New MSc Collaboration Labrador Gold Corp.

MERC Welcomes MSc candidate, Sam Attersley, starting on a collaboration project with Labrador Gold Corp in September. 

Sam’s project will be done in collaboration between MERC and Labrador Gold Corp. (LAB) who has a large land position covering the Mesoarchean Florence Lake greenstone belt in the Nain province of eastern Labrador. LAB is conducting an aggressive exploration program in this area focused mainly on gold systems. The MSc project is focused on the regional framework of the greenstone belt, focused on the volcanic stratigraphy, identifying coherent panels of strata and developing an understanding of the regional scale fault systems that juxtapose these rocks. It will be co-supervised by Ross Sherlock and John Ayer.

Sam graduated from Memorial in May 2015 with a HBSc and has been employed since on various contracts with mining and exploration companies, including two summer field seasons with Labrador Gold working in the Florence Lake greenstone belt in Labrador

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