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K. Y. Tomlinson, Thurston, P. C., and Hughes, D. J., Project Unit 95-27; Metavolcanic rocks of the central Wabigoon Subprovince; 2, The Caribou Lake, Obonga Lake, Garden Lake, Heaven Lake and Lac des Iles greenstone belts, in Summary of field work and other activities, 1996, C. L. Baker, Thurston, P. C., Gerow, M. C., Kaszycki, C. A., Laderoute, D. G., Merlino, G., Newsome, J. W., Owsiacki, L., Spiers, G., and Fyon, J. A., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 1996, pp. 64-65.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-024670Caribou Lake greenstone beltGarden Lake BeltHeaven Lake BeltLac des Iles greenstone beltObonga Lake greenstone belt
K. Y. Tomlinson, Hughes, D. J., and Thurston, P. C., Project Unit 95-27; Metavolcanic rocks of the central Wabigoon Subprovince; 1, The Lumby Lake greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 1996, C. L. Baker, Thurston, P. C., Gerow, M. C., Kaszycki, C. A., Laderoute, D. G., Merlino, G., Newsome, J. W., Owsiacki, L., Spiers, G., and Fyon, J. A., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 1996, pp. 60-63.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-024669Lumby Lake greenstone belt