Publication Type:

Journal Article


Canadian Mineralogist, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Volume 44, Number 3, p.563-598 (2006)




crystallization, Feldspar, geochemistry, Granite, mineralogy, Petrology, Sedimentary rocks, sodium, Thermal gradients, volcanic rocks


The Brazil Lake pegmatite, in Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, enriched in Li, Ta and Rb, conforms to the LCT-suite classification. The pegmatite group, dominated by two subvertical sheets, is hosted by Silurian sedimentary and matic volcanic rocks that were deformed and metamorphose (600C, 3-4 kbar) during the ca. 410 Ma Acadian Orogeny. A U-Pb tantalite minimum age of 395 Ma for the pegmatite equates to an amagmatic event in this part of southern Nova Scotia, but given its location within a high-grade shear-zone environment, it is likely that a progenitor, crust-derived granite resides at depth. Sequential extraction of progressively more evolved melt-fractions, facilitated by compression in a shear-zone environment, resulted in generation of a melt with several wt.% Li2O. Pegmatite orientation and internal textures are consistent with intrusion into en echelon structures within a regionally extensive dextral shear-zone. The southern pegmatite, the focus of study, is dominated by spodumene and K-feldspar megacrysts (1-2 m) with intergranular spodumene - muscovite - albite - quartz and rare K-feldspar. The megacrysts are generally oriented perpendicular to the contact, and there is a notable absence of an aplite wall-zone, quartz-rich core, and miarolitic cavities. Instead, extensive areas of saccharoidal albite occur after pre-existing K-feldspar megacrysts. The albite-rich zones host most of the Ta-Nb oxide mineralization, as indicated from extensive sampling and geochemical analyses. Most of the muscovite is also of secondary origin, its paragenesis being tied to albite formation. This muscovite sequestered the K and Rb liberated from destruction of K-feldspar and also is enriched in columbite-group phases. The Brazil Lake pegmatite represents an excellent example of an albite-spodumene-type pegmatite overprinted by late-stage albite-rich replacement units. Replacement of K-feldspar by the albite resulted from alkali exchange between a Na-rich melt and an already crystallized, crystal-rich body (K-feldspar + spodumene) that was driven by chemical and thermal gradients. In addition, the Li-rich nature of the melt delayed the onset of Ta-Nb-Sn oxide mineral crystallization, thus leading to enrichment of these elements in the latter stages of melt evolution. The observations noted here are not unique, as Ta-Nb enrichment in albite-rich zones of like pegmatites is observed globally; hence, this interpretation has universal application.


Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.<br/>20063710112374<br/>Albite-spodumene<br/>Columbite group<br/>LCT pegmatite