Publication Type:

Book Chapter


Gallie, E. A.


Ocean Optics XIII, October 22, 1996 - October 22, 1996, SPIE, Volume 2963, Halifax, NS, Canada, p.417-422 (1997)




Acidification, dissolution, Lakes, Organic carbon, pH, remote sensing, Stream flow


Triplicate samples were collected from three lakes in order to study variation in the specific absorption of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Specific absorption was highly correlated with lake pH and DOC concentration, with the DOC in acid lakes absorbing less light at all wavelengths. The slope of the specific absorption curves did not seem to be significantly different in acid and non-acid lakes. This suggests that the decrease in specific absorption as pH declines is not due to change in the fulvic acid fraction, but to changes in the molecules themselves. Sampling variance is reasonably consistent across the range of lakes examined. Thus it may be possible to use an average variance to assign confidence limits when single samples are collected. 2005 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.<br/>20090111838085<br/>Dissolved organic carbon<br/>DOC concentrations<br/>Freshwater<br/>Fulvic acid fractions<br/>Highly-correlated<br/>Optical modelling<br/>Sampling variances<br/>Specific absorption