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“Petrographic and Mineral Chemical Characteristics of the Hoidas Lake Deposit, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada: Constraints on the Origin of a Distal Magmatic-Hydrothermal REE System”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 111, pp. 667-694, 2016.
, “Petrographic and mineral chemical characteristics of the hoidas lake deposit, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada: Constraints on the origin of a distal magmatic-hydrothermal REE system”, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 111, pp. 667-694, 2016.
, Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20161702293814Hydrothermal fluidsHydrothermal growthLight rare earth elementsMagmatic-hydrothermal systemsMineral chemicalsPaleoproterozoicRare earth oxideSaskatchewan , Canada