MERN Summary of Field Work 2018

Summary of Field Work and Other Activities presents highlights of, and key new information from, mapping and geoscientific research conducted during the year.


Projets 2018, Initiative Metal Earth 


D. Shirriff, C.M. Lesher, B. Lafrance and X. ZhouLithological and Structural Setting of the Cubric Ni-Cu-(PGE) Showing, Southern Abitibi Subprovince, Quebec


B. Samson, B. Lafrance and X. Zhou: Regional Folding, Quartz Veining and Gold Mineralization in a Metasedimentary Basin along the Malartic Segment of the Larder Lake–Cadillac Deformation Zone, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Quebec


X. Zhou and B. LafranceStratigraphic and Structural Investigations near Major Deformation Zones in the Malartic Transect Area, Southern Abitibi and Pontiac Subprovinces, Quebec


J. C. Sutton, H.L. Gibson, T.R.C. Jørgensen and B.T. Smith: Preliminary Description of the Volcanic-Intrusive Setting of the Duprat–Montbray Formation, Lower Blake River Group, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec


A. Boucher, L. Mathieu, P. Bedeaux and R. DaigneaultMapping in the southern part of the Chibougamau transect, focusing on the stratigraphy of the Obatogamau Formation


J. Huguet, L. Mathieu, P. Bédard and P. BedeauxMineralogical and chemical characterization of the Chevrillon pluton and relationship with its sedimentary host, Chibougamau area, Quebec


Y. Ahmadou, L. Mathieu and D. GabouryOrigin of the Lac Doré Complex ‘sodagranophyre’ and related mineralizations, Chibougamau Region, Abitibi Subprovince, Quebec


M. Kieffer, L. Mathieu and D. Gaboury: Geometry, geochemistry and manner of emplacement of the Eau Jaune Complex, Chibougamau region, Quebec


P. Bedeaux, L. Mathieu and R. DaigneaultPreliminary results of summer 2018 fieldwork focused on the Chibougamau transect area as part of the Metal Earth project


M. Schofield, H. Gibson, B. Lafrance et K.H. PoulsenQuartz-Sulphide Mineralization and Associated Spotted Alteration within the Powell Block, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec


D.J. McKevitt, C.M. Lesher, and M.G. HouléGeology, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Expo-Ungava–Raglan dike, sill and lava-channel system in the Paleoproterozoic Cape Smith Belt, Northern Nunavik, Quebec


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