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K. E. Rubingh, Gibson, H. L., and Lafrance, B., Evidence for voluminous bimodal pyroclastic volcanism during rifting of a Paleoproterozoic arc at Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canadian Journal of Earth SciencesCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 54, pp. 654-676, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-068536
E. Schetselaar, Pehrsson, S. J., Devine, C., Lafrance, B., White, D. J., and Malinowski, M., 3-D geologic modeling in the Flin Flon Mining District, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada: Evidence for polyphase imbrication of the Flin Flon-777-Callinan volcanogenic massive sulfide ore system, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 877-901, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070927777 DepositBlue Lagoon MemberCallinan DepositFlin Flon mining districtMillrock Member
S. J. Piercey, Gibson, H. L., Tardif, N., and Kamber, B. S., Ambient redox and hydrothermal environment of the Wolverine volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Yukon: Insights from lithofacies and lithogeochemistry of Mississippian host shales, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 111, pp. 1439-1463, 2016.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20162602541569Hydrothermal alterationsHydrothermal environmentInverse correlationNegative Ce anomalyOrganic-carbon preservationSulfide mineralizationVolcanogenic massive sulfide depositsVolcanogenic massive sulfides
J. C. Ordóñez-Calderón, Lafrance, B., Gibson, H. L., Schwartz, T., Pehrsson, S. J., and Rayner, N. M., Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic ( approximately 1878 Ma) Trout Lake volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 817-847, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070925Trout Lake Deposit
J. C. Ordóñez-Calderón, Lafrance, B., Gibson, H. L., Schwartz, T., Pehrsson, S. J., and Rayner, N. M., Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic ( approximately 1878 Ma) Trout Lake volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 817-847, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070925Trout Lake Deposit
S. J. Pehrsson, Gibson, H. L., and Gilmore, K., A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen: Peface, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 803-816, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070924Nuna
S. J. Pehrsson, Gibson, H. L., and Gilmore, K., A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen: Peface, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 803-816, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070924Nuna
B. Lafrance, Gibson, H. L., Pehrsson, S. J., Schetselaar, E., Y. DeWolfe, M., and Lewis, D., Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 849-875, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070926Burley Lake SynclineCallinan DepositFlin Flon DepositFlin Flon mining districtGlennie ComplexGrant Lake SynclineHidden Lake SynclineMud Lake SynclinePipeline SynclineTriple 7 Deposit
B. Lafrance, Gibson, H. L., Pehrsson, S. J., Schetselaar, E., Y. DeWolfe, M., and Lewis, D., Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 849-875, 2016.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-070926Burley Lake SynclineCallinan DepositFlin Flon DepositFlin Flon mining districtGlennie ComplexGrant Lake SynclineHidden Lake SynclineMud Lake SynclinePipeline SynclineTriple 7 Deposit
R. W. D. Lodge, Gibson, H. L., Stott, G. M., Franklin, J. M., and Hudak, G. J., Geodynamic setting, crustal architecture, and VMS metallogeny of ca. 2720 Ma greenstone belt assemblages of the northern Wawa Subprovince, Superior Province, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre, vol. 52, pp. 196-214, 2015.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2015-048095Manitouwadge greenstone beltShebandowan greenstone beltVermilion greenstone beltWinston Lake greenstone belt
L. Richan, Gibson, H. L., Houlé, M. G., and C. Lesher, M., Mode of emplacement of Archean komatiitic tuffs and flows in the Selkirk Bay area, Melville Peninsula, Nunavut, Canada, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 263, pp. 174-196, 2015.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2015-067789Prince Albert BeltSelkirk Bayvolcanic structures
R. W. D. Lodge, Gibson, H. L., Stott, G. M., Franklin, J. M., and Hamilton, M. A., Geodynamic reconstruction of the Winston Lake greenstone belt and VMS deposits; new trace element geochemistry and U-Pb geochronology, Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, vol. 109, pp. 1291-1313, 2014.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-058039Big Duck Lake AssemblagePick Lake DepositWinston Lake DepositWinston Lake greenstone beltZenith Deposit
P. S. Ross, McNicoll, V. J., Debreil, J. A., and Carr, P., Precise U-Pb geochronology of the Matagami mining camp, Abitibi greenstone belt, Quebec; stratigraphic constraints and implications for volcanogenic massive sulfide exploration, in Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; Part 2, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, vol. 109, P. Mercier-Langevin, Gibson, H. L., Hannington, M. D., Goutier, J., Monecke, T., Dubé, B., and Houlé, M. G., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2014, pp. 89-101.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-002453Bracemac RhyoliteDumagami RhyoliteWabassee GroupWatson GroupWatson Rhyolite
P. Mercier-Langevin, Gibson, H. L., Hannington, M. D., Goutier, J., Monecke, T., Dubé, B., and Houlé, M. G., A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits: Part 2. Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits: Preface, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 109, pp. 1-9, 2014.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20140217187810
B. E. Taylor, de Kemp, E., Grunsky, E., Martin, L., Maxwell, G., Rigg, D., Goutier, J., Lauzière, K., and Dube, B., Three-dimensional visualization of the Archean Horne and Quemont Au-bearing volcanogenic massive sulfide hydrothermal systems, Blake River Group, Quebec, in Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; Part 2, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits, vol. 109, P. Mercier-Langevin, Gibson, H. L., Hannington, M. D., Goutier, J., Monecke, T., Dubé, B., and Houlé, M. G., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2014, pp. 183-203.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-002457Horne DepositPowell PlutonQuemont Deposit
O. Cote-Mantha, Daigneault, R., Gaboury, D., Chartrand, F., and Pilote, P., Geology, alteration, and origin of Archean Au-Ag-Cu mineralization associated with the synvolcanic Chibougamau Pluton; the Brosman Prospect, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada, in A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; part 1; Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu- (PGE) sulfide and greenstone-hosted Au deposits, vol. 107, P. Langevin-Mercier, Houlé, M. G., Dubé, B., Monecke, T., Hannington, M. D., Gibson, H. L., and Goutier, J., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2012, pp. 909-934.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-084239Brosman ProspectChibougamau AnticlineChibougamau PlutonLine Lake
M. I. Leybourne, De Ronde, C. E. J., Wysoczanski, R. J., Walker, S. L., Timm, C., Gibson, H. L., Layton-Matthews, D. A. N. I. E. L., Baker, E. T., Clark, M. R., Tontini, F. Caratori, Faure, K., Lupton, J. E., Fornari, D. J., S. Soule, A., and Massoth, G. J., Geology, hydrothermal activity, and sea-floor massive sulfide mineralization at the rumble II west mafic caldera, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 107, pp. 1649-1668, 2012.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20124915756419Basaltic andesiteHydrothermal activityHydrothermal plumeLight scattering dataNew zealandSea floorSulfide depositSulfide mineralization
S. J. Barnes and Fiorentini, M. L., Komatiite magmas and sulfide nickel deposits; a comparison of variably endowed Archean terranes, in A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; part 1; Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu- (PGE) sulfide and greenstone-hosted Au deposits, vol. 107, P. Langevin-Mercier, Houlé, M. G., Dubé, B., Monecke, T., Hannington, M. D., Gibson, H. L., and Goutier, J., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2012, pp. 755-780.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-084232Forrestania BeltLake Johnston greenstone beltYouanmi Terrane
G. J. Heggie, Fiorentini, M. L., Barnes, S. J., and Barley, M. E., Maggie Hays Ni deposit; part 1; Stratigraphic controls on the style of komatiite emplacement in the 2.9 Ga Lake Johnston greenstone belt, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, in A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; part 1; Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu- (PGE) sulfide and greenstone-hosted Au deposits, vol. 107, P. Langevin-Mercier, Houlé, M. G., Dubé, B., Monecke, T., Hannington, M. D., Gibson, H. L., and Goutier, J., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2012, pp. 797-816.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-084234Glasse FormationHonman FormationLake Johnston greenstone beltMaggie Hays DepositMaggie Hays FormationYouanmi Terrane
G. J. Heggie, Fiorentini, M. L., Barnes, S. J., and Barley, M. E., Maggie Hays Ni deposit; part 2; Nickel mineralization and the spatial distribution of PGE ore-forming signatures in the Maggie Hays Ni system, Lake Johnston greenstone belt, Western Australia, in A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; part 1; Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu- (PGE) sulfide and greenstone-hosted Au deposits, vol. 107, P. Langevin-Mercier, Houlé, M. G., Dubé, B., Monecke, T., Hannington, M. D., Gibson, H. L., and Goutier, J., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2012, pp. 817-833.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-084235Lake Johnston greenstone beltMaggie Hays DepositYouanami Terrane
V. Taranovic, Lesher, C. M., Houlé, M. G., and Bedard, J. H., Physical volcanology and genesis of komatiite-associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineralization in the C zone, Bannockburn Township, Ontario, in A special issue on Archean magmatism, volcanism, and ore deposits; part 1; Komatiite-associated Ni-Cu- (PGE) sulfide and greenstone-hosted Au deposits, vol. 107, P. Langevin-Mercier, Houlé, M. G., Dubé, B., Monecke, T., Hannington, M. D., Gibson, H. L., and Goutier, J., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2012, pp. 835-857.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-084236Bannockburn Ontario