Ontario Geological Survey Summary of Field Work 2018

Summary of Field Work and Other Activities presents highlights of, and key new information from, mapping and geoscientific research conducted during the year.


6350-31 Estrada et al: Identification of Partial Melting Relationships in the Sourthern Kapuskasing Structural Zone, Ontario


6350-32  Tóth_Lafrance: Preliminary Results from the Assessment of the Structural Evolution of the Sourthern Geraldton-Onaman Transect


6350-33 Strongman et al: Preliminary Results from Geological Mapping of the Volcanic Stratigraphy of the Elmhirst-Rickaby and Humboldt Assemblages, Onaman-Tashota Greenstone Belt


6350-34 Zammit et al: Preliminary Oberservations from Structural Mapping of Regional Deformation Zones in the Dryden-Stormy Lake Area of the Western Wabigoon Subprovince


6350-35 Downie et al: Preliminary Results from Detailed Geological Mapping of the Lost Lake Area in the Western Wibigoon Subprovince, Ontario


6350-36 Frieman_Perrouty: Preliminary Structural and Stratigraphic Investigations Along the Metal Earth Dryden-Stormy Lake Transect 


6350-37 Monstion et al: Preliminary Regional Interpretation and Sampling for Modelling and Prospectivity Analysis of the Western Wabigoon Subprovince


6350-38 White_Sherlock: Structure and Stratigraphy of Archean Volcanic Units and the Paleoproterozoic Cobalt Group Near Cobalt, Ontario


6350-39 Brace et al: Geological Mapping of Timiskaming-age Intrusions Along the Lincoln-Nipissing Shear Zone, Larder Lake, Ontario


6350-40 Rubingh et al: Preliminary Results from Detailed Geological Mapping of the Stratigraphic and Structural Framework of the Hearst Assemblage, and the Nature of the Lincoln-Nipissing Shear Zone, Skead Township, Northeastern Ontario


6350-41 St-Jean et al: Regional and Detailed Structural Mapping of the Timiskaming Assemblage-Larder Lake Group Contact Between the Kerr-Addison and Chemins Mine Sites, Northeastern Ontario


6350-42 Hunt_Rubingh: Preliminary Results from Mapping Alteration and Structure of a New Exposure South of Dobie, Ontario


6350-43 Haugaard et al: Lithological and Stratigraphic Relationships of the North Swazye and Matheson Areas, Abitibi Greenstone Belt 


6350-44 Mowbray et al: Base Metal Mineralization Associated with the Woman River Iron Formation, with a Focus on the Jefferson and Stackpool Prospects, Marion and Genoa Townships, Swazye Area, Abitibi Greenstone Belt


6350-45 Small et al: the Rundle Intrusive Complex: Investigating Oxidation Processes Related to Gold Mineralization in an Archean Alkalic Intrusive Setting


6350-46 Maleki et al: Potential Field Data Acquisition and Compilation Across Metal Earth's Areas of Interest


6350-47 Roots_Hill: Magnetotelluric Data Collection in the Superior Province, Canada


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