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“Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury”, Mineralium Deposita, vol. 49, pp. 175-198, 2014.
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“Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury”, Mineralium DepositaMineralium Deposita, vol. 49, pp. 175-198, 2014.
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“A geological, petrological, and geochronological study of the Grey Gabbro Unit of the Podolsky Cu-(Ni)-PGE deposit, Sudbury, Ontario, with a focus on the alteration related to the formation of sharp-walled chalcopyrite veins”, in Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; Canadian nickel-copper-platinum group elements-chromium ore systems; fertility, pathfinders, new and revised models, Geological Survey of Canada, Calgary, AB, Canada, 2015, pp. 287-301.
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“Late Mesoproterozoic rifting in Arctic Canada during Rodinia assembly; impactogens, trans-continental far-field stress and zinc mineralisation”, Terra Nova, vol. 28, pp. 188-194, 2016.
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“Petrogenesis and geodynamic evolution of the Paleoproterozoic ( approximately 1878 Ma) Trout Lake volcanogenic massive sulfide deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada”, A special issue on volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits of the Trans-Hudson Orogen, vol. 111. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, pp. 817-847, 2016.
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