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“Using Sulfide Mineral Chemistry to Understand PGE Mineralization Processes in the Platreef, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 683-712, 2024.
, “Sulfide mineral chemistry and platinum-group minerals of the UG-2 chromitite in the northern limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa”, The Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 59, pp. 1339-1362, 2021.
, “Assessing the extent of local crust assimilation within the Flatreef, northern limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, using sulfur isotopes and trace element geochemistry”, Mineralium DepositaMineralium Deposita, vol. 56, pp. 91-102, 2020.
, “Chromite chemistry of a massive chromitite seam in the northern limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa: correlation with the UG-2 in the eastern and western limbs and evidence of variable assimilation of footwall rocks”, Mineralium Deposita, vol. 56, pp. 31-44, 2020.
, “Strontium isotope stratigraphy through the Flatreef PGE-Ni-Cu mineralization at Turfspruit, northern limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex: evidence of correlation with the Merensky Unit of the eastern and western limbs”, Mineralium DepositaMineralium Deposita, vol. 56, pp. 59-72, 2020.