Publication Type:

Book Chapter


Mineral deposits of Nunavut, Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, QC, Canada, Volume 13, p.129-137 (2004)




brittle deformation, Canada, conjugate fractures, deformation, dikes, extension, fabric, faults, fractures, gold ores, Hudsonian Orogeny, intrusions, metal ores, Metallogeny, Metamorphic rocks, metasedimentary rocks, metavolcanic rocks, mineral deposits, genesis, Mineral exploration, oblique orientation, orogenic belts, plutons, Precambrian, proterozoic, Saskatchewan, shear zones, structural analysis, structural controls, systems, tectonics, tension, upper Precambrian, veins, Western Canada


Quartz veins at the Mufferaw gold prospect and Komis gold deposit, northern Saskatchewan, are examples of oblique-extension veins that crystallized in shear and tensile fractures, which propagated and then opened oblique to their walls during a single continuous deformation event. The Mufferaw gold prospect consists of an interlinked mesh of conjugate shear fractures, tensile fractures, and veins. Oblique-extension veins crystallized in conjugate shear fractures, which opened during dilation of intersecting tensile fractures under the same far-field stress system. At the Komis gold mine, tensile and dextral shear fractures cut across granodiorite dikes. The tensile fractures formed perpendicular to the dike margins during stress transfer from the less-competent country rocks to the more-competent dikes. During extension of the dikes oblique to the bulk extension direction in the country rocks, the tensile fractures were reactivated as sinistral shear fractures. The reactivated tensile fractures and dextral shear fractures opened oblique to their walls, parallel to the bulk extension direction, and were sealed by the deposition of oblique-extension veins during the same deformation event.


GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.<br/>2006-021499<br/>Komis Mine<br/>Mufferaw Prospect