Metal Earth Field Crew 2019

Metal Earth field crew departs for third field season across 11 transects

Image: Metal Earth Field Crew 2019

The week of May 27th, 2019, 10 Research Associates, 20 MSc and PhD students, and 25 Field Assistants departed to various locations across Northern Ontario and Quebec to conduct field work over the summer. This summer, the crew will be collecting data across 11 transects including two new transects, Sturgeon and Rainy River. There will also be a Geophysics team as well as thematic project researchers out in the field.  Updates from each transect will be given throughout the summer on MERC social media pages and under news/research updates. See the full field crew and research locations below!

1. Rainy River


Gaten Launay (RA), Mattea MacRae (MSc), Dylan Cushman-Albano (FA), Jaime Guerard (FA)


2. Stormy/Dryden



Ben Frieman (RA), Rebecca Montsion (PhD), Kendra Zammit (MSc), David Downie (MSc), Mtshidiso Modiba (MSc), Amokelani Mavundza, (MSc), Luc Le Léannec (FA), Luke Smith (FA), Jordan Peterzon (FA), Lauren Norenberg (FA)


3. Sturgeon Lake


Chong Ma (RA), Marius Etienne (PhD), Mac Valliant (FA), Grayson Soetaert (FA)


4. Onaman-Geraldton


Zsuzsanna Tóth (RA), Keaton Strongman (PhD), Anna Haataja (MSc), Benjamin Mark (MSc), Kav Loklyana (FA), Yuxuan Li (FA), Jacod Pinter (FA), Amir Sandarusi (FA)


5-6. Swayze/Matheson


Rasmus Haugaard (RA)


7. Ben-Nevis Larder Lake


Kate Rubingh (RA),Stefanie Kisluk (MSc), Catherine Gavaris (FA), Alexa Matwyczuk (FA), Logan Krueger (FA)


8. Cobalt


Shawna White (RA), Louise Rush (MSc), Bradley Piché (FA), Ryan Wells (FA)


9. Rouyn Noranda


Taus Joergensen (RA), Marina Schofield (PhD), Michael Langa (FA)


10. Amos-Malartic


Xiaohui Zhou (RA)


11. Chibougamau


Pierre Bedeaux (RA), Marie Kieffer (MSc), Julien Huguet (MSc), Adrien Boucher (MSc), Belahaly Brandy Marcel (FA), Nesrine Molkchah (FA) 



Fabiano Della Justina (MSc), Hou En (Matthew) Lin (FA)




Nicholas Estrada (MSc), Dylan McKevitt (PhD), Michael Zamroutian (FA), Luke Smith (FA)


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    Sunday, March 2nd
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    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada