Publication Type:
Book ChapterSource:
The Precambrian Earth; tempos and events, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Volume 12, p.311-333 (2004)ISBN:
Africa, Archean, Asia, Australasia, australia, back-arc basins, basalts, basins, cratons, crust, diorites, Europe, Fennoscandian Shield, flood basalts, Geomorphology, gneisses, granites, Greenstone Belts, igneous rocks, India, Indian Peninsula, intrusions, island arcs, Kaapvaal Craton, KOMATIITE, lithofacies, lithostratigraphy, mantle, mantle plumes, metamorphic belts, Metamorphic rocks, North America, oceanic crust, ophiolite, paleoenvironment, pilbara craton, plate tectonics, plutonic rocks, Precambrian, proterozoic, pyroclastics, Scandinavia, Sedimentary rocks, sedimentation, Southern Africa, stratigraphic units, tectonics, terranes, tholeiitic composition, tonalite, upper Precambrian, volcanic features, volcanic rocks, VOLCANISM, Western Australia, Western Europe, zoningNotes:
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