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M. - F. Zhou, C. Lesher, M., Yang, Z., Li, J., and Sun, M., Geochemistry and petrogenesis of 270 Ma Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide-bearing mafic intrusions in the Huangshan District, eastern Xinjiang, northwest China; implications for the tectonic evolution of the Central Asian orogenic belt, Chemical GeologyChemical Geology, vol. 209, pp. 233-257, 2004.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-028337Central Asian orogenic beltcontinental amalgamationHuangshan ChinaHuangshandong Intrusion
M. - F. Zhou, Sun, M., Keays, R. R., and Kerrich, R. W., Controls on platinum-group elemental distributions of podiform chromitites; a case study of high-Cr and high-Al chromitites from Chinese orogenic belts, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, vol. 62, pp. 677-688, 1998.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1998-031717melt/rock reaction
M. - F. Zhou, Lightfoot, P. C., Keays, R. R., Moore, M. L., and Morrison, G. G., Petrogenetic significance of chromian spinels from the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Ontario, Canada, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre, vol. 34, pp. 1405-1419, 1997.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1998-013403
M. - F. Zhou and Li, Z., The Damiao anorthosite-norite complex, NE Beijing; petrology and V-Ti magnetite and apatite metallogeny, in Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting Abstracts, vol. 21, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1996, p. A104.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2010-029493Damiao Complex
M. - F. Zhou, An early Proterozoic podiform chromitite in the Outokumpu ophiolite complex, Finland; discussion, in A group of papers devoted to the metallogeny of black shales, vol. 91, J. Pasava, Ed. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 1996, pp. 221-222.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1996-047248Outokumpu Complex
M. - F. Zhou, Reynolds, P. H., Robinson, P. T., Malpas, J., Ba, D., and Guo, J., Tectonic setting and emplacement history of the Luobusa Ophiolite in the Indus Yarlung Zangbo suture zone (SE Tibet), in 30th international geological congress; abstracts, vol. 30, Vol. 1, [International Geological Congress], [location varies], International, 1996, p. 314.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1998-071708Luobusa Ophiolite