M. L. Bouchard and Turner, E. C., Stratigraphy of the Mount Clark, Mount Cap and Saline River formations in the Hornaday River canyon, Northwest Territories (NTS 97A), 2017.
M. L. Bouchard and Turner, E. C., Stratigraphy of the Mount Clark, Mount Cap and Saline River formations in the Horanday River canyon, Northwest Territories (NTS 97A), 2017.
C. Mayer, Jugo, J., and Leybourne, M., Strontium isotope stratigraphy of the Platreef: a tool for correlation with the rest of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
D. Hyden and Lafrance, B., Structural controls on gold mineralization within the Walsh formation of the Yellowknife greenstone belt, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
J. A. McDivitt, Lafrance, B., Kontak, D. J., and Robichaud, L., The Structural Evolution of the Missanabie-Renabie Gold District: Pre-orogenic Veins in an Orogenic Gold Setting and Their Influence on the Formation of Hybrid Deposits, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 112, pp. 1959-1975, 2017.
J. A. McDivitt, Lafrance, B., Kontak, D. J., and Robichaud, L., The structural evolution of the Missanabie-Renabie gold district; pre-orogenic veins in an orogenic gold setting and their influence on the formation of hybrid deposits, Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, vol. 112, pp. 1959-1975, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2018-027466Magino DepositMissanabie-Renabie mining districtSuperior Craton
B. Samson, Zhou, X., and Lafrance, B., Structural geology of the Timiskaming and Cadillac groups along the Malartic segment of the Larder Lake-Cadillac deformation zone and implications for gold mineralization, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, northwestern Quebec, 2018-07, 2017.
B. Samson, Zhou, X., and Lafrance, B., Structural geology of the Timiskaming and Cadillac groups along the Malartic segment of the Larder Lake–Cadillac deformation zone and implications for gold mineralization, Abitibi greenstone belt, northwestern Quebec, 2017.
R. C. Hunter, Lafrance, B., and Thomas, D., A structural investigation of the Thelon and Judge Sissons faults, northeast Thelon Basin, central Rae Domain, Nunavut, Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 172, 2017.
S. Perrouty, Gaillard, N., Piette-Lauzière, N., Mir, R., Bardoux, M., Olivo, G. R., Linnen, R. L., Berube, C. L., Lypaczewski, P., Guilmette, C., Feltrin, L., and Morris, W. A., Structural setting for Canadian Malartic style of gold mineralization in the Pontiac Subprovince, south of the Cadillac Larder Lake Deformation Zone, Quebec, Canada, Ore Geology ReviewsOre Geology Reviews, vol. 84, pp. 185-201, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.793866-11
J. Ogilvy and McDonald, A., A study of Ni-bearing sulfides from the Parkin Offset, Sudbury, ON, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
N. Zuccarelli, Houlé, M. G., and Lesher, C. M., Sulfide textural variations and multiphase ore emplacement in the Eagle’s Nest Ni-Cu-PGE deposit, McFaulds Lake greenstone belt, Ontario, Canada, in 14th Biennial SGA Meeting, Québec City, 2017.
S. J. Barnes, Mungall, J. E., Le Vaillant, M., Godel, B., Lesher, C. M., Holwell, D., Lightfoot, P. C., Krivolutskaya, N., and Wei, B., Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits: Disseminated and net-textured ores, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 473-506, 2017.
S. J. Barnes, Mungall, J. E., Le Vaillant, M., Godel, B., C. Lesher, M., Holwell, D., Lightfoot, P. C., Krivolutskaya, N., and Wei, B., Sulfide-silicate textures in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ore deposits; disseminated and net-textured ores, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 473-506, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-043449Black Swan DepositInsizwa DepositKatinniq DepositKevitsa IntrusionPiaohechuan DepositRaglan BeltTalnakh Deposit
D. J. Kontak, A tale of two fluids in the Sandwich Point intrusion-related gold setting, South Mountain Batholith, Nova Scotia, Canada, Atlantic Geoscience Society 43rd Colloquium & Annual General Meeting, vol. 53. Atlantic Geoscience Society, Fredericton, NB, Canada, Fredericton, NB, Canada, pp. 131-132, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.815631-53
L. Bickerton, Kontak, D. J., and Samson, I., A tale of two ore zones in the ca. 375 Ma East Kemptville granite-hosted Sn-Cu-Zn-Ag-In deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada, Atlantic Geoscience Society 43rd Colloquium & Annual General Meeting, vol. 53. Atlantic Geoscience Society, Fredericton, NB, Canada, Fredericton, NB, Canada, 2017.
L. Bickerton, Kontak, D., Samson, I., and Murphy, B., A tale of two ore zones in the East Kemptville granite-hosted Sn-Cu-Zn-Ag-In deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada, Atlantic Geology 43rd Colloquium & Annual General Meeting, vol. 53. Atlantic Geoscience Society, Fredericton, NB, Canada, Fredericton, NB, pp. 131-132, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.815631-10
L. ; Bickerton, Kontak, D. J. ;, Samson, I. ;, and Murphy, B., A tale of two ore zones in the, East Kemptville granite-hosted Sn-Cu-Zn-Ag-In deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
K. Neyedley, Hanley, J. J., Fayek, M., and Kontak, D. J., Textural, Fluid Inclusion, and Stable Oxygen Isotope Constraints on Vein Formation and Gold Precipitation at the 007 Deposit, Rice Lake Greenstone Belt, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 112, pp. 629-660, 2017.
K. Neyedley, Hanley, J. J., Fayek, M., and Kontak, D. J., Textural, fluid inclusion, and stable oxygen isotope constraints on vein formation and gold precipitation at the 007 deposit, rice lake greenstone belt, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada, Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, vol. 112, pp. 629-660, 2017.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20171103440420Dissolution-reprecipitationFlow-through systemsFluid inclusion microthermometryPrecipitation eventsRayleigh fractionationStability boundariesStable oxygen isotopesTemperature dependent
I. M. Chappell, Lafrance, B., and Kontak, D. J., Two gold mineralisation events east of Matheson, Ontario, Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 55, 2017.
I. Chappell, Lafrance, B., and Kontak, D. J., Two gold-bearing vein styles east of Matheson Ontario, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
R. Meek, Schindler, M., Kyser, K., and Hochella, Jr., M., Understanding the formation mechanism of uraninite on sulphide minerals at the nanometer scale, PDAC-SEG Student Minerals Colloquium. Toronto, ON, 2017.
M. Kerr, Hanley, J. J., Kontak, D. J., and Fayek, M., Upgrading of the Madrid orogenic gold deposit by later stage magmatic fluids, Hope Bay Greenstone Belt, Nunavut, Canada, European Current Research on Fluid Inclusions (ECROFI). Nancy, France, 2017.
M. C. Lesher, The ups and downs of magmatic Fe-Ni-Cu-(PGE) sulfide melts in large igneous complexes, Geological Association of Canada - Mineralogical Association of Canada Joint Annual Meeting, vol. 40. Kingston, ON, p. 222, 2017.