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E. C. Turner and Armstrong, D. K., Project Unit 10-028; Upper Ordovician stratigraphy of northern Ontario; differential subsidence and deposition in two Late Ordovician basins contemporaneous with Hirnantian glaciation and the Taconic Orogeny, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 32.1-32.22.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027755northern Ontario
L. Robichaud, McDivitt, J. A., and Trevisan, B. E., Project Unit 13-012; Geology and mineral potential of Rennie and Leeson Townships, Michipicoten greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 5.1-5.11.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027728Leeson OntarioRennie Ontario
M. Duguet, Duparc, Q., and Mayer, C., Project Unit 13-014; Geology and mineral potential of the Centennial Lake area, northeastern Central Metasedimentary Belt, Grenville Province, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 19.1-19.16.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027742Centennial Lake
S. J. Magnus, Hanewich, M., Kamo, S. L., and Petrus, J. A., Project Unit 14-002; Geochemistry and uranium-lead zircon geochronology of the Lang Lake greenstone belt, central Uchi Domain, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 4.1-4.30.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027727Lang Lake Belt
J. A. McDivitt, Lafrance, B., Kontak, D. J., and Robichaud, L., Project Unit 14-007; Characterization of gold mineralization in the Missanabie-Renabie District of the Wawa Gold Camp, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 6.1-6.10.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027729Missinaibi Lake BatholithRenabie MineWawa Gold Camp
E. C. G. Hastie, Lafrance, B., and Kontak, D. J., Project Unit 14-009; Observations on the Kenty and Rundle Deposits, Swayze greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 9.1-9.9.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027732Kenty DepositRundle Deposit
S. J. Magnus and Walker, J., Project Unit 15-004; Geology and mineral potential of Walsh, Tuuri and Syine Townships, Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone belt, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 14.1-14.12.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027737Schreiber-Hemlo greenstone beltSyine OntarioTuuri OntarioWalsh Ontario
C. A. Gordon, Simard, R. L., and Genereux, C. A., Project Units 15-010 and 15-019; Geology and low-sulphide platinum group element mineralization of Drury Township, South Range, Sudbury igneous complex, in Summary of field work and other activities, 2015, R. M. Easton, Bajc, A. F., Hamilton, S. M., Préfontaine, S., Duguet, M., Burnham, O. M., Parker, J. R., and Dyer, R. D., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2015, pp. 21.1-21.18.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2016-027744Drury OntarioSouth Range
K. E. Hahn and Armstrong, D. K., Project Unit 10-028; Petrographic analysis of Paleozoic strata in the Hudson Platform, northern Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 35.1-35.12.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101398northern Ontario
A. A. Sappin, Houlé, M. G., Lesher, C. M., and McNicoll, V. J., Project Unit 13-001; Overview of the mafic and ultramafic intrusions in the eastern Uchi Domain of the Superior Province, northern Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 51.1-51.16.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101414Caribou Terranenorthern Ontario
C. S. Spath, III, Lesher, C. M., and Houlé, M. G., Project Unit 13-002; Geology and genesis of mobilized chromitite in the Black Label Pyroxenite Zone of the Black Thor intrusive complex, McFaulds Lake greenstone belt, Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 54.1-54.7.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101417Black Lake Pyroxenite ZoneBlack Thor ComplexMcFaulds Lake Belt
N. Farhangi, Lesher, C. M., and Houlé, M. G., Project Unit 13-002; Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrogenesis of nickel-copper-platinum group element mineralization in the Black Thor intrusive complex, McFaulds Lake greenstone belt, Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 55.1-55.7.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101418Black Thor ComplexMcFaulds Lake Belt
K. Mehrmanesh, Carson, H. J. E., Lesher, C. M., and Houlé, M. G., Project Unit 13-002; Stratigraphy, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Black Label Chromitite Horizon, Black Thor intrusive complex, McFaulds Lake greenstone belt, Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 53.1-53.6.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101416Black Label Chromitite HorizonBlack Thor ComplexMcFaulds Lake Belt
H. J. E. Carson, Lesher, C. M., Houlé, M. G., Weston, R. J., and Shinkle, D. A., Project Unit 13-002; Stratigraphy, geochemistry and petrogenesis of the Black Thor intrusive complex and associated chromium and nickel-copper-platinum group element mineralization, McFaulds Lake greenstone belt, Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 52.1-52.15.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101415Black Thor ComplexMcFaulds Lake Belt
Z. Tóth, Lafrance, B., Dube, B., Mercier-Langevin, P., and McNicoll, V. J., Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; Lode gold deposits in ancient deformed and metamorphosed terranes; geological mapping and structural re-appraisal of the banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2013, G. P. Beakhouse, Easton, R. M., Bajc, A. F., Metsaranta, R. T., Burnham, O. M., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Duguet, M., Brunton, F. R., Barnett, P. J., Dyer, R. D., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2013, pp. 58.1-58.14.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2014-101421Geraldton Belt
R. W. D. Lodge, Project unit 10-010; Preliminary results of uranium-lead geochronology from the Shebandowan greenstone belt, Wawa Subprovince, in Summary of field work and other activities 2012, G. P. Beakhouse, Dyer, R. D., Easton, R. M., Burnham, O. M., Berger, B. R., Bajc, A. F., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Brunton, F. R., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2012, pp. 10.1-10.10.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-030140Shebandowan Belt
B. R. Berger and Lodge, R. W. D., Project unit 11-001; Report on geochronology for the south of Gogama area, in Summary of field work and other activities 2012, G. P. Beakhouse, Dyer, R. D., Easton, R. M., Burnham, O. M., Berger, B. R., Bajc, A. F., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Brunton, F. R., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2012, pp. 4.1-4.10.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-030134Gogama Ontario
D. Lewis, Kamo, S. L., and Lodge, R. W. D., Project unit 11-002; New geochemical and geochronological results from the Rowan Lake area, northwestern Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2012, G. P. Beakhouse, Dyer, R. D., Easton, R. M., Burnham, O. M., Berger, B. R., Bajc, A. F., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Brunton, F. R., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2012, pp. 9.1-9.10.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-030139northwestern OntarioRowan Lake
B. Lafrance, Tóth, Z., Dube, B., and Mercier-Langevin, P., Targeted Geoscience Initiative 4; Lode gold deposits in ancient deformed and metamorphosed terranes; geological setting of banded iron formation-hosted gold mineralization in the Geraldton area, northern Ontario, in Summary of field work and other activities 2012, G. P. Beakhouse, Dyer, R. D., Easton, R. M., Burnham, O. M., Berger, B. R., Bajc, A. F., Préfontaine, S., Hamilton, S. M., Brunton, F. R., Parker, J. R., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2012, pp. 48.1-48.10.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-030178Geraldton Ontario
D. Layton-Matthews, Lesher, C. M., Liwanag, J., Halden, N., Burnham, O. M., Hulbert, L., Peck, D. C., and Keays, R. R., Mineralogy, geochemistry, and genesis of komatiite-associated Ni-Cu-PGE mineralization in the Thompson nickel belt, Manitoba, in Magmatic Ni-Cu and PGE deposits; geology, geochemistry, and genesis, vol. 17, C. Li and Ripley, E. M., Eds. Society of Economic Geologists, Boulder, CO, United States, 2011, pp. 123-143.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-062790
R. W. D. Lodge, Project Unit 10-010; A progress report on the volcanology, stratigraphy and geodynamic setting of greenstone belts of age 2720 Ma near the Wawa-Quetico subprovincial boundary, in Summary of field work and other activities 2011, R. M. Easton, Burnham, O. M., Berger, B. R., Beakhouse, G. P., Bajc, A. F., Parker, J. R., Kelly, R. I., and Debicki, E. J., Eds. Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2011, pp. 11.1-11.13.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2013-009007
D. Layton-Matthews, Lesher, C. M., Burnham, O. M., Hulbert, L., Peck, D. C., Golightly, J. P., and Keays, R. R., Exploration for komatiite-associated Ni-Cu-(PGE) mineralization in the Thompson nickel belt, Manitoba, in The challenge of finding new mineral resources; global metallogeny, innovative exploration and new discoveries; Volume II, Zinc-lead, nickel-copper-PGE and uranium, vol. 15, Vol. II, R. J. Goldfarb, Marsh, E. E., and Thomas, M., Eds. Society of Economic Geologists, Littleton, CO, United States, 2010, pp. 513-538.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-072613Pipe Formation
M. L. Fiorentini, Barnes, S. J., Lesher, C. M., Heggie, G. J., Keays, R. R., and Burnham, O. M., Platinum Group Element Geochemistry of Mineralized and Nonmineralized Komatiites and Basalts, Economic GeologyEconomic Geology, vol. 105, pp. 795-823, 2010.
D. Layton-Matthews, Lesher, C. M., and Burnham, O. M., Geochemical signatures of contamination and metasomatism in magmatic Ni-Cu(-PGE) deposits, in SEG 2004; Predictive mineral discovery under cover; SEG conference and exhibition; extended abstracts, vol. 33, J. Muhling, Goldfarb, R. J., Vielreicher, N., Bierlein, F. P., Stumpfl, E. F., Groves, D. I., Kenworthy, S., and Knox-Robinson, C. M., Eds. University of Western Australia, Geology Department and Extension Service, Perth, West. Aust., Australia, 2004, p. 433.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2006-018859platinum group ores
M. Levesque, Lesher, C. M., Burnham, O. M., and Vicker, P. A., Chemistry of relict igneous olivines in komatiitic peridotites of the Raglan Formation in the Katinniq area, Cape Smith Belt, Nouveau-Quebec, in Saskatoon 2000; from plains to shield; the making of a continent's interior, vol. 27, Geological Association of Canada, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 2002, p. 68.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2012-080287Chukotat GroupKatinnig QuebecRaglan Formation