Publication Type:
Book ChapterSource:
The Precambrian Earth; tempos and events, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Volume 12, p.660-663 (2004)ISBN:
alluvial fans, alluvium, Archean, basin analysis, basins, biota, channel geometry, channels, clastic sediments, climate, deltas, Deposition, depositional environment, ecology, facies, floodplains, fluvial environment, fluvial features, fluvial sedimentation, geometry, granulometry, hydrology, mass movements, meanders, Precambrian, proterozoic, provenance, rainfall, Rivers, sediment supply, sediment transport, sedimentary basins, sedimentary structures, sedimentation, sediments, stratigraphic units, streams, upper Precambrian, vegetationNotes:
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.<br/>2010-020655