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D. Ames, Kjarsgaard, I. M., McDonald, A. M., and Good, D. J., Insights into the extreme PGE enrichment of the W Horizon, Marathon Cu-Pd deposit, Coldwell Alkaline Complex, Canada: Platinum-group mineralogy, compositions and genetic implications, Ore Geology ReviewsOre Geology Reviews, vol. 90, pp. 723-747, 2017.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20171503557236ColdwelliteCrystallization temperatureMarathoniteMineral concentratesNew mineral speciesPalladogermanidePlatinum group mineralsScanning electrons
A. M. McDonald, Cabri, L. J., Stanley, C. J., Good, D. J., Redpath, J., Lane, G., Spratt, J., and Ames, D., COLDWELLITE, Pd3Ag2S, A NEW MINERAL SPECIES FROM THE MARATHON DEPOSIT, COLDWELL COMPLEX, ONTARIO, CANADA, Canadian MineralogistCanadian MineralogistCanadian Mineralogist, vol. 53, pp. 845-857, 2015.
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