MSc & PhD Opportunities with Metal Earth

Canada’s largest mineral exploration research project, Metal Earth, is seeking MSc & PhD students to join the project

A seven-year $104 million research initiative, Metal Earth, led by the Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC) at Laurentian University has attracted researchers from around the world to uncover key characteristics and processes that are responsible for Earth’s differential base and precious metal endowment. The project aims to develop an understanding of these processes and to apply them to other jurisdictions with similar geologic environments, thus providing better area selection tools to reduce exploration risk.


Opportunities with Metal Earth 

To view full position descriptions and information on how to apply, visit our careers page here.


Start Date


MSc projects in Volcanology, Structural Geology, Geochemistry and Economic Geology in Archean Greenstone Belts

(4 positions available)

May 2019 

Prof Bruno Lafrance **Applications closing March 31st. Review of applications will start immediately until all the positions have been filled.

MSc in Exploration Geochemistry and Mineral Prospectivity


Prof Leonardo Feltrin

MSc Gold Fingerprinting Project

May 2019

Harold Gibson - 

MSc project on the vanadium deposits of the Lac Doré Complex (UQAC University)

Spring or Sept 2019

Prof Lucie Mathieu

PhD project on syntectonic magmatism in the Abitibi and Wabigoon subprovinces (UQAC University)

Spring or Sept 2019

Prof Lucie Mathieu

PhD project in Volcanology and Geochemistry in Archean Greenstone Belts

May 2019

Prof Robert Lodge

PhD project on petrogenesis and metallogenic implications of post-tectonic lamprophyres and other mafic magmas from the Superior Province, Canada

Sept 2019

Prof Jeremy Richards

PhD Project in Passive Seismic Studies

Sept 2019

Prof Mostafa Naghizadeh

Post Doctoral Fellow/Research Associate in Greenstone Belt Geology

April 2019

Prof Bruno Lafrance



Upcoming Events

  • PDAC 2025

    Sunday, March 2nd
    Time: -

  • Spring Open House

    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada