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G. J. Baldwin, Turner, E. C., and Kamber, B. S., Tectonic controls on distribution and stratigraphy of the Cryogenian Rapitan iron formation, northwestern Canada, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 278, pp. 303-322, 2016.
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Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20090911922562Deformation zoneFold structuresGreenstone beltsHigh resolutionImportant featuresMineralizing fluidsSeismic profilesSeismic reflection profiles
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Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20090911922567Geochemical featuresHydrothermal circulationLate Archean ageLow temperature meltsLower temperaturesMassive sulfide depositsVolcanic activitiesVolcanogenic massive sulfides
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