Publication Type:

Book Chapter


Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic mineralisation, Maney Publishing on behalf of Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, London, United Kingdom, Volume 116, p.188-200 (2007)




basalts, Canada, copper ores, crust, eastern canada, gabbros, host rocks, Huronian, igneous rocks, intrusions, magma contamination, magmatism, mantle, metal ores, metals, Mineral exploration, mineralization, nickel ores, Nipissing Diabase, Nipissing District Ontario, Ontario, Paleoproterozoic, partial melting, platinum group, platinum ores, plutonic rocks, Precambrian, proterozoic, sills, sulfides, tholeiite, Trace elements, upper Precambrian, volcanic rocks


The Shakespeare intrusion is comparable to a typical Nipissing gabbro showing tholeiitic affinities, LREE-depletion, and enrichment in HILE, typical of tholeiitic magmas that have experienced crustal contamination. The Shakespeare intrusion, however, appears to be more contaminated than other parts of the Nipissing gabbro. Overall, the original source region for the Shakespeare intrusion and other parts of the Nipissing gabbro possessed trace element characteristics transitioinal between MORB and E-MORB indicating a mild source enrichment. Sulphide saturation in the mineralized Upper Group magmas was probably the result of this contamination event. The resultant immiscible sulphide concentrated Ni, Cu and PGE and accumulated by gravitational settling at the base of the Upper Group during crystallization.


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