Publication Type:

Journal Article


Exploration and Mining Geology, Pergamon Press [for the] Geological Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, New York - Oxford, International, Volume 6, Number 1, p.23-33 (1997)




Abitibi Belt, Canada, Canadian Shield, case studies, Cochrane District Ontario, eastern canada, geochemical methods, igneous rocks, Mineral exploration, mineral resources, North America, Ontario, Precambrian, regional, reserves, sulfides, superior province, Timmins Ontario, volcanic rocks


This method is presented, using a simplified case of volcanic-associated massive sulphide type deposits as an example. Geological, geochemical, and geophysical criteria are considered on local and regional levels. The local geological criteria are subdivided into: stratigraphy, lithology, alteration and/or mineralization and structure. The concept of geomerit index and a procedure for computing this index are introduced. The method of consistency-driven pairwise comparisons can be combined with other quantitative and qualitative assessment methods, enhancing them by incorporation of non-measurable geological critera and by computation of weights. The consistency-driven approach allows experts to refine at-times subjective judgments concerning exploration and land-use planning, and contributes to the improvement of mineral-potential assessments.


GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.<br/>1998-034240<br/>Kidd Creek Deposit