PDAC Blog: Metal Earth health and safety program allows for exploration activity

Learning about MERC's plans to move forward with a reduced Metal Earth field season due to COVID-19, the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada was interested in learning about how teams adapted.

Metal Earth Atikokan Transect Crew at Little Falls Scenic Lookout, August 2020

Our successful, yet shortened, field season would not have been possible without a strong safety culture and high levels of vigilance demonstrated by all of our team members, including our Atikokan Transect crew, pictured at Little Falls Scenic Lookout.

Check out the PDAC blog post by Taus R. C. Jørgensen, Research Associate, Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC), Harquail School of Earth Sciences, Laurentian University. If nothing else, the pandemic has strengthened our resolve to stay safe and look after one another. 

Pictured are (L-R): Mohamed Farhat, MSc student Metal Earth; Gabrielle Fouillard, MSc student Metal Earth; Dr. Bruno Lafrance, Structural Geology professor at Harquail School of Earth Sciences, and Metal Earth Associate Director; and Khadija Kadu, field assistant from the University of Waterloo.

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