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“Polyphase formation of a Neoarchean auriferous fault zone network in the Michipicoten greenstone belt, southern Superior craton”, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 62, pp. 171-191, 2025.
, “Discriminating Superimposed Alteration Associated with Epigenetic Base and Precious Metal Vein Systems in the Rouyn-Noranda Mining District, Quebec; Implications for Exploration in Ancient Volcanic Districts”, Economic Geology, vol. 119, pp. 617-641, 2024.
, “The geology of the Greenstone orogenic gold deposit, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada: Structural controls, mineralogy, geochemistry, and geochronology”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 175, p. 106345, 2024.
, “The Magino Gold Deposit, Ontario, Canada: An Overprinted Archean Intrusion-Related Gold Deposit”, Economic Geology, 2024.
, “The structural setting and evolution of the Upper Beaver gold–copper deposit, Ontario, Canada”, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 2024.
, “Crustal conductivity footprint of the orogenic gold district in the Red Lake greenstone belt, western Superior craton, Canada”, Geology, 2023.
, “Formation of Archean greenstone belts: Insights from an assemblage-scale study in the western Superior craton”, Precambrian Research, vol. 395, p. 107150, 2023.
, “Active and Passive Seismic Imaging of the Central Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Larder Lake, Ontario”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, vol. 127, p. e2021JB022334, 2022.
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“Contrasting fluid chemistries, alteration characteristics, and metamorphic timing relationships recorded in hybridized orebodies of the Missanabie-Renabie gold district, Archean Wawa Subprovince, Ontario, Canada”, Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, vol. 113, pp. 397-420, 2018.
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“Evidence for voluminous bimodal pyroclastic volcanism during rifting of a Paleoproterozoic arc at Snow Lake, Manitoba”, Canadian Journal of Earth SciencesCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 54, pp. 654-676, 2017.
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“Evidence for voluminous bimodal pyroclastic volcanism during rifting of a Paleoproterozoic arc at Snow Lake, Manitoba”, Canadian Journal of Earth SciencesCanadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 54, pp. 654-676, 2017.
, “The Structural Evolution of the Missanabie-Renabie Gold District: Pre-orogenic Veins in an Orogenic Gold Setting and Their Influence on the Formation of Hybrid Deposits”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 112, pp. 1959-1975, 2017.
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“3-D geologic modeling in the Flin Flon Mining District, Trans-Hudson Orogen, Canada: Evidence for polyphase imbrication of the Flin Flon-777-Callinan volcanogenic massive sulfide ore system”, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 877-901, 2016.
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“Gold Mineralization in the Missanabie-Renabie District of the Wawa Subprovince (Missanabie, Ontario, Canada)”, Laurentian University, 2016.
, “An integrated structural and geochemical study of auriferous sheeted quartz veins within the 2740 Ma Côté Gold deposit, Swayze Greenstone Belt, Ontario”, Laurentian University, 2016.
, “Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic ( approximately 1878 Ma) Trout Lake volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada”, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 817-847, 2016.
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“Structural reconstruction of the Flin Flon volcanogenic massive sulfide mining district, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada”, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 849-875, 2016.
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“Structural Reconstruction of the Flin Flon Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Mining District, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, Canada”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 111, pp. 849-875, 2016.
, “Banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, northwestern Ontario; structural setting, mineralogical characteristics and geochronology”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; contributions to the understanding of Precambrian lode gold deposits and implications for exploration, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2015, pp. 85-97.
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“Geology of the orogenic Cheminis gold deposit along the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone, Ontario”, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences = Revue Canadienne des Sciences de la Terre, vol. 52, pp. 1093-1108, 2015.
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“Gold metallogeny of the Southern Swayze Greenston Belt; poor or rich cousin to the Abitibi?”, in Joint assembly AGU-GAC-MAC-CGU, vol. 38, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2015.
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“Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury Structure”, in Mining and minerals exploration interpretation, vol. 3, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, OK, United States, 2015, pp. SL63-SL81.
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“Regional 3D geophysical investigation of the Sudbury Structure”, InterpretationInterpretation, vol. 3, pp. SL63-SL81, 2015.