Publication Type:

Book Chapter


Summary of field work and other activities 2003, Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, p.41.1-41.41.8 (2003)




Abitibi Belt, Archean, base metals, Blake River Group, Canada, Canadian Shield, copper ores, deformation, eastern canada, faults, government agencies, Greenstone Belts, intrusions, mapping, massive deposits, massive sulfide deposits, metal ores, Metallogeny, metamorphic belts, Metamorphic rocks, metasedimentary rocks, metavolcanic rocks, mineral composition, mineral deposits, genesis, Mineral exploration, mines, North America, Ontario, Ontario Geological Survey, petrography, Precambrian, progress report, report, stratigraphic units, stratigraphy, superior province, survey organizations, zinc ores


GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.<br/>2010-044280<br/>Ben Nevis Ontario<br/>Clifford Ontario<br/>Katrine Ontario