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R. E. Hanson, Rioux, M., Gose, W. A., Blackburn, T. J., Bowring, S. A., Mukwakwami, J., and Jones, D. L., Paleomagnetic and geochronological evidence for large-scale post-1.88 Ga displacement between the Zimbabwe and Kaapvaal cratons along the Limpopo belt, GeologyGeology, vol. 39, pp. 487-490, 2011.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20111613930004Igneous provinceLateral displacementsOrogenic beltsPaleomagnetic dataPaleomagnetic polesRelative motionThermal historyZimbabwe Craton
J. Mukwakwami, Lafrance, B., and C. Lesher, M., Back-thrusting and overturning of the southern margin of the 1.85 Ga Sudbury igneous complex at the Garson Mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 196-197, pp. 81-105, 2012.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-049635backthrust faultsGarson MineLabradorian OrogenySouth Range
J. Mukwakwami, Lafrance, B., and Lesher, C. M., Back-thrusting and overturning of the southern margin of the 1.85Ga Sudbury Igneous Complex at the Garson mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Precambrian ResearchPrecambrian Research, vol. 196-197, pp. 81-105, 2012.
J. Mukwakwami, Lafrance, B., C. Lesher, M., Tinkham, D. K., Rayner, N. M., and Ames, D., Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni-Cu-PGE sulfide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury, Mineralium Deposita, vol. 49, pp. 175-198, 2014.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-030048Garson Mine
J. Mukwakwami, Lafrance, B., Lesher, C. M., Tinkham, D. K., Rayner, N. M., and Ames, D., Deformation, metamorphism, and mobilization of Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide ores at Garson Mine, Sudbury, Mineralium DepositaMineralium Deposita, vol. 49, pp. 175-198, 2014.
J. Mukwakwami, C. Lesher, M., and Lafrance, B., Geochemistry of deformed and hydrothermally mobilized magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ores at the Garson Mine, Sudbury, Economic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic GeologistsEconomic Geology and the Bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists, vol. 109, pp. 367-386, 2014.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-004500Garson Mine
J. Mukwakwami, Structural controls of Ni-Cu PGE ores and mobilization of metals at the Garson Mine, Sudbury, Laurentian University, 2014.