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M. Schindler, Hawthorne, F. C., Halden, N. M., Burns, P. C., and Maurice, P. A., Dissolution of uranyl-oxide-hydroxy-hydrate minerals. III. Billietite, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 45, pp. 945-962, 2007.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20074510908025BillietiteBond valenceEtch pitUranyl oxide minerals
M. Schindler, Hawthorne, F. C., Burns, P. C., and Maurice, P. A., Dissolution of uranyl-oxide-hydroxy-hydrate minerals. IV. Fourmarierite and synthetic Pb2(H2O) [(UO2)10UO12(OH)6 (H2O)2], Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 45, pp. 963-981, 2007.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20074510908026Bond valenceEtch pitFourmarieriteUranyl oxide minerals
M. Schindler and Hawthorne, F. C., The stereochemistry and chemical composition of interstitial complexes in uranyl-oxysalt minerals, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 46, pp. 467-501, 2008.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20083211429833Bond valence theoryH2O groupsInterstitial complexesMatching principleStructural unit
M. Schindler, Durocher, J. L., Abdu, Y., and Hawthorne, F. C., Hydrous silica coatings: Occurrence, speciation of metals, and environmental significance, Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 43, pp. 8775-8780, 2009.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20095212579054Acidic conditionsAverage concentrationEnvironmental significanceHydrous silicaLarge specific surface areasMetals and metalloidsSchwertmanniteSpectroscopic examination
M. Schindler, Durocher, J. L., Kotzer, T. G., and Hawthorne, F. C., Uranium-bearing phases in a U-mill disposal site in northern Canada; products of the interaction between leachate/raffinate and tailings material, Applied Geochemistry, vol. 29, pp. 151-161, 2013.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-030463Deilmann DepositGaertner Depositnorthwestern Saskatchewan
A. J. Lussier, Hawthorne, F. C., Abdu, Y. A., Ball, N. A., Tait, K. T., Back, M. E., Steede, A. H., Taylor, R., and McDonald, A. M., Ferro-Ferri-Nyboite from mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada: Correction, Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 55, pp. 515-516, 2017.
Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2018 Elsevier Inc.20172903963693CanadaChemical compositionsChemical formulaeMont Saint-HilaireNew amphiboles
A. J. Lussier, Hawthorne, F. C., Abdu, Y. A., Ball, N. A., Tait, K. T., Back, M. E., Steede, A. H., Taylor, R., and McDonald, A. M., Ferro-Ferri-Nybøite From Mont Saint-Hilaire, Québec, Canada: Correction, The Canadian MineralogistThe Canadian Mineralogist, vol. 55, pp. 515-516, 2017.
M. Schindler, Fayek, M., Courchesne, B., Kyser, K., and Hawthorne, F. C., Uranium-bearing opals; products of U-mobilization, diffusion, and transformation processes, American MineralogistAmerican Mineralogist, vol. 102, pp. 1154-1164, 2017.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2017-052109lussatitevorlanite