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“Autochthonous development of Superior Province greenstone belts?”, in Evolution of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt and adjacent terranes; insights from geochronology, geochemistry, structure and facies analysis, vol. 115, Elsevier, Amsterdam, International, 2002, pp. 11-36.
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“Spatial and temporal variations in the geochemistry of komatiites and komatiitic basalts in the Abitibi greenstone belt”, in Evolution of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt and adjacent terranes; insights from geochronology, geochemistry, structure and facies analysis, vol. 115, Elsevier, Amsterdam, International, 2002, pp. 153-186.
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“Supercooled rocks; development and significance of varioles, spherulites, dendrites and spinifex in Archaean volcanic rocks, Abitibi greenstone belt, Canada”, in Evolution of the Archean Abitibi greenstone belt and adjacent terranes; insights from geochronology, geochemistry, structure and facies analysis, vol. 115, Elsevier, Amsterdam, International, 2002, pp. 311-328.
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“A North Caribou superterrane in the Superior craton, North America”, Precambrian Research, vol. 403, p. 107329, 2024.