Publication Type:

Journal Article


Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, Springer International, Heidelberg-New York, International, Volume 136, Number 1-2, p.111-130 (1999)




crust, East Pacific, East Pacific Rise, faults, harzburgite, igneous rocks, lower crust, mantle, metasomatism, mid-ocean ridges, ocean floors, Pacific Ocean, peridotites, plate tectonics, plutonic rocks, sea-floor spreading, serpentinization, spreading centers, strike-slip faults, transform faults, transition zones, ultramafics, upper mantle


Mafic and ultramafic rocks sampled in the Garrett transform fault at 13 degrees 28' on the EPR provide insight into magmatic processes occurring under a fast-spreading ridge system. Serpentinized harzburgite has modal, mineral and bulk chemical compositions consistent with being mantle residue of a high degree of partial melting. Geothermometric calculations using olivine-spinel pairs indicate a mean T of 759 + or - 25 degrees C for Garrett residual harzburgite similar to the average of 755 degrees C for tectonite peridotites from slow-spreading ridges. Results of this study show that MOR peridotites are subject to both fractional melting and metasomatic processes. Magma-harzburgite interactions are very well preserved as pyroxenite lenses, plagioclase dunite pockets or dunitic wall rock to intrusive gabbros. Ferrogabbro dykes have been intruded at the ridge-transform intersection; as they represent the last event in a succession of gabbro intrusives into the peridotite, they probably constrain the origin of the entire peridotite massif to the same location.


GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.<br/>2000-016122<br/>Garrett Massif<br/>Garrett transform fault