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“Early Kibaran rift-related mafic-ultramafic magmatism in western Tanzania and Burundi; petrogenesis and ore potential of the Kapalagulu and Musongati layered intrusions”, in Rift-related magmatism, vol. 101, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008, pp. 24-53.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-076190Kabanga-Musongati BeltKapalagulu IntrusionMusongati Intrusionwestern Tanzania
“On the edge of CAMP: Geology and volcanology of the Jurassic North Mountain Basalt, Nova Scotia”, in Rift-related magmatism, vol. 101, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008, pp. 74-101.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-076192Brier Island MemberCape SplitEast Ferry MemberGrand Manan IslandIsle HauteMargaretsville MemberNorth Mountain Basalt
“Permian, rifting related fayalite syenite in the Panxi region, SW China”, in Rift-related magmatism, vol. 101, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2008, pp. 54-73.
, GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-076191Baima Complexsouthwestern China