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E. A. Gallie, Variation in the specific absorption of dissolved organic carbon in northern Ontario lakes, in Ocean Optics XIII, October 22, 1996 - October 22, 1996, vol. 2963, Halifax, NS, Canada: SPIE, 1997, pp. 417-422.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20090111838085Dissolved organic carbonDOC concentrationsFreshwaterFulvic acid fractionsHighly-correlatedOptical modellingSampling variancesSpecific absorption
E. A. Gallie, McArdle, S., Rivard, B., and Francis, H., Estimating sulphide ore grade in broken rock using visible/infrared hyperspectral reflectance spectra, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 23, pp. 2229-2246, 2002.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2002-062178hydroxyl grouphyperspectral data
E. A. Gallie, Lyder, D. A., Rivard, B., and Cloutis, E. A., Technical Note: Equivalence of modified Gaussian model (MGM) in wavenumber and Gaussian in wavelength for deconvolution of hyperspectral reflectance spectra, International Journal of Remote Sensing, vol. 29, pp. 4089-4096, 2008.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20082811362956Absorption featuresEarth observationsFundamental bandsGaussian analysisHyperspectral reflectanceModified gaussian modelsPlanetary remote sensingReflectance spectrum