis, D., and Galley, A. G., Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (parts of NTS 63K12, 13),, 2013.
R. W. D. Lodge, Gibson, H. L., Stott, G. M., Hudak, G. J., Jirsa, M. A., and Hamilton, M. A., New U–Pb geochronology from Timiskaming-type assemblages in the Shebandowan and Vermilion greenstone belts, Wawa subprovince, Superior Craton: Implications for the Neoarchean development of the southwestern Superior Province, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 235, pp. 264-277, 2013.
L. A. Richan, The physical volcanology and petrogenesis of Archean komatiitic lavas and volcaniclastic rocks in the Selkirk Bay area, Prince Albert greenstone belt, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, Laurentian University, 2013.
R. Wilfred Da Lodge, Regional volcanogenic massive sulphide metallogeny of the neoarchean greenstone belt assemblages on the northwest margin of the Wawa subprovince, Superior province, Laurentian University, 2013.
P. Mercier-Langevin, Gibson, H. L., Hannington, M. D., Goutier, J., Monecke, T., Dube, B., and Houlé, M. G., A Special Issue on Archean Magmatism, Volcanism, and Ore Deposits: Part 2. Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits Preface, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 1-9, 2013.
T. Monecke and Gibson, H. L., Surface geology of the giant Horne volcanic-hosted massive sulphide deposit, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec, 2013.
V. McNicoll, Goutier, J., Dube, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., Ross, P. S., Dion, C., Monecke, T., Legault, M., Percival, J., and Gibson, H. L., U-Pb Geochronology of the Blake River Group, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec, and Implications for Base Metal Exploration, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 27-59, 2013.
H. L. Gibson, Lafrance, B., Pehrsson, S., DeWolfe, M., Gilmore, K., Simard, R. L., and Pearson, B., The volcanological and structural evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Flin Flon Mining District: The anatomy of a Giant VMS system., vol. Field Trip Guidebook FT-C3; Open File OF2013-6. Manitoba Innovation, Energy and Mines, Manitoba Geological Survey, 2013, p. 47p.