HES and MERC Exhibit at PDAC 2022

MERC, the Harquail School of Earth Sciences, and the Goodman School of Mines will be exhibiting at PDAC in Toronto from June 13-15.

Visit our booth to discuss programs, courses, research and career opportunities, partnerships, and more. 

Don't miss the following activities/presentations:

  • Archean Gold Deposits in Canada 

    Technical Session: 11:00 - 11:22 AM, June 14. Gold metallogeny of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt; Speaker: Ross Sherlock, Mineral Exploration Research Centre (MERC), Sudbury, Canada  

  • Student Minerals Colloquium

    Join us for the 13th annual Student Minerals Colloquium poster competition, which takes place in Toronto from June 13-15 and online June 28-29. Six student researchers from the Harquail School of Earth Sciences (HES) will be presenting their research at PDAC, with support from MERC and HES.    

Upcoming Events

  • PDAC 2025

    Sunday, March 2nd
    Time: -

  • Spring Open House

    Saturday, March 15th
    Time: 09:30am - 03:00pm
    Location: 935 Ramsey Lake Rd, Sudbury, ON P3E 6H6, Canada