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, “Geology, Petrology and Geochronology of the Late Cretaceous Klaza Epithermal Deposit: A Window into the Petrogenesis of an Emerging Porphyry Belt in the Dawson Range, Yukon, Canada”, Minerals, vol. 15, 2025.
, “Polyphase formation of a Neoarchean auriferous fault zone network in the Michipicoten greenstone belt, southern Superior craton”, Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, vol. 62, pp. 171-191, 2025.
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, “Application of Thermodynamic Modeling (Activity Diagrams) to Carbonated Ultramafic Rocks Associated with Orogenic Gold Environments”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 539-549, 2024.
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, “A case history using gravity data to validate alternate interpretations of the material below a deep seismic reflector in the Matheson area of Ontario, Canada”, Geophysics, pp. B443-B452, 2024.
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, “Evaluating the application of texture and chemistry of detrital tourmaline as an indicator of porphyry Cu mineralization: A case study from the Casino porphyry Cu-Au-Mo deposit, Yukon, Canada”, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, vol. 262, p. 107469, 2024.
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, “The geology of the Greenstone orogenic gold deposit, Geraldton, Ontario, Canada: Structural controls, mineralogy, geochemistry, and geochronology”, Ore Geology Reviews, vol. 175, p. 106345, 2024.
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, “Using Sulfide Mineral Chemistry to Understand PGE Mineralization Processes in the Platreef, Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa”, The Canadian Journal of Mineralogy and Petrology, vol. 62, pp. 683-712, 2024.