Lithological and structural setting of the Cubric nickel showing, Southern Manneville fault, southern Abitibi Subprovince, Quebec

The Abitibi greenstone belt is known for its numerous gold and copper-zinc mineral deposits. Lessknown nickel mineralization is hosted in supracrustal rocks of the La Motte–Vassan formation of the Malartic group. This includes the past-producing Marbridge deposit, which was mined in the 1960s, and four other nickel showings, including the Cubric, Ataman, Cominco and La Motte–Leblanc nickel showings (Jolin, 2015). The genesis of nickel mineralization at the Cubric nickel showing is poorly understood due to its geological complexity, especially since it is hosted in a high-strain zone along the Southern Manneville fault. In the summer of 2017, a M.Sc. thesis mapping project on the Cubric nickel showing was initiated as part of the Malartic-transect mapping program of a Metal Earth initiative. The goal of this thesis project is to study the stratigraphic and structural setting of nickel mineralization at the Cubric nickel showing to see how it compares with that in the Marbridge mine area.

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