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K. A. McCormick, Fedorowich, J. S., McDonald, A. M., and James, R. S., A textural, mineralogical, and statistical study of the footwall breccia within the Strathcona Embayment of the Sudbury Structure, Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, vol. 97, pp. 125-143, 2002.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2002-049392Strathcona Embayment
R. S. James, DeSchutter, G. P., McDonald, A., Goff, S. P., and Armitage, A., Paragenesis of Au-arsenopyrite-pyrrhotite mineralization in banded, oxide facies iron formation; Meliadine Trend, Rankin greenstone belt, Nunavut, in GeoCanada 2000; the millennium geoscience summit, vol. 25, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2000.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2006-072294Meliadine TrendPyke fault zoneRankin greenstone belt
D. C. Vogel, James, R. S., Keays, R. R., Prevec, S. A., and Peck, D. C., The Agnew (Shakespeare-Dunlop) Intrusion; an example of early mafic plutonism associated with the Huronian rift zone, in The northern margin of the Southern Province of the Canadian Shield; program and abstracts, vol. 33, Part 4, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1995, pp. 929-930.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1999-051779Agnew Intrusion
S. A. Prevec, James, R. S., Keays, R. R., and Vogel, D. C., Constraints on the genesis of Huronian magmatism in the Sudbury area from radiogenic isotopic and geochemical evidence, in The northern margin of the Southern Province of the Canadian Shield; program and abstracts, vol. 33, Part 4, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1995, pp. 930-932.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1999-051780
D. C. Vogel, Reeves, S. J., James, R. S., Keays, R. R., and Peck, D. C., The geology, geochemistry, and mineralization of the Agnew (Shakespeare-Dunlop) Intrusion, Sudbury region, Canada, in GAC/MAC annual meeting--AGC/AMC reunion annuelle, vol. 20, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1995, p. 108.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1997-050606Agnew Intrusion
R. R. Keays, Vogel, D. C., James, R. S., Peck, D. C., Lightfoot, P. C., and Prevec, S. A., Metallogenic potential of the Huronian-Nipissing magmatic province, in The northern margin of the Southern Province of the Canadian Shield; program and abstracts, vol. 33, Part 4, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 1995, pp. 932-933.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.1999-051781Huronian-Nipissing Province