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J. W. F. Ketchum, Ayer, J. A., van Breemen, O., Pearson, N. J., and Becker, J. K., Pericontinental crustal growth of the southwestern Abitibi Subprovince, Canada; U-Pb, Hf, and Nd isotope evidence, in A special issue devoted to base metal and gold metallogeny at regional, camp, and deposit scales in the Abitibi greenstone belt, vol. 103, J. A. Ayer, Thurston, P. C., and Lafrance, B., Eds. Economic Geology Publishing Company, Lancaster, PA, United States, 2008, pp. 1151-1184.
GeoRef, Copyright 2018, American Geological Institute.2009-020484Bardney BatholithKenogamissi ComplexRice Lake BatholithRound Lake BatholithRound Lake ComplexSomme Pluton