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Z. Yang, Yang, L. - Q., He, W. - Y., Gao, X., Liu, X. - D., Bao, X. - S., and Lu, Y. - G., Control of magmatic oxidation state in intracontinental porphyry mineralization: A case from Cu (MoAu) deposits in the JinshajiangRed River metallogenic belt, SW China, Ore Geology ReviewsOre Geology Reviews, vol. 90, pp. 827-846, 2017.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20170203234516Bulk-rock geochemistriesLA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb datingMetallogenic beltMineralized porphyryOxidation statePorphyry depositsTrace element analysisZircon U-Pb dating