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A. M. McDonald, Grice, J. D., and Chao, G. Y., The crystal structure of yoshimuraite, a layered Ba-Mn-Ti silicophosphate, with comments on five-coordinated Ti (super 4+), The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 38, Part 3, pp. 649-656, 2000.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2000-066365silicophosphatesTaguchi Mineyoshimuraite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Natrolemoynite, a new hydrated sodium zirconosilicate from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description and structure determination, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 39, Part 5, pp. 1295-1306, 2001.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2002-034160lemoynitenatrolemoynitePoudrette Quarryzirconosilicates
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Martinite, a new borosilicate mineral from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada; description and crystal structure determination, in 18th general meeting of the International Mineralogical Association; mineralogy for the new millennium; programme with abstracts, vol. 18, I. Parsons, Ed. International Mineralogical Association, [location varies], International, 2002, p. 139.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-065595martinitePoudrette Quarry
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Haineaultite, a new hydrated sodium calcium titanosilicate from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description, structure determination and genetic implications, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 42, Part 3, pp. 769-780, 2004.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2005-013578haineaultitetitanosilicates
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Bobtraillite, (Na,Ca) (sub 13) Sr (sub 11) (Zr,Y,Nb) (sub 14) Si (sub 42) B (sub 6) O (sub 132) (OH) (sub 12) .12H (sub 2) O, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description, structure determination and relationship to benitoite and wad, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 43, Part 2, pp. 747-758, 2005.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2006-027658benitoitebobtraillitewadeite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Bobtraillite, (Na,Ca)13Sr11(Zr,Y,Nb)14 Si42B6O132(OH)12 &bull12H2O, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: Description, structure determination and relationship to benitoite and wadeite, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 43, pp. 747-758, 2005.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.2005299221277BobtrailliteConcoidal fractureNon-luminescent crystalsStructural hybrid
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Martinite, a new hydrated sodium calcium fluoroborosilicate species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec: Description, structure determination and genetic implications, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 45, pp. 1281-1292, 2007.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2008-063126martinitePoudrette Quarryreyerite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Lalondeite, a new hydrated Na-Ca fluorosilicate species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description and crystal structure, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 47, pp. 181-191, 2009.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2010-023196fluorosilicatelalondeiteMont Saint HilairePoudrette Quarryreyerite
A. M. McDonald and Chao, G. Y., Rogermitchellite, Na (sub 12) (Sr, Na) (sub 24) Ba (sub 4) Zr (sub 26) Si (sub 78) (B, Si) (sub 12) O (sub 246) (OH) (sub 24) .18H (sub 2) O; a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec; description, structure determination and relationship with, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 48, pp. 267-278, 2010.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2010-064038benitoitePoudrette Quarryrogermitchellitezirconosilicates