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Sean Brace

Sean Brace

MSc Geology Student, Metal Earth

Syenite-associated gold mineralization along the Lincoln-Nippissing Shear which is south of the Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone

Originally from Mississauga, Sean graduated from the University of Waterloo with a B.Sc. Honours degree in Earth Sciences - Geology Specialization. During his internship opportunities through Waterloo, Sean worked with the University of Waterloo Earth Sciences Museum to give guided tours of on campus exhibits, taught geology, paleonotology and hydrology to groups of all ages. In addition, Sean also worked underground in Balmertown for Goldcorp in the high grade zone of their world class gold deposit and for Teck Coal in Fernie, British Columbia as a student geologist at Elkview Operations which is a large-scale, open pit, metallurgical coal mining project.

Sean joined the Metal Earth Project in 2017 as a MSc student studying igneous petrology and economic geology. His research is focused on the syenite-associated gold mineralization along the Lincoln-Nippissing Shear which is south of the Larder Lake-Cadillac Deformation Zone.



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