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N. Zuccarelli, C. Lesher, M., Houlé, M. G., Weston, R., and Barnes, S. J., Diversity of Net-Textured Sulfides in Magmatic Sulfide Deposits: Insights from the Eagle’s Nest Ni-Cu-(Platinum Group Element) Deposit, McFaulds Lake Greenstone Belt, Superior Province, Canada, Economic Geology, vol. 117, pp. 1731-1759, 2022.
C. He, Li, J., Kontak, D. J., Jin, X., Wu, Y., Hu, H., Zu, B., Yu, X., Zhao, S., Du, S., Zhu, Y., and Tao, H., An Early Cretaceous gold mineralization event in the Triassic West Qinling orogen revealed from U-Pb titanite dating of the Ma’anqiao gold deposit, Science China Earth Sciences, 2022.
Y. Wang, C. Lesher, M., Lightfoot, P. C., Pattison, E. F., and J. Golightly, P., Genesis of Sublayer, Footwall Breccia, and Associated Ni-Cu-Platinum Group Element Mineralization in the Sudbury Igneous Complex, Economic Geology, vol. 117, pp. 1791-1807, 2022.
E. A. Roots, Hill, G. J., Frieman, B. M., Wannamaker, P. E., Maris, V., Calvert, A. J., Craven, J. A., Smith, R. S., and Snyder, D. B., Magmatic, hydrothermal and ore element transfer processes of the southeastern Archean Superior Province implied from electrical resistivity structure, Gondwana Research, vol. 105, pp. 84-95, 2022.
R. Haugaard, White, S., Jørgensen, T. R. C., Frieman, B., Meek, D., Zhou, X., Mathieu, L., and Ayer, J., Sedimentary processes, provenance, and tectonic control on fluvial sandstone geochemistry during Superior craton stabilization, Laurentia: Turning Points in the Evolution of a Continent. Geological Society of America, 2022.
N. Gaillard, Williams-Jones, A. E., Clark, J. R., Lypaczewski, P., Salvi, S., Perrouty, S., Piette-Lauzière, N., Guilmette, C., and Linnen, R. L., Mica composition as a vector to gold mineralization: Deciphering hydrothermal and metamorphic effects in the Malartic District, Québec, Ore Geology ReviewsOre Geology Reviews, 2018.
E. A. Wehrle, Tinkham, D. K., and McDonald, A. M., Mineral chemistry of gahnite from the Lalor metamorphosed VMS deposit, Snow Lake, MB, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2018.
R. Wang, Weinberg, R. F., Collins, W. J., Richards, J. P., and Zhu, D. -cheng, Origin of postcollisional magmas and formation of porphyry Cu deposits in southern Tibet, Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 181, pp. 122-143, 2018.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.822134-7
R. Wang, Weinberg, R. F., Collins, W. J., Richards, J. P., and Zhu, D. -cheng, Origin of postcollisional magmas and formation of porphyry Cu deposits in southern Tibet, Earth-Science Reviews, vol. 181, pp. 122-143, 2018.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.822134-7
D. J. Kontak and Waller, A., Petrography, mineral paragenesis, fluid inclusions and in situ SIMS stable isotope (O, S) of carbonate replace mineralized samples from western Canadian settings, 2018.
A. Lock, Wallschlager, D., Belzile, N., Spiers, G., and Gueguen, C., Rates and processes affecting As speciation and mobility in lake sediments during aging, Journal of Environmental Sciences (China), vol. 66, pp. 338-347, 2018.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20172103690790ArseniteContaminated groundwaterExchangeable fractionFractionation analysisKinetic modellingRedistributionSequential extraction procedureTransformation rates
Y. Wang, C. Lesher, M., Lightfoot, P. C., Pattison, E. F., and J. Golightly, P., Shock metamorphic features in mafic and ultramafic inclusions in the Sudbury igneous complex; implications for their origin and impact excavation, GeologyGeology, vol. 46, pp. 443-446, 2018.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2018-032311
Y. Wang, C. Lesher, M., Lightfoot, P. C., Pattison, E. F., and J. Golightly, P., Shock metamorphic features in mafic and ultramafic inclusions in the Sudbury Igneous Complex: Implications for their origin and impact excavation, GeologyGeology, 2018.
N. Zuccarelli, Lesher, C. M., Houlé, M. G., and Weston, R. J., Textural variations in the Eagle’s Nest Ni-Cu-(PGE) deposit and implications for magma dynamics in a chonolith, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2018.